Good tides all week! – posted 25 Apr 2016
Queensferry tides mesh well with regular sessions and training rows this week. Make the most of them, because it’s back to challenging tides the week after!
Tuesday 26th April
17.43pm —- 4.37m H
23.49pm —- 1.02m L
Wednesday 27th April
12.11pm —- 0.99m L
18.22pm —- 4.14mH
Thursday 28th April
12.55pm —- 1.19m L
19.09pm —- 3.91m H
Saturday 30th April
08.30am —- 3.83m H
15.00pm —- 1.40m L
Sunday 1st May
09.46am —- 3.85m H
16.17pm —- 1.28m L
The social rowing times are 6pm Tuesday and Thursday, 9am Saturday and 1pm Sunday. Channel 5 will be filming one boat on Tuesday evening and from 4pm on Thursday — a crew’s already been organised for that. They’re making a documentary about the bridges. Len and the boat will feature prominently, but the producer has asked that we keep quiet on the details until the documentary is aired in the autumn.
Rotary visit – posted 1 May 2016
Donna and Peter visited the Queensferry Rotary Club last week to give a talk on coastal rowing. It went very well – and may boost the steady flow of new members finding their way down to the shed for social sessions now summer is nearer. (though with snow on the hills it may not seem that way!)

And speaking of weather, here’s a dramatic photo taken by Rachel H shortly before a row last week – the race training crew were soon rowing through hail!
Andy’s garden creations – posted 1 May 2016
When you’re next in the shed, check out the colourful array of garden ornaments on the table at the back. Andy has kindly donated these to the club. He created them himself, casting concrete in moulds and painting them. The detail and quality of the paintwork is wonderful. If you want one make a donation in the box. They are already proving popular, so be quick!
Terrible tides – posted 3 May 2016
Rachel reports that there are really low tides at wrong times for us this week. So, NO ROWING evening sessions Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday!
There is still plenty of water during the day for would-be rowers however. A crew has already been organised for Wednesday lunchtime.
The weekend tides are a bit better:
Saturday May 7th
09.17am —- 0.05m L
15.27pm —- 5.50m H
Social rowing can start from 11am, there will enough water to launch just after that – please come along!
Sunday May 8th
10.03am —- 0.14m L
16.15am —- 5.46m H
Normal rowing time of 1pm.
Peter’s new horizons – posted 3 May 2016
Peter’s plans to celebrate his retirement with a row to Hound Point for a picnic were thwarted by the weather, but a good crowd gathered in the shed to wish him well, and two crews – one coxed by Peter – ventured out into the firth for an exhilarating ride on the white horses.
The club presented Peter with a pair of whisky glasses, which he promised to make good use of, and a beautiful model of a St Ayles skiff in club livery, crafted by Mike McD.
Dónal has posted some more photos on the Facebook page.
Good tides, good weather – posted 9 May 2016
We have a great week of tides ahead, to suit our rowing times. As a bonus, there’s no sign of rain in the weather forecast.
Tuesday May 10th
11.38am —- 0.11m L
17.54pm —- 4.95m H
Wednesday May 11th
12.29pm —- 0.4 m L
18.47 pm —- 4.57m H
Thursday May 12th
13.25pm —- 0.73m L
19.47pm —- 4.19m H
Saturday May 14th
09.08 am —- 3.96m H
15.41pm —- 1.20 m L
Sunday May 15th
10.20 am —- 3.81m H
16.52pm —- 1.25m L
Ferry Maid will be going to Loch Tummel on Saturday (watch out for an advisory email if you’re on the list) but training and social rowing will still go ahead with Ferry Lass.
Captain’s report on Loch Tummel – posted 14 May 2016

Donna writes: A great start to the day, waking up to fantastic sunshine…. We all assembled at Port Edgar, everyone feeling enthused and energised with the thoughts of enjoying an adventure to a new loch we had not explored…

We stopped on the way near Ballinluig for the much needed bacon roll and coffee that we have come accustomed to, thanks to Peter each Saturday.
On arrival, we were greeted by Neil Ferguson of the Loch Tummel Sailing Club, organiser of the “Push the Boat Out” event, who advised that lunch was available for us complimentary (a most welcome offer!), plus home baking with hot drinks – again what we all enjoy on our Away Days!! As well as the opportunity for us all to sign up to enjoy sailing in different craft….
North Queensferry and Wormit had their boats on the loch, but we were still waiting for Len…. What had happened was a complete blow-out of one of the road trailer tyres, and what a blow-out it was!

