Weekend rowing 2nd and 3rd of September – posted 1 Sep 2017
Donna reports: Just to let you know that for those not going to the Largs (and associated Long Row on Sunday), the social sessions back at Port Edgar will be at the usual time: from 9am on Saturday and from 1pm Sunday. We have Skippers Mike McDowall covering the Saturday session and Mike Breewood for the Sunday session. Ferry Lass only will be available throughout this weekend.
Plenty of interest – you may be able to wave to some of the lucky souls walking across the new bridge!
Tides for the week ahead – posted 5 Sep 2017
Rachel reports: Apologies for this being a little late this week,it has been a busy few days for everyone. There are some low tides this week, but we can work around them hopefully.
Tuesday 5th October
15.20 —- 5.5 m H. 20.36 —- 1.2
Wednesday 6th October
15.59 —- 5.7 m H 21.18 —- 1.0
Thursday 7th
09.39 —- 0.6 m L. 16.37 —- 5.8 m L. 21.57 —- 0.8 m L
Friday 8th
10.14 —-0.6 m L. 17.16 —- 5.8 m H
Saturday 9th
10.44 —- 0.6 m L. 17.57 —- 5.8 m H. Pontoon to be used A25
Sunday 10th
11.15 —- 0.7 m L. 18.39 —- 5.7 m H
Next week sadly will see our last evening sessions for the year, as we are losing the evening light fast. Last evening session will be Thursday 14th.
Queensferry Crossing official opening flotilla – posted 5 Sep 2017
Club secretary Peter reports: There was a short notification period for this event but when the brief details were posted on the SCRA website the notifications from Clubs wishing to attend came flooding in! Initially the Flotilla Manager, Rob Thomson, asked that each pair of skiffs should be accompanied by a motor boat. It was politely pointed out to him that we had managed the 2014 Golden Anniversary of the Forth Road Bridge without such extensive cover and he relented allowing us to be escorted by Queensferry’s John Howell and his crew in the committee boat ‘Faithful’.
Clubs arrived in good time and enjoyed a cuppa and a bacon roll at our shed prior to taking to the water before 10am in time to join our column at 10.30am. We had a total of 17 skiffs: pairs from Queensferry and North Queensferry, North Berwick, Eskmuthe and Golspie, and single skiffs from Kinghorn, Dunbar, Collieston, Portobello, Newhaven, Troon and finally – albeit a tad late – a big well done to Eastern, who rowed up from Portobello and joined the Flotilla in time for the big opening then rowed back after the event. I never saw them but was made aware that they were there. Well done!
After some mild jostling, we joined our column, led by White Wing from the Scottish Fisheries Museum at Anstruther. It was good to have a blether with Dave from the Fyfie early in the morning. The mood was buoyant and the skiffs were magnificent in their column and on the signal when the Queen cut the ribbon we hoisted oars and made a great deal of noise with the rest of the flotilla. This was followed by the flypast of the Red Arrows. Always an attraction.
After the Queen drove over the new crossing to the sound of horns, klaxons and cheering the lead vessel gave the order to disperse to home ports and there was the usual wonderful camaraderie of helping each other off the water and loading boats back onto trailers. Back to the shed to avoid the heavy rain but who cared now! Some enjoyed a hog roast roll courtesy of Port Edgar Yacht Club. There was evidence of some skiffs having enjoyed a bottle of fizz, although I was told it was found floating in the Forth!
An historic event and our skiffs and our wonderful sport were to the fore and gave such a good account of ourselves. I want to thank everyone for your participation, your enthusiasm and your friendship. Thank you to Rob Thompson for organising the event.
Side note from Barbara: I’ve uploaded photos to our Flickr account from the day, most taken from on board Faithful. I tried to get good shots of as many skiffs as possible. They are all available to download – if you can’t work out how to do this from Flickr drop me a line and I’ll try and help. I was filming a video at the time of the actual ribbon-cutting and flypast and frustratingly can’t get this uploaded.
North Berwick also has a Flickr account and they have some cracking pictures there, like the one above of the flypast – just stunning.
Tides for this week – posted 11 Sep 2017
Rachel reports: All is well for daytime and the last of our evening rows this coming week.
