Shout-out for help with our regatta – posted 18 Jul 2017
Rachel reports: We are now planning for our regatta — SATURDAY 19th AUGUST. See that big number in the sidebar on the left? That’s how many days are left. [Note: previous website had a calendar countdown widget.]
We have 11 clubs coming to take part, so a fair few folks will be arriving for the day. We will need help from our members throughout the day with several tasks to make the day run smoothly, as in previous years. Some of the tasks will start early: meeting and greeting club members with cars/boats/trailers and directing them to the correct places. Help will be needed on pontoons, safety being paramount. Race control is important. The PA tent will need manned with commentary/information being given out to our guests throughout the day. The time results will need transferred to someone marking up the results board. Some of you have had experience in these jobs previously and it worked well.
We will have a tombola stall running throughout the day (we still need lots more items donated – there’s a box in the shed). The all-important catering stall will provide tea/coffee, soup and sandwiches, home baking. Barbara is organising this, see below for more information.
These are some of the tasks in hand on the day .The idea is to appoint people on a rota basis to give us cover for the day. You don’t need to be tied up too long; there’s racing to be done also!
Ideally, all members on the day will be wearing club colours and can take some responsibility to make sure any visitors have the help/ information they require.
A quote to Peter from some of our visiting clubs: “We love coming to Queensferry, it’s the highlight of our regatta year.” A great commendation, and we do have a lot to offer with our setting. Let’s make Queensferry Regatta 2017 a smooth,enjoyable one again.
All offers of help for any part of the day to
Barbara adds: As Rachel says, we also need helpers for the catering operation, which will be run from the shed.
First: Food.
As in previous years, the offerings will be tea/coffee, hot soup, filled rolls and sandwiches, and baking – cakes, traybakes, savoury items, scones and the like. (We are slightly constrained with the menu in that plugging in the soup and water urns pushes the shed’s electrics to the limit.) If you can help with any of the items above, please email me at with details. It would very much help on the day if your rolls and sandwiches are bagged and labelled. If your baking definitely contains nuts, please add a note saying so. Also, label any plastic tubs/plates very clearly with your name if you want them back. One thing I noticed at the recent Ullapool regatta was that they limited their soup to one flavour (lentil). The person I spoke to said it made heating and service a lot easier. I think it’s a great idea and one we will steal. Soup-makers of QRC, what do you think?
Second: Bodies.
I will be drawing up a rota of helpers for the day, working to make teas and coffees, serve soup, keep the tables laden and take money. We will open up at 9am as the clubs begin to arrive, and start serving hot soup at noon. Let me know on if you’re willing to help and for how long. Even stepping in for half an hour between races is a great help! We will also need some assistance during the day with water – this involves filling 25-litre jerrycans and bringing them to the shed, so a strong back is required (though a marina trolley can be used, so we’re not talking Tarzan here).
Thanks in advance!
Grant award from Edinburgh Airport – posted 20 Jul 2017
Peter reports: Some of you may already be aware that we have received a fantastic award of a grant from the Edinburgh Airport Community Fund of £1,000. This will mainly go towards funding new lifejackets and developing new oars with the emphasis on providing equipment for the youth involvement.
I have written to the Board to thank them for the award but where we can, we will publicise this award.
If you go to meet someone at the Airport and have to pay £1 to go through the Drop Off area, please don’t grudge it because that is where some of the funding comes from!
Caledonian Canal row report: The Great Kelpie Hunt of 2017 – posted 23 Jul 2017
Barbara reports: Long in the planning, this row took place on 10-14 July 2017. The base crew was Anne Flannery, Anne Purcell, Barbara Agnew and Liz Furrie from Broughty Ferry (who has joined QRC as well). The fifth place was filled on various days by Rachel Dillon, Mel Chambers and Isla from Broughty. Anne P was the tower. We called ourselves the Questing Queensferry Quines and decided on a kelpie hunt after reading about the many mythical creatures in the lochs we would row through.
