AGM calling notice

Club secretary Steph writes: I know you’re still enjoying summer warmth but in fact it’s almost time for our AGM and time to get on with the arrangements for it.

Please see the notice reproduced below, calling for our AGM on Wednesday 11th October 2023. This year will see a return to an ‘in-person’ format in the plush surroundings of the Sea-Cadet centre.

During the AGM, the 2023-2024 committee will be elected to steer club operations for the next year.

Sign up sheets have been posted on the club notice-board for nominations for ordinary committee and officer positions.

Committee positions are open to all members of the club new and established who can commit some time to the monthly meetings and assist with the functioning of the club. We would encourage all members to think about making this valuable contribution to our club; gather two proposers and pop your names on the sheets by the 26th September.

Queries should be directed to

Queensferry Rowing Club
Annual General Meeting, Wednesday 11th October 2023

Calling Notice
The Annual General Meeting of Queensferry Rowing Club will be held on Wednesday 11th October 2023, 7.30pm in the Sea Cadet Boat Station, Port Edgar.
A draft agenda and minutes of the previous AGM will be sent via email or letter to members at the end of September. They will also be posted on the Club website.
Any additions to the agenda should be made known to Stephanie Durning,
Secretary, via by 3rd October 2023.
Nominations for any position in the Committee should be notified to the
Secretary by 5pm on Tuesday 26th September 2023 with Proposers and
Seconders (Please remember to propose or second next to the nominations). A Nomination Sheet has been posted in the Shed also, and will be available there until the same time.
In the event that there are more nominations than the required four Office Bearers and not more than seven members, a vote will be held at the AGM Any current Committee member who decides not to stand for re-election should inform the Secretary by the 3rd of October.

The current Committee are:
Marianne Sandison, Captain
Mike Breewood, Vice-Captain
Anne Purcell, Treasurer
Stephanie Durning, Secretary
John Howell, Beth Christie, Lesley Jones and Louise Innes.