Monday 11th September
11.51 — 0.9 m L. 19.24 —- 5.5 m H
Tuesday 12th
12.36 —- 1.3 m L. 20.12 —- 5.3 m H
Wednesday 13th
08.36 —- 5.2 m H. 13.34 —- 1.7 m L. 21.05 —- 5.1 m H
Thursday 14th
09.36 —- 5.0 m H. 15.12 —- 2.1 m L. 22.08 —- 4.9 m H
Friday 15th
10.50 —- 4.9 m H 17.30 —- 2.1 m L
Saturday 16th
06.14 —- 1.7 m L. 12.08 —- 5.0 m H 18.44 —- 1.8 m L
Sunday 17th
07.26 —- 1.3 m L. 13.17 —- 5.3 m H

Speaking of daytime rows, Peter is collecting crews for a row on Friday 15th, meeting at the shed at noon. He writes: It has been a busy season and there has not been a great deal of opportunity for mid-week rowing. I see a wee opportunity on Friday 15 Sep if anybody would like to join me. Nothing fancy. I propose an outing to Port Laing for the usual piece and flask of tea/coffee and a relaxing get together to put the world to right. Will you join me? First names to me at secretary@queensferryrowing.org
Meanwhile, Louise is organising QRC’s participation in an interclub picnic row to Dalmeny House after social rowing on Saturday. She writes: The plan would be to depart PE at 10:30am immediately after social rowing, arriving around 11:30am. This would allow one hour there before setting off for home at 12:30pm to get back around 13:30pm – this straddles high tide. Time is too short for a list in the shed so please message me direct if you are interested – first come first in, up to maximum of 12 with passengers. Eight of us have signed up so far – just need two more for the second crew; any takers? Other skiffs going are Newhaven, two from Porty and at least one from NQ. louiseinnes11@yahoo.co.uk.
Tides – and events – for the week ahead – posted 18 Sep 2017
Rachel reports: It was another busy week of rowing, a highlight being meeting up with fellow local SCRA clubs North Queensferry, Newhaven and Rowporty for a picnic and chat! Six skiffs took part, so worthwhile! The venue was just around Hound Point from our usual picnic spot, with a nice view of Barnbougle Castle. Click here for more pics.
There is no evening rowing now, but the tides are great this coming week for daytime rowing, so let’s get back to using daytime light and pleasant weather. If you have free time and fancy a row, put a call out on the group email.
Ferry Maid will be away from Friday afternoon, when she will head to Dumbarton to be ready for the Castle to Crane event early on Saturday morning, 23 September. This is a big event, with a course of 13 miles (21km) and 76 craft taking part. Described as “the biggest open-water rowing event to be held in Scotland”, it is a RACE, from Dumbarton Castle to the Finnieston Crane. Fifty-two of the entrants are St Ayles skiffs, coming from all over the British Isles. It will be a spectacle to watch, and a challenge to take part. Good luck to our crew: Donna, Rachel H, Anne P, Gabe, Barbara and Rory.
Sunday is the Glasgow Cup, and 12 of our club members are taking part.
As usual, Ferry Lass will remain at Port Edgar, and will be available for rowing over the weekend.
Monday 18th September
08.25— 0.9m L. 14.15 —- 5.6 m H
Tuesday 19th
09.14 — 0.6 m L. 15.06 —- 5.8 m H
Wednesday 20th
09.54 —- 0.5 m L. 15.50 —- 5.9 m H
Thursday 21st
10.27 —- 0.5 m L. 16.30 —- 5.9 m H
Friday 22nd
10.54 —- 0.5 m L. 17.08 —- 5.8 m H
Saturday 23rd
11.13 —- 0.7 m L 17.44 —- 5.6. m H A pontoon will be needed, await further details.
Sunday 24th
11.19 —- 1.0 m L. 18.18 —- 5.4 m H
Calling notice posted for our AGM – posted 18 Sep 2017
Peter has emailed members wtih the calling notice for our AGM – to be held at Port Edgar Yacht Club at 7pm on Tuesday, 24 Oct 2017 – together with the draft agenda and minutes of the last AGM. He hopes to see a good attendance! It would be helpful if those of you who can attend would print your own copy of the agenda and minutes to bring to the meeting.
Please also be aware that a list for the nomination of committee officers and members has been put up on the board in the shed. If you would like to join the committee, please feel free to add your name to the list before 17 October, along with proposer and seconder. If you want to nominate someone, please make sure they are happy with that before doing so. Most of the committee – four officers and no more than seven members – are intending to stand again. If there are more nominations than places, a vote will be held at the meeting.
Time change for Saturday social rowing – posted 21 Sep 2017
Saturday’s rowing session will start a bit earlier, starting from about 8.15am to 8.30am. This is because of the low tide, due after 9am. Pontoon number A25 will be used for crew changes. Skippers Keith and Stevie will be there, ready to get the first crew out.
Sunday rowing is normal time, 1pm.
Tides for the last week in September – posted 25 Sep 2017
Rachel reports: All is well tide-wise for plenty of rowing. No more evening sessions, sadly, but weekend sessions are at the usual times, 9am Saturday and 1pm Sunday.