Day Zero – Corpach
On Sunday the 9th, we were scattered across the country. Ferry Maid was in Ullapool, along with Liz, Barbara and Anne P; Anne F was in Queensferry; Mel was on holiday in the north. We converged on Corpach, across Loch Linnie from Fort William. The last race at Ullapool was 5pm – it was cancelled with the Maid on the start line, but it was a while before we were ready to leave, and didn’t arrive in Corpach until 10:30pm. We drove straight to the launch point to meet the others, plus shore support Maria and Jan with their cars – and a cloud of hungry midges. The Maid was launched off a sailing club slip and rowed across to her mooring outside the sea lock – a lovely sight as a full moon broke through the clouds and it and the boat’s lights reflected in the still water. We repaired to the hostel with our mountain of luggage and set our alarms for 6am.
Day One – Corpach to Gairlochy – 12km
The early start was to get a jump on passing through the locks, starting with the sea lock. We collected our licence and the all-important keys for facilities along the canal route – there are toilets and showers at most of the locks. Thanks, Scottish Canals! What a marvellous organisation. At the sea lock, Barbara stayed in the boat and it was walked through using our 50ft stern and aft ropes (Anne F had put them through the washing machine so they were nice and clean). Then followed a brief row to Banavie, at the foot of Neptune’s Staircase, which we rafted through tied to the yacht Candy. Eight locks lift vessels a total of 64ft and the transit takes an hour and a half to complete.
The crew of the Candy couldn’t have been nicer, kindly passing along the coffees and bacon rolls Maria bought at the cafe, while we sunbathed and relaxed. Once the Maid was through the locks, Anne P, Liz and Jan set off for Inverness with the boat trailer, to be left at the Caley Marina along with Anne’s car. At Banavie, sheltering from the rain in a cafe replaced sunbathing as the weather closed in while we waited for them to return. Rachel and Peter H dropped by to visit us on their way home from Ullapool and were there to wave us off on our final row of the day, along the canal to Gairlochy. This was the worst weather of the whole trip – a steady rain that left us drenched. Jan dropped our bags at our digs in Spean Bridge, where the landlady kindly tumble-dried our wet things. We were joined by Rachel D, who was replacing Mel in the crew.
Day Two – Gairlochy to Laggan – 18km
Heading out on to Loch Lochy with little wind and no rain was a pleasure, and we made good time. The bird-watchers called a halt a couple of times to watch an eagle (or was it a buzzard?) seeking thermals. After a couple of hours of rowing amid the glorious scenery we made a comfort stop, coming alongside a jetty. Rather than making a brew on the camping stove there though, we carried on up the loch to the Corriegour Hotel for an extremely civilised break, with leather sofas and lattes. We kept an eye out for “Lizzy”, the water horse reputed to rise up out of the waters and overturn small craft, but saw nothing but the occasional leaping fish. At Laggan the lock keeper was as welcoming and helpful as his colleagues at Banavie and Corpach and even tossed down ropes for us to use. Anne F walked us through, and soon we were tying up at the pontoon at Laggan Water Park. We experienced a spot of time travel there, revisiting the 1970s in the lounge bar while waiting to rendezvous with Anne F’s sister Paddy, our lift to the hostel. Paddy was a home economics teacher, and devised a meal for us. She and Rachel did the shopping and Barbara the cooking, and a splendid meal it was. They also bought rolls and bacon for our breakfast.
Day Three – Laggan to Fort Augustus – 18km
The first section of Thursday’s row was along “Laggan Avenue”, a serenely beautiful stretch of canal bordered by lush woods reflected in the still water. Bends in the canal made it hard to gauge our progress, but soon enough we were gliding under a swing bridge and out into Loch Oich, passing by Invergarry Castle. This is a tricky section of the canal for yachts, with navigation buoys marking out the shallows and wrecks in said shallows as well. But of course it was no problem for our sturdy skiff. After another swing bridge we were back in the canal, with two locks to pass through before Fort Augustus, Cullochy and Kyra. At each we heard from yacht and cruiser crews of congestion ahead, that many vessels were stacked up on either side waiting to get through Fort Augustus. We were confident of getting through though – being small has its advantages! So after getting a gold star each from the lock keeper at Kyra (for wearing our lifejackets), we pushed on. Fort Augustus was indeed packed – vessels were double-parked at all the pontoons, and a total of 18 of these were waiting to pass through to head for Inverness. Liz skillfully coxed us round to the back of a pontoon and we moored and got out the camp stove. Liz and Anne F went to chat with the lock keeper and plied her with tea and cereal bars. Like magic, we soon got the call to enter the first lock. We rafted with the cruiser Tamarind, and for the first time were asked to leave the Maid empty. Not a problem – Tamarind’s owner, from Rosemarkie, was happy for us to get comfortable in his boat as he manned the ropes on shore. Across the lock was the Yesnaby, from Port Edgar, destination Orkney, so we had plenty of good conversation as we waited.
