The home of coastal rowing in Queensferry, Scotland
Archives 2018 – part 3
Calling notice for agm on 25 October – posted 3 Oct 2018
A Draft Agenda and the Minutes of the 2017 AGM will be sent by email to members and copies will be posted in the Club Shed at Port Edgar and on the Club Web Site. Any additions to the draft agenda must be made known to DONNA MARTIN,Club Captain, by email to NO LATER THAN Thursday 18th October 2018.
In terms of the Club Constitution all Office Bearers and all Committee Members leave office at the AGM. Those who wish to stand again must put their names forward with the names of their “proposers” and “seconders” along with the names of any Club Members who themselves wish to stand as Office Bearers or Committee Members.
All nominations for Office Bearers or Committee Members should be notified
In the event that there are more nominations either for the four OFFICE BEARERS [Captain, Vice Captain. Treasurer or Secretary] or for COMMITTEE MEMBERS [Maximum permitted number Seven], a vote will be held at the AGM to fill the contested positions.
Any current Office Bearer or Committee member who is not standing for re-election should advise the Club Captain by 11th October 2018.
If you are nominating a member as an Office Bearer or Committee Member please check that the person wishes to stand and that proposer and seconder are fully paid up members of the Club.
This CALLING NOTICE is made as instructed and approved by and on behalf of the Club Committee by me, Keith Thomson (Committee Member)
this 3rd day of October 2018
At Port Edgar Yacht Club
Members Present: Donna Martin, Rachel Holburn, Marion McDowall, Louise Innes, Julie Dominguez, Graeme Thomson, Anne Flannery, Robin Goldie, Donal Ferrie, Mel Chambers, Len Saunders, Lesley Jones, Gabe Levy, Anne Purcell, Peter Holburn, Alistair Sturrock, Rachel Dillon, Steven Leask, John Howell, Barbara Agnew, Rory McIntyre, Mark Meridith, Cherry Kelsey, Maria van Dalen, Graham Sutherland, George Kilgour, Alan Ramsay, Tony Bacon, Lorna Bark, Keith Thomson, Mike McDowall., Peter Locke.
1. Apologies
Captain Donna Martin welcomed all to the meeting. Apologies had been received from: Alison Fish, Kenny McGavin, Sharon Homan-James, Liz and Ralph Furrie, Mike Breewood, Judith Bull, Susan, Hanna and Jodie, Sue McPhail, Stuart Ridge, Ranald and Sheena who added that they appreciate crews coming into the Harbour and waving to them.
2. Minutes of Previous AGM
Proposed by Mark Meredith and seconded by Barbara Agnew that the Minutes of the Previous Meeting be passed as read. Carried
3 Minutes of the EGM held on 23 March 2013
Proposed by Louise Innes and seconded by Robin Goldie that the Minutes of the EGM be passed as read. Carried
4. Matters Arising. None
5. Captain’s Report
Captain Donna Martin presented her report which was circulated to members prior to the meeting.
6. Treasurer’s Report and Agreement of Membership Fees
Treasurer Marion McDowall presented her report which had been made available to members prior to the meeting. Closing balance at 30 September 2017 was £7185.37.
Proposed by Peter Locke and seconded by Rory McIntyre that the Membership Fees remain unchanged for a further year. Carried
7. Election of Office Bearers and Committee Members
The Committee stepped aside and Mike McDowall took the Chair. He stated that the Committee had all stood for re-election. All had been duly proposed and seconded and as there were no further applicants the Committee were re-elected. Carried.
Captain. Donna Martin
Vice Captain. Rachel Holburn
Treasurer. Marion McDowall
Secretary. Peter Locke
Rory McIntyre
John Howell
Maria van Dalen
Anne Flannery
Anne Purcell
Keith Thomson
Louise Innes
8. Expeditions
Anne Flannery spoke about the Caledonian Canal Experience and said that she and others will help anyone who may undertake an expedition in the future. Rachel H pointed out that Robbie Wightman, Convenor SCRA encourages this very different type of activity.
9. New Oars
Mike McDowall and Peter Locke gave a joint report on the new oars explaining that this was brought about by an SCRA proposal that oars should become more standardised. We as a Club became part of this experiment which has now been abandoned by SCRA. We are continuing and hope that the oars will soon be completed.