Monday 25th September
11.36 —- 1.3 m L. 18.53 —- 5.2m L
Tuesday 26th September
07.18 — 5.1 m H. 12.00 — 1.7 m L
Wednesday 27th September
08.00 —- 4.9 m H. 12.33 —- 2.0 m L
Thursday 28th September
08.47 —- 4.6 m H. 13.16 —- 2.4 m L
Friday 29th September
09.47 —- 4.4 m H. 16.29 —- 2.6 mL
Saturday 30th September
11.24 —- 4.4 m H. 17.30 —- 2.4 m L
Sunday 1st October
12.36 — 4.7m H. 18.10 —- 2.13 m L
A weekend in the west, part one: Castle to Crane – posted 27 Sep 2017
Rachel reports: We have returned from a very exciting Clydebuilt Festival weekend.
Day 1, Saturday 23rd September – Castle to Crane
This event was a first, organised by Glasgow Rowing Club and Scottish Coastal Rowing Association as part of the Clydebuilt Festival weekend. The event was described as “the biggest open water rowing race to be held in Scotland”. And this was a race,13 miles/ 21k! The course ran from Dumbarton Castle to the iconic Finnieston Crane beside the Riverside Museum in Glasgow.
All 76 entrants were fixed-seat, coxed rowing boats and there was quite a mix of styles: St Ayles skiffs, English pilot gigs, Welsh longboats, yoals from Shetland and Orkney. Powered by 407 rowers!! A sight to be seen. Ferry Maid was one of the 53 St Ayles skiffs taking part. They came from all over Scotland and the Isles, England, Ireland and the Netherlands. Robbie Wightman, the SCRA chairman, described it as the biggest gathering of skiffs ever. Several clubs had two or three boats entered. Our Queensferry racers were Donna, Rachel H, Anne P, Barbara, Rory and Gabe — a well experienced crew.
We needed to arrive on Friday evening at Sandpoint Marina, Dumbarton, to register Ferry Maid and receive our launch/race number: 23. By dusk all the boats were lined up beautifully, ready for the launch at 10am on Saturday, a magnificent sight!
At 8.15am, all the towers were transported in a fleet of buses from the museum to the marina, a well orchestrated arrangement. We were led out to the start line by the flagship Orcuan, a 30ft replica of a historic eight-oar birlinn built by the GalGael Trust. Each boat was carried on to the slip and launched a minute apart. Officials on the start line marked the time for each vessel as we dug our oars in.

We as a crew rowed well, changing positions several times. The rower taking a turn in the bow space took photos and gave a commentary on the heritage sites as we battled on. The course notes provided for the cox were detailed and clear as to hazards and waypoints, making it a race where we could chat, laugh and support other boats around us – both those we were overtaking and those who were overtaking us.
We reached Finnieston Crane in 2hr 19min. This pleased us, as we had estimated between 2hr 45min and 3hr. We were 34th in a fleet of 75 and 5th in our particular St Ayles skiff category of 12, with two North Berwick, one Anstruther and one Troon boat ahead of us. It was a good result, and as we waited around at the finish ,we realised what we should have packed!! So many of the crews were celebrating with a glass of bubbly, it’s on the list for next year!
This was an extremely well-organised, friendly event and we were thrilled to be part of it.
Below is a slide-show of the day’s photos from the club Flickr.
A weekend in the west, part two: Glasgow Cup – posted 27 Sep 2017
Rachel reports: A further seven rowers from Queensferry joined the Castle to Crane rowers at the Riverside Museum for six races over a 1500 metre course. Nine clubs took part. As the course was around two buoys the races were conducted in waves of three or four skiffs.

It was Wet Wet Wet!! However, this did not dampen Queensferry spirits. Our biggest competition here were Dundrum (world champions), Eastern, Anstruther and Boatie Blest! We made ourselves known, and fought hard in each wave we were in. Our times got better as the day went along and rain got heavier!
There is a wee video online, taken from the music marquee, of the very exciting race to finish line of the 45+ men’s race. We battled it out with Eastern, I was coxing and really thought we had pipped them at the finish line. However all the times /results were posted tonight and we were third equal. An excellent time, our best of the day, of 9.24. We had screaming support from Anstruther from the marquee!! The tall ship Glenlee also provided a great viewpoint from which to watch the races.
Queensferry finished 5th overall in the table of nine, and the expected competition were above us, but we were impressed with our efforts. Click here to view race results.
We had three club members new to skiff racing with us on Sunday – Julie, Graeme and Simon. Regatta racing can be a shock and a thrill at the same time, and despite racing in incessant rain and wet clothes, these new members went home having had a blast! They are all psyched up for more training and next year’s regatta season. This can only be good!
A fantastic, eventful weekend of rowing for Queensferry Rowing Club. Many thanks to our tower Rory, who skilfully took care of our boat and trailer. And special mention to our doughty captain Donna, who soldiered through the whole weekend in good spirits despite a heavy cold that left her unable to speak on Sunday evening!