Once through the locks, yachts and cruisers had a further wait for a swing bridge, but we managed to persuade the keeper we could go under it. We untied, paddled out of the lock, and on the cox’s command swivelled smoothly around, shot out our oars and rowed away under the bridge – earning a round of applause from the crowds of onlookers! Paddy met us on the pontoon and ferried out gear to the hostel, a short walk away. There we said a sad farewell to Rachel and greeted Isla, who had used her bus pass to join us from Broughty Ferry.
Day Four – Fort Augustus to Drumnadrochit – 22km
This was our first day on Loch Ness and happily it dawned fine and – most importantly – what wind there was was at our backs. We set out with the water like glass and before we knew it we were rowing past Invermoriston. There was surprisingly little traffic on the loch, though we did have a chat with a canoeist who was trailing a group on a Duke of Edinburgh award adventure. They kept close to the shore, while we took advantage of the wind further out.
We kept an eye out for a good spot to stop and found a shingle beach near Altsigh. It had obviously been recently used as a campsite, with branches laid down over the stones and a circular campfire shelter. We used that to boil Anne P’s lovely little kettle on its stove and enjoyed a relaxing break. While we ate though, the wind freshened, and we had a lively launch into the surf. With this stronger wind behind us we cruised up the loch, while Isla kept us entertained with tales of Aleister Crowley’s Satanic misdeeds at Foyers, on the opposite shore. After we passed many headlands and “baby headlands”, cox Anne P announced at about 1pm that Urquhart Castle was in view. We were still so fresh we felt we could have rowed all the way to Inverness.
Our mooring here was tricky – a rickety jetty in very shallow water on the south side of Urquhart Bay. The water was so shallow we punted in using our paddles, then dragged the Maid ashore – no tides to worry about, and the mud was firm underfoot! It was a serious hike to the hostel, across a few fields following horse trails, then along the footpath by the main road. We were quite a sight, festooned with bags and lifejackets. At the hostel we discovered two things: the town’s two hostels have the same name, and we were at the wrong one. It was a very weary crew that trudged what seemed like miles to the right hostel. Happily it turned out to be very comfortable, and right across the road from the bistro where Mel – joining us for the final day’s row – had booked a table for dinner. Our invaluable land support, Maria in this case, ferried our luggage from the wrong hostel to the right one. We had another farewell, this time to Isla, who was taking the bus home the next day.
Day Five – Drumnadrochit to Inverness – 28km
Our last day! It was hard to believe our adventure was coming to an end, and still without sighting any monsters. We had a slightly later start, as Maria wanted to take photos of us from Urquhart Castle and it didn’t open until 9:30am. But she was able to ferry our gear to nearer the jetty so we had a relatively short distance to carry it. Isla came to the jetty to wave us off. The launch was a doddle, walking the boat out in knee-deep lukewarm water. We spotted Maria hurrying down the lawn to the castle and rowed around picturesquely in brilliant sunshine as she climbed to the battlements. We raised a couple of oars in salute to the paparazzi before heading off.
The final stretch of Loch Ness was wonderful rowing, and easy thanks to the fitness we’d built up. It was also the most social – Isla texted to say she’d spotted us from the bus, and Rachel H phoned to say our Facebook post had caught everyone’s attention. Inverness Rowing Club (slidey seats) wanted to meet us, when did we expect to be there? We had no idea, so that fell through. Soon we were at Lochend, passing out of Loch Ness and into Loch Dochfour, rowing past a large weir and coming in at Dochgarroch, our last lock. Our ground support were all there to greet us – Andrew and Ian had collected our bags from Drumnadrochit and Maria was there in Mel’s car. We all had lunch at the restaurant after being told we could pass through the lock in an hour. Again we rafted with a yacht, this one with a kiwi skipper.
