Mike B writes: As of this weekend, we are back on the water.

Some weeks ago a survey was carried out to ask how members categorised the COVID risk level they were prepared to accept when rowing – the results of that survey allowed us to create three categories of rowers from whom to draw crew members when scheduling rowing slots. If you missed the survey, or preferred not to reply to it, but would now like to take part in rowing once more, please could you email me directly on mikebreewood@gmail.com to confirm which category of rower you would like to row with.
The three categories of rower are:
- General rowers (rowers who are happy to go out and about in the community and have no especial COVID risk factors to consider)
- Limited Exposure rowers (rowers who have been limiting their exposure to the wider community)
- Shielding rowers (rowers who have been in shielding or in a defined bubble and wish only to row with others who have been shielding or bubbling)
As rowing slots are scheduled, we will ensure that slots are available for each category of rower in proportion to the numbers of members in each category. The RPs have been separately surveyed and grouped in the same way, so as to ensure that the entire crew fits into the same category for each row.
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact me.