I personally, in all that rain, only got one photo taken, at the end of the wet day!

Tides for the first week in October – posted 2 Oct 2017
Rachel reports: Here we are in October, with the regatta season closing and one final event left this month. The Freshwater Sprints will be held at beautiful Loch Tummel, where we compete as part of the South East SCRA region on Saturday, 28th October. The photo below is from last year’s event.
There are some low tides this week, but we can manage around them.
Monday 2nd October
06.36 — 1.7 m L. 13.28 — 5.0 m H. 18.55 — 1.8 m L
Tuesday 3rd
07.55 — 1.0 m L. 14.51 — 5.6 m H. 20 .13 — 1.1 m L
Wednesday 4th
07.55 — 1.0 m L. 14.51 — 5.6 m H 20.13 — 1.1 m L
Thursday 5th
08.35 — 0.8 m L 15.29 — 5.8 m H. 20. 54 — 0.9 m L
Friday 6th
09.13 — 0.6 m L. 16.08 — 6.0 m H
Saturday 7th
09.48 — 0.5 m L. 16.49 — 6.0 m H. Very low tide for social rowing, but we await confirmation of pontoon access. The training session is at 7.30am rather than 8am.
Sunday 8th
10.20 — 0.5 m L 17 .31 — 6.0 m H The training session will be at noon rather than 11.30am.
Have a good week everyone.
Tides for the week of 9-16 October – posted 10 Oct 2017
Rachel reports: We have just ended a mixed weekend of low tide/mud and choppy waters/flat calm. All was well though – five crews were out on Saturday and three on Sunday! Next weekend has perfect tides for our social sessions.
Monday 9th October
10.53—- 0.71m L 18.15 —- 5.87m H
Tuesday 10th
06.38 — 5.85m H. 11.33 —- 1.01 m L
Wednesday 11th
07.27 — 5.60 m H. 12.20 —- 1.44m L
Thursday 12th
08.20 — 5.30 m H 13.26 — 1.9 m L
Friday 13th
09.23 — 5.03 m H. 15.16 — 2.24 m L
Saturday 14th
10.40 — 4.9 m H. 17.20 — 2.2 m L
Sunday 15th
12.00 — 5.0 m H. 18.34 —- 1.9 m L
Ferry Maid maintenance – posted 10 Oct 2017
Ferry Maid is having a “makeover” at the moment. Anyone who’d like to help sand/paint please contact Mark (mameredith@btinternet.com) so he can put you on his mailing list. It’s a great way to get very well acquainted with the anatomy of a skiff and to learn to handle the boats with respect: when you’ve spent hours making a boat gleam, you’d prefer it stayed that way!
Several people have signed up already and Mark is organising rotas. The Maid was given a “deep clean” on Sunday – a toothbrush was deployed! – and it was decided to go ahead and paint her as well. Doing this now avoids longer delays in winter, when paint takes days to dry.
The schedule is as follows:
10 Oct — 0930-1230
Check supplies:
electric sander plus sanding pads
white spirit (lots)
range of paint brushes
primer paint
main interior paint (non slip?)
inspection light
paint pots
lots of rags
heat gun
vacuum cleaner
lots of disposable gloves
Take FM out of shed, weather permitting, to continue to dry. Remove footrest straps and start a box for FM trimmings so we don’t lose them. Remove seat pegs and seats (pegs to FM box). Perhaps a start sanding on damaged areas.
11 Oct— 1100–1500
Sanding, plus use small brushes and white spirit to clean remaining dirt.
12 Oct — 0900-1500
Finish sanding interior and vacuum, (all woodwork to be painted should be keyed), white spirit clean woodwork with rags (outside shed if possible). Light sanding to seats and gunnels. Keep boat dry. If possible start priming.
13-15 Oct
Mark not available. Any paint team members can continue priming.
Tides for the coming week – posted 16 Oct 2017
Rachel reports: It has been a very productive week, with Ferry Maid being cleaned and painted. Well done all the helpers. Low tide next weekend will bring a bit of disruption, but on Saturday we can row a bit later, and on Sunday we will manage social rowing at 1pm as usual.
Monday 16th October
07.14 — 1.3 m L. 13.07 — 5.3 m H 19.31 — 1.7 m L
Tuesday 17th
08.08 —- 1.0m L. 14.02 —5.6 m H. 20.19 — 1.4 m L
Wednesday 18th
08.53 — 0.8 m L. 14.49 — 5.7 m H. 20.59 — 1.2 m L
Thursday 19th
09.29 — 0.7 m L. 15.30 — 5.8 m H. 21.32 — 1.1 m L
Friday 20th
09.57 — 0.8 m L. 16.07 — 5.8 m H 21.56 —- 1.0 mL
Saturday 21st
10.13 —- 0.8 m L. 16.41 —- 5.7 m H No training as tide will be too low. Lots of mud!! Social rowing will be from 11.30am for 12 o’clock .
