Club historian Mike McD writes: This was the first joint meeting of the SCRP-Q Committee with the newly formed QRC Committee. In attendance – Mike McDowall, John Howell, Stuart Mitchell, Ranald Mackay, Graham Leith, Stuart Ridge, Alan Meldrum, Peter Locke, with Billy Scott, Neil McPhail, Siobhan Johnson, and Denise Havard.
A very successful ‘Music to Rock your Boat 2’ was held on Saturday the 4th. We had an audience of 130, more than twice what we expected. Entertaining us, (and providing a big following of fans!), were the High School band ‘The Shenanigans’ thanks to their drummer, Jordan Harvey (next-door neighbour to Mike). Jordan has since gone on to make a successful career as a session drummer, singer/songwriter in America. He even had a guest appearance in one episode of ‘Neighbours’ two years ago. We also had ‘Stevenson’s Rockets’, a band of music students from Stevenson College, led by saxaphonist Bruce Whitehead. (Bruce, who is a freelance journalist in Queensferry, was studying there at the time.)
It was reported that we had had a visit from Margaret Smith MSP on 19th February (see photo below) and there was lots of good news – the trailer was on order and expected in a fortnight. John Watson had already converted four of the oars obtained from the Canal Society; six lengths of timber had been collected from Fife, and the boat cover was also on order. It was also agreed that we would buy a Rowing machine!!

All the arrangements were in place for the Launch and the Ceilidh, and Lord Hopetoun had agreed to become the Patron of the new Rowing Club. He wished to pay a visit to see the boat and meet the members. Further discussion took place on things that the Rowing Club would need to pursue – Election of Office Bearers; Club colours (the proposed logo had been accepted); Teams for the Regatta; Constitution, Operating rules, Subscriptions and procuring the Boat shed at Port Edgar.
Still lots to do! Next meeting 22 March.