Luckily Robin and Marjory were close behind in the car, as Len had a spare tyre but no jack! However, they did well to get the tyre changed quickly and arrived in good time at Loch Tummel. (Thanks to Len, Irina, Robin & Marjory for your help, much appreciated by all of us.)
Loch Tummel is truly beautiful, fantastic scenery – so without further ado, we launched our boat easily from the shoreside outside of the Sailing Club and enjoyed the beautiful scenery, fair weather conditions and sunshine – yes, we all managed to come back a little burnt from our day!

North Queensferry and Wormit each had one crew so headed off to enjoy picnics on a small island approx. 3.4 km from the clubhouse. With 13 rowers, we drew names out of the hat so everyone knew who was rowing first and if not on the first crew, could sign up for sailing activities.

We all had the opportunity to row and cox both NQ & Wormit’s skiffs – it was amusing to note that Wormit’s hoodies are bright pink, apparently this was embraced with the males in the crew and one or two were also sporting pink hats with lilac pompoms!!

One of the highlights of the day was enjoying watching both Marjory & Robin paddling an inflatable kayak, that looked very much like a giant banana, while shouting “timing” at them from a skiff. Great fun.
We headed off around 4.30, leaving Loch Tummel on a very lovely evening. We all decided that yes, we definitely need more adventures… a loch a month was discussed, so planning required, but worth it for such an enjoyable experience…

There are more photos on Flickr – and others can be found on the QRC Facebook page.
Flying Scotsman row – posted 16 May 2016
On Sunday evening a crew went out in the Ferry Lass – flying a large Saltire – to watch the Flying Scotsman steam across the Forth Bridge. It was a historic occasion and the Esplanade at the Hawes was thronged with people, as well as the harbour wall and even the road bridge walkway. So we were not a little surprised to have the water pretty much to ourselves. Rachel was cox, with Keith, Ruth, Barbara and Maria as crew and Keith’s wife Christine as passenger.
Dónal spotted the Lass from afar and took a couple of snaps:
The bridge looked its best, bathed in evening sun. We rowed around in circles waiting, and keeping an eye out for steam.
Photo by Ruth
Sadly a cloud passed over just before the train arrived, so the colours weren’t so vivid. It was still a stirring sight, and we waved madly as the driver blew the whistle. Plans to raise a salute with the oars were abandoned as we all wanted to take photos! Here are just a few:

No evening rowing this week… – posted 16 May 2016
Rachel reports that the week ahead hasn’t got the best tides to suit us.
There is a very low tide early evening each day this week. As a result there can be NO evening rowing.
Plenty of water during the day though, so daytime rows can be planned.
Queensferry tides:
Saturday 21st May
08.55am —- 0.71m L
15.02pm —- 4.62m H
This tide is very low at 9am but there should be enough water for launching by 11am. Perhaps there will be bacon rolls on offer from about 10am!!
Sunday 22nd May
09.29am —- 0.61m L
15.38pm —- 4.66m H
Rowing as normal from 1pm.
The following week is looking better!
Tides for the week ahead – posted 23 May 2016
Rachel reports that we have a better set of tides for this forthcoming week.
Queensferry Tides
Tuesday May 24th
16.50—- 4.54m H
22.54 —- 0.82m L
Wednesday May 25th
17.27 —- 4.40 m H
23.31 —- 0.97m L
Thursday May 26th
11.57 —- 0.81m L
18.09 —- 4.24m H
Sunday’s tide comes in a bit low, too soon during the normal social rowing period. We may suggest an earlier session, at 11am, but this is dependant on RP cover. We have a number of members going to the Ullapool Regatta on Saturday/Sunday.
Further details for the weekend social rowing will be emailed soon.
Saturday May 28th
07.10 —- 4.23m H
13.35 —- 1.03m L
Sunday May 29th
08.07 —- 4.13 m H
14.36 —- 1.08m L
Queensferry’s Jutland 100 commemorations – posted 23 May 2016
Those not going to Ullapool at the weekend may be interested in a day of activities on Saturday in Queensferry to mark the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Jutland, fought during the First World War. The battle was fought from 31 May to 1 June 1916 in the North Sea, near the coast of Denmark’s Jutland Peninsula. It was the largest naval battle and the only full-scale clash of battleships in WWI. The total loss of life was 9,823 men, of which the British losses were 6,784.
Port Edgar was bought by the Admiralty in 1916 as the site of a future naval base. Shortly afterwards, the wounded of the Battle of Jutland were landed at Port Edgar for the Royal Naval Hospital at Butlaw, Queensferry. The dead of the battle were buried in the local cemetery.