Sunday 22nd
10.19 —- 0.9 m L. 17.12 —- 5.6 m H Training at noon, due to low tide earlier. Social rowing will be at the normal time.
Reminders will be sent out later in the week.
Boat maintenance progress – posted 16 Oct 2017
Barbara reports: Last week the Maid was taken out of service for her annual makeover. Mark organised the troops, who comprise Robin, Barbara, Keith, Stevie and John H. First the boat was given a deep clean – a toothbrush proved the best tool for scouring out the crevices! Once she dried, the interior was sanded and any bare spots were primed, then the undercoat and topcoat were applied. Meanwhile the floorboards, rudder and seats were sanded and varnished, and the footrests sanded, primed and undercoated.
Next, the boat was turned and work started on the hull, with the process of sanding, priming, undercoating and applying gloss. The footrests were also given a final coat. The metal strip on the keel was badly worn at one end, so Stevie replaced it.
As of today, Monday 16 October, the boat will be ready to be turned again once dry. This will happen from about midday on Tuesday – a call will go out for volunteers. Then the final phase will begin – sanding and varnishing the gunnels. All being well, the Maid should be ready for service at the weekend.
Bridge T-shirts: the perfect gift – posted 20 Oct 2017
Just a reminder for those who’ve started thinking about Christmas gifts that our Bridge T-shirts are still on sale. Some sizes are in stock and others can be ordered. Contact Rachel H for more information about what’s available. Treat your friends and family to a quality T-shirt with a unique design, and help the club raise funds for boat maintenance (see earlier post) and equipment. There’s now a permanent link to T-shirt information in the Fundraising menu above.
Unisex — XXL,XL,L,M,S
Ladyfit — XXL (18/20),XL (14/16),L (12/14),M (10/12),S (8/10),
Youth (children) — XL (12/13),L (9/11),M (7/8),S (5/6)
Adults £10 Children £6
Tides for the week ahead – Oct 23 to 29 – posted 22 Oct 2017
Rachel reports: What a busy weekend in the shed and on the water. Good to see lots of members around. Ferry Maid is looking good and will be ready for action from Wednesday (the pic was taken on Sunday – Gabe and Stevie fit the Maid back together. The varnish will take another day or two to cure). All is well for the next week of rowing, with no low tides set to interfere in our sessions.
Monday 23rd October
10.40 — 1.1 m L. 17.43 — 5.4 m H
Tuesday 24th
11.02 — 1.4 m L 18.17 — 5.3m H
Wednesday 25th
11.27 — 1.6 m L. 18.56 — 5.1m H
Thursday 26th
11.59 — 2.0 m L. 19.39 — 4.9 m H
Friday 27th
08.15 — 4.7 m H 12.41— 2.3 m L
Saturday 28th
09.07 — 4.5 m H 13.37 — 2.6 m L
Clocks go BACK an hour as we return to GMT
Sunday 29th
09.13 — 4.5 m H. 15.55 — 2.5 m L
Have a good week. The racing season finishes on Saturday, with the Freshwater Sprints at beautiful Loch Tummel. Queensferry will be competing as part of the South East region. Good luck, we would like that trophy back !!
Club agm reminder – posted 23 Oct 2017
All are welcome to attend the club’s agm, to be held on Tuesday 24 October at 7pm in the Port Edgar Yacht Club. If you’re in the QRC email group you’ll have received copies of the agenda, last year’s minutes and the captain’s report to read through before the meeting. If you want to, print out a copy to bring to the meeting – there will only be a few copies available there, for those who don’t have a computer.
Marion and Barbara will be bringing along proofs of the front and back pages of the club’s 2018 calendar and an order sheet. The price will depend on how many are ordered, so please buy them for all your friends and family. Orders have already been placed, sight unseen!! NOTE: These images are low-resolution previews and don’t reflect the finished quality. Also, some are by professional photographers and permission to use them is being sought. Some photos may change.
Freshwater Sprints – posted 29 Oct 2017
Donna writes: We are on the way home with the trophy won back for SE region and six gold medals. A total of 17 QRC rowers participated – the most ever at Freshwater Sprints.
PLUS we have won the annual prize for best cruising log, for an account submitted by our Queensferry Quines after completing the Caledonian Canal expedition. The specifics for the log were required by SCRA and QRC did an excellent job of this.Something to be proud of indeed. The prize is an entry in the SCRA Cruising Log, a handsome leather book, among some distinguished company:
We are winners, well and truly. Well done one and all. We are going from strength to strength.