Out of the lock we powered along the final stretch of canal, with Mel at the helm… and met our only brush with disaster, the Tomnahurich swing bridge. We’d been skimming under these bridges all the way from Banavie and were complacent as we approached. Suddenly the cry went up “Lie down, lie down!” and lie down we did, as the Maid’s bow slid under the metal girders with mere inches to spare. Luckily we had enough momentum to carry us through – a heart-stopping moment. The last bit of canal was bordered by fields and dog-walkers greeted us from the path. We hailed a Seagull Trust barge, and got a cheer from a French yacht we’d shared a lock with back at Banavie, now heading back west.
All too soon we arrived at the Caley Marina, where our ground support were waiting with a bottle of bubbly and glasses. Also there to greet us was a skiffie from Collieston, who’d been an Ullapool. And we got a flying visit from an Avoch skiffie who’d spotted us from the Seagull Trust barge. With a lot of help from marina workers, who winched the trailer up the slip, we got the Maid sorted, packed the cars, and the adventure was over.
The big question now is … WHERE NEXT? There are lots of ideas kicking around. Make a suggestion! Plan your route, gather your crew…
Alan Meldrum Community Challenge – posted 25 Jul 2017
Peter writes: Coverage of Saturday’s race from Brian, who is the Broadcast Manager. He apologises that it features mainly the Parliament crew. Well … I think we can allow him that!
Click here to see more photos on Flickr.
Tides for this week – posted 25 Jul 2017
Rachel reports: After a weekend of bad weather, all is well with the tides for us for the next few weeks, and hopefully back to some Summer weather.
Monday 24th July
10.27 — 0.4 m L. 16.23 —- 6.0 m H
Tuesday 25th
11.12 — 0.3 m L. 17.14 — 6.0 m H
Wednesday 26th
11.53 — 0.3 m L. 18.02 — 5.9 m H
Thursday 27th
12.31 — 0.5 m L. 18.49 — 5.7 m H
Friday 28th
13.04 — 0.8 m L. 19.34 — 5.5 m H
Saturday 29th
08.00 — 5.5 m H. 13.31 — 1.2 m L
Sunday 30th
08.46 — 5.2 m H. 14.03 — 1.6 m L
Largs Regatta, Saturday 2nd September – posted 31 Jul 2017
Rachel writes: We have a few people really interested in going to this regatta. We haven’t been to Largs before, and it is always good to do a new one, rowing on the Clyde.
Troon’s regatta was cancelled in June due to weather problems, and sadly they don’t have another date to suit. So this is a good opportunity to attend a regatta in the south-west. The club, the FOCCRS – Firth of Clyde Coastal Rowing Club – are based at Largs Marina.
If anyone else is keen to join in, let me or Donna know – we need to register very soon. New members are very welcome.
Tides for the coming week, 31 July to 6 August – posted 31 Jul 2017
Rachel reports: This week we are rolling in to August and have another busy month ahead – there are four regattas in August, including our own:
Broughty Ferry — Saturday 5th
Sheildaig — Saturday 12th
Queensferry. — Saturday 19th
N Berwick. — Saturday 22nd
The tides are perfect for rowing at any time this coming week.
Monday 31st July
09.37 —- 4.7m H. 15.05 —- 1.9 m L
Tuesday 1st August
10.40 — 4.7 m H. 16.25 —- 2.1 m L. 23.03 —- 4.5 m H
Wednesday 2nd
11.47—-4.6 m H 17.39 —- 2.2 m L
Thursday 3rd
06.24 —- 2.2m L. 12.47 — 4.7 m H. 18.31 — 2.0 m L
Friday 4th
07.26 — 2.0 m L 13.39— 4.9 m H
Saturday 5th
07.19 —- 1.7 m L 14.26 —- 5.1 m H
Sunday 6th
07.57 —- 1.4 m L. 15.08—- 5.3 m H
New shipment of club kit – posted 6 Aug 2017
Rachel writes: Another chance to sport the club colours – we have a further stock of kit arrived, so we have everything available again in most of the sizes.