The activities start at 2pm with a large-screen showing of the South Queensferry Jutland 100 commemorative video, reflecting life now and then. It features descendants of those who fought in the battle, and tells how WWI affected ‘the Ferry’.
A number of VIPs, including HRH the Princess Royal and First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, will attend the commemorations, firstly at the Queensferry Cemetery, from where the (invitation only) Commemoration Service will be live-streamed from approximately 3pm, to a large screen at the Hawes Esplanade. A First World War biplane will perform a fly-past at about 4pm, while HMS Kent will take departure alongside the MV Fingal, dazzle painted by artist Ciara Phillips. A Jutland 100 information panel will be unveiled and the Royal Marine Band will perform the Beating of the Retreat as HMS Kent weighs anchor.
Other activities at the Hawes include a chance to learn about “dazzle ships” and to paint your own. A taster sample of the Queensferry History Group main exhibition held at the Queensferry Museum will be on display, with further information panels from Legion Scotland. The Fire and Rescue Service mobile museum will feature a WWI exhibit with hands-on activities. The Queensferry Sea Cadets will have a tent on the Esplanade to show the part they have played in the Jutland commemorations.
Meanwhile, the Priory Church is hosting a Jutland exhibition, film showings and talks.
To bring the day’s events to a close, at about 5pm, a Community Parade will be led by the Royal Marine Band, leaving from the Hawes Esplanade via New Halls Road and the High Street to the Priory Church, where a Community Commemoration Service will be held in the grounds.