More Loch Tummel photos on Flickr.
Forthcoming tides – posted 29 Oct 2017
Rachel reports: As we leave October, we have completed the last of the SCRA events at stunning Loch Tummel yesterday, and as a club we are delighted to have contributed greatly to the SE region’s win of the annual trophy. It was a very satisfying way to leave a successful season behind and move onwards into November.
We are now back on GMT, and the tides are good for us for the next few weeks. Pictured below is an encounter on Sunday with North Queensferry – all agreed it was a wonderful day for a row!
Monday 30th October
10.41 — 4.6 m H. 16.46 — 2.2 m L
Tuesday 31st
11.44 — 5.0 m H 17.29 — 1.9 m L
Wednesday 1st November
05.51 — 1.4 m L 12.32 — 5.3 m H
Thursday 2nd
06.31 — 1.1 m L. 13.16 — 5.6 m H
Friday 3rd
07.09 — 0.8 m L. 13.58 — 5.9 m H
Saturday 4th
07.46 — 0.6 m L 14.40 — 6.1 m H
Sunday 5th
08.21 — 0.6 m L. 15.24 — 6.1 m H
Questing Queensferry Quines’ winning cruising log – posted 30 Oct 2017
Click on the image above to read the whole thing. Liz Furrie wrote the log; photos are by various people and can be found on the club’s Flickr account.
Tides for the week ahead, Nov 6 to 12 – posted 5 Nov 2017
Rachel reports: All is well for rowing each day this week, although better from late morning Mon/Tues/Wed for anyone planning a midweek row. The photo below is from a row on Saturday morning, and crews on Sunday encountered the same conditions: the water around Inchgarvie is calm, but off the eastern end of the island it’s all swirling currents and wavelets, quite fun to row in! You can feel whirlpool-like currents grab the boat. More photos on Flickr. Also on Flickr, photos of the cox training on Saturday afternoon.
Monday 6th November
08.57 —- 0.6 m L 16.09 — 6.1 m H
Tuesday 7th
09.36 — 0.8 m L. 16.56 — 6.0 m H
Wednesday 8th
10.19 — 1.1 m L 17.45 — 5.7 m H
Thursday 9th
06.14 — 5.7 m H 11.11 — 1.5 m L
Friday 10th
07.09 — 5.4 m H 12.20 — 1.9 m L
Saturday 11th
08.11 — 5.1 m H 13.54 — 2.2 m L
Sunday 12th
09.24 — 5.0 m H 15.53 — 2.3 m L
Reminder: Christmas get-together at the Hawes Inn – posted 5 Nov 2017
Donna writes: We have 13 signed up already for our Festive do. I have spoken with the Hawes, who advised that a deposit of £5 per person will be required by November 13. Pre-order has to be in by Friday, 24th November.
The festive menu and pre-order form have been sent out to you all by email – can they be returned to me please. I can then collate and give to the Hawes. Marion or myself will let you know when and where to pay the deposit money.
The festive menu can be viewed by clicking here.
Tides for this week – posted 14 Nov 2017
Rachel reports: Winter is upon us now, but this week has decent tides and some fine weather for midweek rowing. There is no early morning training on Saturday, and there will be time for a catch-up from 9am before there is enough water for the regular social rowing session.
Monday 13th November
10.39 — 5.0 m H. 17.11 —- 2.1 m L
Tuesday 14th
11.43 — 5.2 m H 18.08 — 1.8 m L
Wednesday 15th
06.44 — 1.2 m L. 12.38 —- 5.4 m H
Thursday 16th
07.27 —- 1.1 m L. 13.25 — 5.6 m H
Friday 17th
08.02 —- 1.1 m L. 14.08 —- 5.6 m H
Saturday 18th
08.26 —- 1.1 m L 14.45 —- 5.6 m H.
Sunday 19th
08.14 —- 1.1 m L 15.18 —- 5.6 m H
Tides for the week ahead – posted 20 Nov 2017
Rachel reports: A cold week behind us, another cold week ahead. The chat this past weekend focused on recommendations on winter rowing gloves! We all felt it in the hands, but lovely calm waters and interesting skies kept us going!!
A certain young lady we all know celebrated a milestone birthday with her first row with us on Saturday (see photo), and did so well. What better way to start a birthday? Happy Birthday F!!
Monday 20th November
08.44 —- 1.1 m L. 15.47 — 5.5 m H
Tuesday 21st
09.14 — 1.2 m L 16.17 — 5.5 m H
Wednesday 22nd
09.40 — 1.4 mL. 16.52 — 5.3 m H
Thursday 23rd
10.06 —- 1.6 m L 17.31 —- 5.2 m H
Friday 24th
10.37 — 1.8 m L. 18.13 —- 5.0 m H
Saturday 25th
11.17 — 2.1 m L. 18.58 — 4.9 m H
Sunday 26th
12.07 — 2.4 m L. 19.47 — 4.7 m H
Plenty of opportunity for midweek rowing, have a good week everyone!