Zoodies ——– Small to 2XL £18.60
Hoodies ——– Small to 3XL £15.60
Polos (lady-fit ) —Small to 3Xl £17.10
Polos ( unisex ) —Small to 3XL £17.10
T-shirts (ladyfit) — Small to 2XL £9.60
T–shirts (unisex) — Small to 2XL £10.20
Caps £6
Buffs £15

All the fun of the Ferry Fair Parade – posted 6 Aug 2017
Ferry Lass is to take part in the annual Ferry Fair Parade on Saturday 12 August. There is a sign-up sheet on the noticeboard for those who would like to take part. The more the merrier!
First of all, help will be required at the shed at 9am to erect a mast and get the Lass decked out in bunting – many thanks to Graham for leading the effort on that. Then as many people as possible in club colours will do the second tour of the town, leaving at about 11.30am from Burgess Rd (Queensferry Primary School) to the High Street.
This is an important and extremely enjoyable event for the Club, with leaflets to hand out on the way round and lots of waving. Those not going to the Shieldaig Regatta, please give it your support.
The photos are from last year’s Parade, when the Maid was presented with a lovely rosette for third place!
Tides for the forthcoming week – posted 6 Aug 2017
Rachel reports: The tides for the next week are suitable for our all our social sessions. Saturday morning is an exception however, as the plans for joining in the Ferry Fair Parade are in train. Club members not travelling to Shieldaig for the regatta there are asked to please take part in that (see the previous post for details). Louise has very kindly offered to tow, despite still recovering from her hip operation, and we are very grateful to North Queensferry for the loan of their trailer. Depending on interest, there may be a row afterwards to the front of the town to show the Lass off in her proper environment!
Monday 7th August
08.32 —- 1.2 m L. 15.47 —- 5.4 m H
Tuesday 8th
09.21 —- 0.9 m L. 16.25 —- 5.5 m H 21.39 —- 1.1 m L
Wednesday 9th
10.01 —- 0.8 m L. 17.04 —-5.6 m H. 22.17 —- 1.0 m L
Thursday 10th
10.37 —- 0.8 m L. 17.43 —- 5.6 m H. 22.50 —- 1.0 m L
Friday 11th
11.06 —- 0.8 m L. 18.23 —- 5.6 m H
Saturday 12th
06.39 — 5.6 m H. 11.35 —- 0.8 m L. 19.05 —- 5.5 m H
Sunday 13th
12.11 —- 1.0 m L 19.48 —- 5.4 m H
Broughty Ferry regatta report – posted 9 Aug 2017
Rachel reports: A wee resume of our day in Broughty Ferry on Saturday 5th August. We had 10 rowers who made the early start journey to what was Broughty Ferry’s third Regatta. There were seven clubs from the Tay, the Forth and the Clyde. What a great mix! There were 11 races and we were able to enter five. The race setting is very picturesque, with the Tay Bridge close by and nestled between the coastal railway and the river.
60+ Mixed was the first race on the water. We set off really well, had great port turns, and were thrilled to power through in second place behind Broughty, gaining a silver medal. Always a good start to the day!
40+ Women were next on for us and Julie, one of our new members on her first Regatta, was on the team. We had a rocky start, losing an oar off the peg, but after an amazingly skilled recovery, we had a great race through to finish fourth. A great row indeed, credit to them all.
60+ Women were next. We had to find a crew member from another club — Patsy from Eastern did the honours. Historically we have been doing very well in this category, but it wasn’t the day for a medal for us on Saturday.
However our 40+ Mixed, next on the water, had a great row in a full field, coming in to win a bronze medal. Spirits were high again.
It is worth noting that in between our races, Anne P helped out racing for FOCCR and came through winning a silver medal!!
Our last race, and the last of the day, was the Men’s Open, the “power” lot.This was a full field again, and an eventful race in which “lessons were learned”!! We were set off, before we knew it!! And reaching the first buoy, it was a melee of skiffs and oars, some careful turning had to happen and we did it, gaining ground on that next stretch to the second buoy, aiming for medal positioning. We chased Crail so closely all the way, to come in fourth, Apparently this was a great race for the spectators, with loads of cheering, and shouting by the Cox pushed our men to their limit!! May I add that our Open Men had three of our 60+ men as part of the crew with our powerhouse Gabe as stroke!! We commend them all.
