On 10 January, the club suffered an immeasurable loss, with the death of George Kilgour. It may not seem untimely given his advanced years, but George was an energetic character, rowing regularly and leading Ramblers groups as well. In the past he was a talented mountaineer, and he very generously gave some of his old climbing ropes to the monkey-fist fundraising effort.
The tributes have been pouring in from club members. Here are just a few:
Mark: We’ve lost George at No3 oar. George, a Rowing Club member of many years, died at home this week and we are dealing with the shock of losing a fit, friendly 86-year old: our most-senior rower. He was a regular with us over-60s and liked that engine room position at No3, a tin of mints on the seat beside him (the mints a backup for emergencies when the cox forgets jelly baby morale-boosters). George was a modest, former army man who almost more than rowing, established himself as a hill-walking guide. There can hardly be a hill, trail, ridge or glen in Scotland he had not walked. He knew Fife like the back of his hand.

Lesley and Gareth: George was a gentleman. He’d pop up next to you at a regatta and always had a good chat. Lovely, lovely man.
Donna: God Bless George. He was what our club is all about and will be sorely missed.