Rachel writes: The tide is low again on Saturday morning, and we have an opportunity before our Man Overboard training at 11am to get on to the breakwater and have a clear up. This is all part of the Queensferry Rowing Club’s Green Flag effort.

When we were on the breakwater the last time, there was a lot of damaging plastics and ropes, and lots more rubbish evident. Please come along and help as a club group. We are recording all our plastics and waste removal as part of our report, but primarily we are attempting to keep Port Edgar Marina free of this waste on a regular basis. There are always nurdles to remove also.
Take Five for the Forth is our slogan!
So, the schedule for Saturday April 4th is:
09.30 — Breakwater clean up. Sturdy shoes and rubber gloves needed.
11.00 — MOB training.
Many thanks, hope to see some of you there.