Queensferry did very well with our crew of ten almost everyone coming home with a medal or two around our necks. We are very aware that we are up there nearer and nearer to the top crews all the time. We can beat Broughty, Firth of Clyde, Eastern on any day. Our training pays off! Cheers all!
Ferry Fair parade photos – posted 13 Aug 2017
Just a wee selection from Saturday’s event. We’d feared the worst after a wet early morning, but the weather turned at just the right moment. We borrowed a trailer for the Lass from North Queensferry as ours was away in Shieldaig with the Maid, and Louise towed. There was a good turnout of club members to walk the parade route handing out leaflets to the crowds lining the streets. More photos on Flickr.

The week’s tides – posted 15 Aug 2017
Rachel reports: We have a busy week ahead preparing for our Regatta. If you haven’t remembered a tombola item, there is still time this week, we have some ‘good’ stuff already well worth winning!! Hopefully lots of catering items are also coming our way for Saturday. [Note from Barbara: Apologies for the late posting of the tides!]

Tuesday 15th
08.56 —- 5.2 m H 13.52 —- 1.5 m L. 21.28— 5.0 m H
Wednesday 16th
09.55 —- 5.0 m H. 15.10 —- 1.8 m L. 22.30 —- 4.9 m H
Thursday 17th
11.04 —- 5.0 m H. 17.40 —- 1.8 m L 23.39 —- 5.0 m H
Friday 18th
12.16 —- 5.1 m H. 18.50 —- 1.6 m L
Saturday 19th
07.29 —- 1.3 m L 13.23 —- 5.4 m H 19.54 —- 1.4 m L
Sunday 20th
08.34 —- 0.9 m L 14.24 —- 5.6 m H
Tides for the coming week – posted 21 Aug 2017
Rachel reports: Next week’s tides suit us well for our sessions until Saturday. Await a further email about timings for rowing on Saturday – Ferry Maid will be off to North Berwick for its regatta, featuring challenging races around Craigleith Island.
Monday 21st August
09.28 —- 0.6 m L 15.18 —- 5.8 m H
Tuesday 22nd
10.13 — 0.4 m L. 16.07 —- 6.0 m H
Wednesday 23rd
10.53 —- 0.3 m L. 16.53 — 6.0 m H
Thursday 24th
11.27 —- 0.4 m L. 17.36 —- 5.9 m H
Friday 25th
11.57 —- 0.6 m L. 18.18 —- 5.7 m H
Saturday 26th
06.41 —- 5.7 m H 12.19 —- 0.9 m L
Sunday 27th
07.20 —- 5.4 m H 12.26 m —- 1.3 m L. 19.35 —- 5.2 m H
Knotty goods – posted 21 Aug 2017
If you missed out on Anne P and Maria’s knotted creations at Saturday’s regatta, fear not! Keyrings are available in the shed, and orders are being taken for other items, including Maria’s natty zipper pull, perfect for our club zoodies (also available! See Rachel for details).
Three cheers for Queensferry regatta effort! – posted 21 Aug 2017
Club Captain Donna reports: Well, there have been various notes of appreciation and general goodwill for our Club, following our fantastic Regatta this weekend.
These events don’t just happen. The Club needs everyone to get involved, and get involved you did!! Time given, home baking, duties throughout the day, looking after our visiting Clubs, has earned us continual praise via emails to Peter and myself.
So I want to say a huge “Thank You” again to each and every one of you who got involved, one way or another, special thanks to Tony, Graham, John H, Mike B & Mike McD who endured relentless “rolling” with increasing winds but managed to keep us all in check and safe on the water.
We were challenged with the winds as John H advised, it was touch and go throughout the afternoon and difficult for our Safety Boats & Umpires. We managed to fulfil all races, except Andy’s Race, which was a shame. However the lovely Anne Jarvis was on hand to give out our medals.
We were victorious!!
Mixed 50 plus – joint second with Broughty Ferry, which gained us a silver medal. Well done to: John L (Broughty Ferry) Anne P, Donna & Rory – Cox: Rachel
Mixed Novice – gained a bronze medal. Bearing in mind some of our novices have only been rowing a short while, this was tremendous indeed. Well done to: Kenny, Julie D, Jenny T & Simon – Cox: Louise.