Festive raffle tickets now on sale – posted 20 Nov 2017
Contributions of festive fayre are welcome for our Christmas raffle hampers! Rachel has baked a wonderful Christmas cake as a prize as well. Tickets are on sale in the shed, just a pound a strip.
Ferry Maid’s fifth birthday on Friday – posted 22 Nov 2017
Peter writes: Friday 24 November marks the fifth anniversary of the launch of Ferry Maid. Once again, thanks to all who were involved in the procurement, build and launch of our lovely skiff and her big sister. Thanks from all who have enjoyed rowing and competing in her this last five years and hopefully well into the future!
For those newer members of the Club, here’s a wee video of the launch:
Tides for the week ahead – posted 27 Nov 2017
Rachel reports: We have just had three chilly days of rowing. Ferry Maid is now five years launched and we celebrated with a lovely row on Friday, and member chat and amazing shortbread on Saturday. (Thanks, Sheena!) We have no tide issues going into this week, as we head into December, so lots of rowing opportunities. The photo (by Rebecca) is from the Maid’s birthday row on Friday, in which the crew cleverly avoided a snow shower by popping into the Hawes Inn for a coffee.
Monday 27th November
08.32— 4.7m H 15.12 — 2.5 m L
Tuesday 28th
09.38 —- 4.7 m H. 16.10 —- 2.3 m L
Wednesday 29th
10.47 —- 4.9 m H. 16.59 —— 2.0 m L
Thursday 30th
11.46 —- 5.2 m H. 17.44 —— 1.6 m L
Friday 1st December
06.07 —- 1.2 m L 12.38 —— 5.5 m H
Saturday 2nd
06.47 —— 1.0 m L. 13.27 —- 5.8 m H
Sunday 3rd
07.27 —- 0.8 m L. 14.15 —— 6.0 m H
Don’t forget – the club’s Christmas dinner is this Friday. Also, even if you’re not rowing, please drop by the shed on Saturday or Sunday and buy a few tickets in the stunning raffle. The prizes include two generous hampers of goodies, a Christmas cake baked by Rachel, some “special bottles” and a limited edition print of Edinburgh Castle in the snow. Tickets are just a pound a strip. The draw is on 16 December – another good day to turn up at the shed!
One more photo, again by Rebecca, shows the glorious sight that rewarded the hardy souls who turned up for a training row early on Saturday morning:
Raising funds – and awareness – at Napier University – posted 1 Dec 2017
Rachel reports: We as QRC were invited by Sharon to take part in Napier University’s Charity Christmas Fayre, the charity being Sick Kids.
Keith, Sharon and I had a busy two hours of selling the club’s unique bridge T-shirts and the monkey-fist keyrings. This boosted our funds by around £200, while the charity gained also. A good community involvement.
This was also a very good platform to advertise our club and Scottish Coastal Rowing to the students/staff. We may have a few visitors coming to Port Edgar to try it out. Keith and Sharon did a sterling job highlighting how great a sport it is!
We have a few BLACK bridge T-shirts in stock now, unisex style in medium and large.They are quite striking! A little more expensive at £15 each. There are still plenty of white T-shirts available, including children’s sizes, priced at £10 and £6. Do consider some as Christmas presents.
Forthcoming tides – 4-10 December – posted 5 Dec 2017
Rachel reports: It looks like late morning before any midweek rowing this week, but all is well for Saturday / Sunday.
Monday 4th December
08.08—- 0.8 m L. 15.03 —- 6.1 m H
Tuesday 5th
08.49 —- 0.8 m L. 15.51 —- 6.1 m H
Wednesday 6th
09.31 —- 0.9 m L. 16.40 —- 6.0 m H
Thursday 7th
10.16 —— 1.2 m L. 17.31 —- 5.9 m H
Friday 8th
11.08 —- 1.5 m L. 18.24 —- 5.6 m H
Saturday 9th
06.56 —- 5.5 m H. 12.10 —— 1.8 m L
Sunday 10th
07.54 —- 5.2 m H 13.17 —— 2.1 m L
Christmas raffle – posted 6 Dec 2017
A message from Rachel: Thank you all so much for the donations. We now have two lovely hampers, a limited addition print, plenty of Christmas spirit, and lots of gifts and mystery parcels. The cake will be added by the weekend of Saturday 16th, when the draw will be held. Great result, so tickets will be on sale until the day. Plenty to win!