Click here for more information about Queensferry’s Jutland 100 commemorations.Click here for more information about the Battle of Jutland.
Sunday’s social rowing cancelled- posted 26 May 2016
We have managed to secure RP cover for Saturday’s rowing session (usual time of 9am), but not for Sunday. This is because most of our active RPs will be in Ullapool, competing in the first regatta of the season.
The rowers will be travelling up on Friday, so the boat will be loaded on the trailer after Thursday’s social rowing session. Any help with this would be appreciated!
Tides and times for the week – posted 30 May 2016
The tides are not great this week.
Tuesday May 31st
16.52 —- 0.87m L
23.17pm —- 4.21m H
There should be enough water coming in for normal 6pm rowing.
Wednesday June 1st
11.32 —- 4.39m H
17.56 —0.64m L
Race Training from 7pm
Thursday June 2nd
12.34 —- 4.66m H
18.53 —- 0.4m L
Not enough water until about 8pm, but help is required to load the Ferry Maid on the road trailer and pack up for her equipment ready for the next regatta outing, Troon.
Saturday June 4th
08.11 —- 0.30 m L
14.23 —- 5.14 m H
No Social Rowing.
This is a difficult day for RP availability. Some people are going to the Troon Regatta, and some are not available. However, there are options for a great day out! Kinghorn are launching their first boat, “Yolande”, on Kinghorn beach at 2pm – a visit there to lend support would be an enjoyable outing. Some are already planning that. Failing that, a seaside day out at Troon supporting QRC in their quest for medals would be good!!
Sunday June 5th
09.00 —- 0.07m L
15.13 — 5.25m H
All is well for a good Sunday row.
Ullapool Regatta – captain’s report – posted 31 May 2016
Donna writes: What a fantastic weekend. We all arrived mid Friday afternoon to enjoy glorious weather and sunshine (some of which is being enjoyed by us today!). Mike and Marion arrived without any problems, thankfully trailer tyres intact, and we helped to offload the boat. All the clubs followed suit on arrival and our boats were in pole position on the beach. Great system which was alphabetical posting that allowed everyone to know exactly where to pitch their tents etc.
Talking of which, our grand gazebo had its first outing. We now have our gazebo properly branded in the new club colours. It looked fantastic both from the beachside and on the water too – easy to spot. It also provided a great option for us to all sit together with plenty of space.
On the Saturday, a glorious day, we took position on the beach and in racing. Our crew were made up of 50 and 60 plus, which meant of course we could enter age categories plus Open and Mixed too. The opportunity was a superb one for us to actually try out the course as it will be at the Worlds. Finger buoys, 20 metres apart, meant a sharp 180 degree starboard turn had to be neat and quick!
Our race timings throughout were behind those of other clubs. However, the good news is that it gave us the opportunity to look at how we can improve. Strength not speed is what we have to work on now for the Worlds and this is something we will be addressing in training. Our stamina levels were fantastic, in fact none of us were flagging at all after a 2km sprint, and some having to race back-to-back meant a tough row indeed. So in essence our training has paid off greatly and stamina has increased as a result.
WINNERS – yes folks, our ladies brought home the goods. THANK YOU to the 60+ Women who came THIRD and achieved a BRONZE for our Club – Very well done indeed.
After the prize giving and many pictures – a link to those is included here for your perusal along with our race timings and Saturdays’ point allocation results (Sunday’s still to be published by Ullapool) — we headed back to our tent for fish and chips on the beach and a few beers to enjoy the fantastic view and weather…. spirits were high and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves…
At the Village Hall the usual Ceilidh was on. Andy Jarvis was presented with a Special Testimonial Medal for his commitment and passion for our sport by Topher Dawson – and well deserved it was too. Peter Locke also presented Andy, on behalf of our Club, the Skiffie Worlds Book, highlighting great pictures from Ullapool 2013, Andy was delighted…..even more so to see some pictures of himself and Peter in there!
Sunday was the Open Racing, enjoyed greatly by us all, again however highlighting our timings and where we need to improve – but that’s the great thing about training, there is always room for improvement.
Overall a great time had by all and good to see that via our training we are improving all the time…
Striking gold in Troon – posted 4 Jun 2016
Club vice-captain Rachel reports: What a great day we had for Troon Regatta. Having stayed over the night before, Peter and I were on the beach at 9am.
Blue skies, calm seas. Broughty Ferry arrived at that time, so the first job was assisting them to offload their skiff to their allotted position. This was interesting; as we unwrapped the canvas cover, inside the skiff were the entire contents for a day at a regatta! Gazebo, seats, zipper bags, oars, strappy footrests, etc,etc! All securely packed in! Is this concept worth talking about for us – a canvas travelling cover? This was their first time at Troon. In return they then gave us a hand to erect our gazebo ,and Peter and Robin appeared across the sand to help with the gazebo covering.
There were nine entrants, North Berwick having pulled out at the last minute: Queensferry, Prestwick, Wormit, Broughty Ferry, Troon, Firth of Clyde (Largs), Arran, Royal West and Carrick.
We were able to crew all race categories except Juniors. We borrowed Hugh from Firth of Clyde to make up our 65+ race. This was the first race and as you know we came storming through in first position, giving us 10 points to start the day. We quickly gained 3rd place in Mixed Open, then 2nd in 47+ Women. With points from our other races gathering, we could see us top of the leader board for a while.

The drama of the day came in our last race. 47+ mixed I was coxing!! We had been aware of our rudder being longer than others, the start line was adjusted each time to suit us. The tide was well out on the last race and sand banks were evident,on our 2nd/3rd stroke at the start,the rudder whipped off. The crew kept going, but we did have to stop to successfully get it back on. By this time we needed to get back on course. The crew of Anne F, Robin, Louise and Len pushed themselves to their limit to catch up, I steered us past Troon, Carrick and Prestwick to the finish, gaining 5 points to make us 2nd on the leader board! Well done folks. Anne and Barbara helped Broughty take gold, while Louise joined Wormit to win a silver.
At the end of the day it is evident our training programme is working, we have stamina to get us through these 2k races!!!