Our timings are getting better and better, showing training is really paying off for us, visit our website for further updates & better pictures!. Below is a photo of our timings on the day (the “scores” board did get a little wet whilst wheeling along from Race Control, so it is a bit patchy in places!) We need to keep going… Thanks again to Sharon for her continued support with training.
Treasurer Marion reports: I have added the money, less float, for catering and tombola. Catering – Barbara and team raised a fantastic amount of £721. 37 and the tombola £222.13 (due to Eileen’s hard work!) making a grand total of £943.40. I know Keith and Christine sold about 60 T-shirts and we will find out the exact amount raised in due course. PLUS: Anne P & Maria raised £150 from their “quality merchandise” – a superb selection of monkey fist key rings, door stops and other nautical styled ornaments.
Club Secretary Peter writes: Can I add my voice to the thanks and congratulations going around. You all did a marvellous job and I want to mention the voices on the radio who make everything in the races work. To Graham, Tony, John H, Mike McD, Mike B and anyone else on Committee, Umpire, Safety Boats. Your dedication and skills are much appreciated.
And finally, a word from Barbara: A huge round of applause and my heartfelt thanks to all the many club members who helped with catering, both for donating a fantastic array of delicious soup, rolls, cakes and biscuits, and for staffing the stall on the day and helping to clear up afterwards – brilliant work all round. A special mention must go to young Tilly, who was a cheerful, tireless and skilled assistant throughout the day, leaving only to watch her daddy Simon race!
Photos from North Berwick Rowing Club’s Flickr
Bridges T-shirts selling fast – posted 23 Aug 2017
Rachel writes: For those of you who didn’t see it at our Regatta, here is the T-shirt we have created as a fundraiser for our club. Help us to sell them by telling your friends/family, bridge walkers. Pass the word! Prices: £10 for adults’ sizes, £6 for children’s. Lots of sizes available. All for the benefit of our club.
Update: These are selling like hot cakes, get in quick to secure T-shirts for you and your friends and family!
Time change for this Saturday’s social rowing – posted 25 Aug 2017
Rachel reports: A note for those not going to the North Berwick regatta on Saturday 26th – due to a very low tide at an inconvenient time, the social rowing session will be starting earlier than usual, at 8:30am. Keith will be there and Ferry Lass will be available, so please do come along.
Tides for the week of 28 August to 3 September -posted 28 Aug 2017
Rachel reports: The tides for this coming week, heading into September, are looking good.
Monday 28th August
12.51 —- 1.7 m L. 20.13 —-4.9 m H
Tuesday 29th
13.28 —-2.1 m L. 20.55 —- 4.7 m H
Wednesday 30th
09.35 —-4.6 m H. 15.47 —- 2.4 m L. 21.48 —- 4.5 m H
Thursday 31st
10.55 —-4.4 m H. 17.02 —- 2.4 m L. 23.12 —- 4.5 m H
Friday 1st September
12.13 —- 4.6 m H. 17.59 —- 2.2 m L
Saturday 2nd September
05.31 — 2.3 m L. 12.13 —- 4.6 m H
Sunday 3rd September
13.59 —- 5.1 m H 19.17 —- 1.7 m L
Have a good week everyone, busy times ahead with the bridge opening events!
North Berwick regatta – posted 28 Aug 2017
Donna reports: Fantastic day at the North Berwick regatta – the sun shone and the wind was fair throughout the day. A real change compared to what the conditions usually are!
We returned with a SILVER medal won by our Mixed Novices – well done to: Gabe, Julie D, Jenny T & Rory, and cox Louise. This was the FIRST medal win for the club at NB – tremendous indeed – and the crew led the race most of the way and just missed out on gold by 4 seconds!! Julie took photos of all the time sheets, see them on Flickr.
Our “Three Bridges” T-shirts were received well – thanks to Rachel lugging the boxes all the way there, amongst her other duties throughout the day!
North Berwick supported us well with various announcements during the day which encouraged other clubs to buy them too. Thanks to everyone for such a great event yesterday.

All in all a brilliant day
QRC members’ photos of the regatta on Flickr