New item in the For Sale section! – posted 11 Dec 2017
Tides for the coming week – posted 11 Dec 2017
Barbara reports: As Rachel is apparently stuck in Eindhoven (first by snow and now by a lack of pilot), I’ve stepped in to provide the tide times for the week. There should be enough water for the early morning training rows at the weekend. Pictured are some of this past weekend’s – it was seriously cold!
Monday 11th December
High: 0858 5m
Low: 1439 2.3m
Tuesday 12th
High: 1006 5m
Low: 1626 2.2m
Wednesday 13th
High: 1109 5m
Low: 1737 2.1m
Thursday 14th
Low: 0613 1.6m
High: 1206 5.2m
Low: 1832 1.9m
Friday 15th
Low: 0659 1.5m
High: 1256 5.3m
Low: 1918 1.7m
Saturday 16th
Low: 0735 1.5m
High: 1342 5.4m
Sunday 17th
Low: 0711 1.4m
High: 1422 5.5m
Low: 1917 1.4m
A tasty pre-Christmas bonus! – posted 18 Dec 2017
Peter reports: The winner of the magnificent Christmas cake baked and wonderfully decorated by Rachel has kindly donated it back, as her Mum bakes their cake. Here is another chance to win this lovely cake! All replies to me by close of play on Fri 22 Dec 2017 with a £2 pledge will be entered into a draw which will be made during social rowing on Sat 23 Dec. (Keith, I trust you can see to this as well as the bacon rolls.)
I will trust entrants to put their £2 in the box at the shed in due course. Don’t want to be a cheapskate but if I sent all you lovely people a card I would be skint so it is an appropriate time to wish you all a Happy Christmas and I look forward to being with you all for another year of rowing and friendship!
All replies to me secretary@queensferryrowing.org
Tides for the week ahead – posted 18 Dec 2017
Rachel reports: Here we are on the run-up to Christmas, decent tides will see us through to the New Year and the Loony Dook. Ferry Maid and Ferry Lass will be on the water as part of the celebrations. There is a sign-up sheet on the board for crews.
Monday 18th December
07.42 —— 1.3 m L. 14.57 —— 5.5 m H
Tuesday 19th
08.20—- 1.3 m L. 15.29 —- 5.5 m H
Wednesday 20th
08.56 —— 1.3 m L 16.01 —— 5.5 m H
Thursday 21st
09.28 —— 1.3 m L. 16,35 —- 5.4 m H. Shortest Day !!
Friday 22nd
09.55 —- 1.5 m L. 17.13 —- 5.3 m H
Saturday 23rd
10.23 —— 1.6 m L. 17.54 —— 5.2 m H
Sunday 24th
10.58 —— 1.8 m L. 18.37 —- 5.0 m H
Social row on Saturday, 23 December – posted 18 Dec 2017
Keith reports: There will be Social Rowing on Saturday morning despite a low tide (1.6m) at 10.23. Peter has family visiting, so I will do my poor substitute as cook of bacon rolls.
As Saturday is the beginning of the festive weekend I intend to wear a silly hat and one of my Christmas jumpers. Please feel free to do so too!!! There may be a prize for the best of each. Hope to see lots of you on Saturday.
There will also of course be a draw for the Christmas cake – entries are £2, names to Peter please.
Tides for the rest of 2017 – and Christmas wishes – posted 23 Dec 2017
Rachel writes: Hello there everyone! Here are the tides for the rest of 2017.
Monday 25th December
07.13 —- 5.0 mH. 11.41 —— 2.0 mL
Tuesday 26th
08.03 —— 4.9 m H 12.35 —— 2.2 mL
Wednesday 27th
08.58 —— 4.8 m H. 13.50 ——2.3 m L
Thursday 28th
10.00 —- 4.9 m H 16.25 —— 2.1 m L
Friday 29th
11.03 —— 5.1 m H 17.19 —— 1.8 m L
Saturday 30th
05.46 —— 1.4 m L. 12.03 —— 5.4 m H
Sunday 31st
06.39 —— 1.2 m L. 12.59 —— 5.6 m H
Plenty of availability for rowing during the holiday spell!! We have had a great year of rowing and we have another busy calendar of events to look forward to In 2018.
I wish all members and their families a very Happy Christmas and Health and Happiness for 2018.
Keith adds a reminder that on Saturday social rowing (December 23rd) there will be sparkling PRIZES for BEST HAT & BEST CHRISTMAS JUMPER … and possibly some festive tunes. Also bacon rolls. We are also getting a second chance to try and win Rachel’s magnificent Christmas cake – this exciting re-draw will be held on Saturday morning thanks to Susan, who will be enjoying her mother’s cake as part of a much loved family tradition! Please remember to wear those funny hats and Christmas jumpers.