Meanwhile, in Kinghorn… – posted 5 Jun 2016
Kinghorn CRC launched its skiff Yolande on Saturday – the same day most of the Queensferry club were in Troon. However, Margery was there to witness the event and to take some photos:

Tides for the coming week -posted 5 Jun 2016
Thanks as always to Rachel for providing the Queensferry tide times – which are favourable.
Tuesday June 7th
16.51pm —- 5.08m H
22.57pm —- 0.41 m L
Wednesday June 8th
17.39pm —- 4.84m H
23.43 pm —- 0.68m L
Thursday June 9th
12.13pm —- 0.34m L
18.29pm —- 4.54m H
Saturday June 11th
07.30 am —- 4.35m H
13.58pm —- 0.90m L
Sunday June 12th
08.26am —- 4.10m H
14.56 pm —- 1.13m L
As the water will get very low by 2pm , we could arrange for rowing to start at 12pm instead of 1pm.
Tides for the coming week – posted 13 Jun 2016
Rachel reports: Slight timing issues this coming week, but nothing we can’t work around!
Queensferry Tides
Tuesday June 14th
16.59pm —- 1.32m L
23.22pm —- 3.79m H
Wednesday June 15th
11.34am —- 3.88m H
17.55pm —- 1.27m L
The 6pm training folks may need to wait a few minutes for enough water to launch.
Thursday June 16th
12.28pm —- 3.99m H
18.44 pm —- 1.17m L
NOTE: Rachel originally suggested that social rowing be delayed, but she’s spotted a discrepancy in the tide tables and now says 6pm should be fine for launching.
Saturday June 18th
17.51am —- 1.05m L
13.58 pm —- 4.30 m H
If the early morning training session is going ahead, we can arrange a pontoon. If not, the 9am session can go ahead as soon as there is enough water up the slip.
Sunday June 19th
08.30 am —- 0.85m L
14.39 am —- 4.43m H —- All’s well!!
Useful information: The lowest point we can launch/retrieve the boat on the slip is 1.3 metres. The slip stops at that level! Mudflats are evident on the breakwater side at low tide, which narrows the channel in towards the slip.
Rowing Musselburgh’s Marches – posted 16 Jun 2016
Club captain Donna reports: This was a very special year for Musselburgh as the town is celebrating the Riding of the Marches – something that only happens every 21 years. And what’s even better is that, for the first time ever, Eskmuthe Rowing Club hosted the Rowing of the Marches.

The Riding of the Marches — to be held on from 6pm on Friday, 29 July — marks the town’s land boundaries, and the rowing event marked the sea boundaries. This involved an 8km row with some challenging conditions on our outward journey, plus some very muddy water whilst launching. We took both boats and each carried a passenger, so we decided to swap around rowers and coxes every 20 minutes, which gave us all a great row.
There was the suggestion of some sprint races to round off the evening, but everyone decided to head to the wonderful BBQ and home baking provided afterwards instead. An evening event with a bonfire and party on the beach added to the occasion, with a fantastic band for everyone to enjoy.
The Riding of the Marches tradition is believed to date back to the fifth century. As the Riding involves an armour-clad Town Champion and six other Principals dressed as a mixture of Witchfinder Generals and Elizabethans, Eskmuthe’s treasurer George wanted to make dressing up optional. We chose to “dress up” in our club colours!!
Saturday’s social rowing cancelled – posted 16 Jun 2016
Apologies, but we need to CANCEL Saturday’s social rowing session. Some of the RPs will be heading to Granton/Newhaven for the Forth Midsummer Challenge, and other RPs are unavailable.

The Midsummer Challenge is a fun event… come along and cheer your club if you’re at a loose end! Here’s the explanation from Newhaven CRC: “The concept is simple – a relay race based around the neighbouring Granton and Newhaven Harbours on the north Edinburgh waterfront and involving six individual legs – two each of running, rowing and sailing in one overall race. The skiff clubs are asked to bring their own runner(s) who, as well as running their legs, also act as the race baton and have be carried by the skiff and yacht in their legs of the race.” The yachts, from the Forth Corinthian Yacht Club, will be allocated on the day.
The Sunday social rowing session is still on at the normal time, from 1pm. Both boats will be available.
2016 – part 4