10. Training – Progression
Peter Locke stated that the Training Sub Committee will reinstate the Competent Crew Log for new members with a view to undertaking a Coxes Course and a Skippers Course. A Coxes Course has been organised for 4 Nov 17 and the Skippers Course for 24 Mar 18. Anne Purcell asked if the Sub Committee was dealing with ‘Race Training’ and technique. At the moment the Sub Committee are dealing more with the safety aspect but the Committee will look into this.
11. A Third Skiff. Yes? No? Maybe?
Peter Locke said that there was no definite proposal to build a third skiff but there was talk amongst some members of the possibility due to the increase in a variety of events and the fact that Junior Rowing is developing. A show of hands was requested and was approximately: Yes, 18, No, 4, Maybe, 10. This is something that the Committee will consider going ahead.
12. Any Other Business
Keith Thomson gave thanks to the Skippers and members who organised race training which had improved the Club’s position at regattas. He then asked if there could be more Committee Members as the Club continues to develop and expand. This will be considered by the Committee before the next AGM.
Donna Martin asked that if a member has entered his or her name for a regatta then for whatever reason has to withdraw, please let the organising Committee member know as soon as possible.
Rory McIntyre asked that there be more communication amongst members travelling to regattas and events to encourage more car sharing.
Barbara Agnew said that the 2018 Calendar would soon be available and asked members to place orders. The more ordered, the cheaper it would be.
Stevie Leask said that he had been in contact with St Abbs who were reviving their Rowing Club. Vice Captain, Rachel Holburn is taking this up.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 2020hrs.
Tides for the week ahead – posted 8 Oct 2018
Rachel reports: What a difference a day makes!! Saturday was so pleasant, but on Sunday we were reminded we are in Autumn. ? Any midweek Rowing this week will be late morning or afternoon.
Monday 8th October
09.04 —- 0.5 mL. 14.58 —- 6.0 m H
Tuesday 9th
09.47 — 0.3 mL. 15.44 —- 6.1 m H
Wednesday 10th
10.23 — 0.3 m L. 16.27 —- 6.1 m H
Thursday 11th
10 .54 —- 0.5 m L. 17.08 —- 5.9 m H
Friday 12th
11.20 —- 0.7 m L. 17.48 —- 5.7 m H
Saturday 13th
11.32 —- 1.1 m L. 18.27 —- 5.5 m H
Sunday 14th
11.47 —- 1.5 m L. 19.03 —- 5.2 m H
Saturday and Sunday we will aim to have some pontoon use during the sessions.
Something to think about for Christmas! – posted 12 Oct 2018
Rachel writes: Sorry to mention the big C word ,at this time ,but needs must ,when it is Club Fundraising. Our ongoing fundraising ,within the club, is a vital part of a Community Club.
Any money raised,is consistently used ,for all the safety equipment and accessories you use ,to enjoy your rowing. Latest topic — OARS ?♀️!!
Now is the time ,to consider our unique Bridge T- Shirts as Christmas gifts.
We are the only organisation selling the bridges image on t-shirts!!
We have t-shirts in stock ,so hope to be able accommodate your sizes.
Speak to Keith or Rachel at the shed ,or give us an email .We are happy to help.
Many thanks ,for your continuous support of Queensferry Rowing Club.
Tides for the coming week – posted 14 Oct 2018
Rachel reports: Well, what a weather week we have had!! This coming week is good for ‘Anytime Rowing’, and the bonus is ,the weather looks great also – though not every day. A Blackness/Limekilns row planned for Tuesday has been cancelled due to a forecast of high winds, while a crew heading out tomorrow looks set to enjoy a beautiful day.
Monday 15th October
07.34— 5.1 m H 12.14 —1.9 mL. 19.40 —- 4.9 mH
Tuesday 16th
08.19 — 4.8 m H. 12.53 — 2.4 m L 20.22 —- 4.7 m H
Wednesday 17th
09.15 — 4.5 m H. 15.27 — 2.7 m L. 21.14 — 4.5 m H
Thursday 18th
10.51 —- 4.4 m H 16.46 —- 2.6 m L.
Friday 19th
05.29 — 2.2 m L. 12.06 —- 4.6 m H 17.50 — 2.4 m L
Saturday 20th
06.28 — 2.0 m L. 13.01 —- 4.9 m H. 18.26 —- 2.1 m L
Sunday 21st
06.46 —- 1.7 m L. 13.44 — 5.1 m H 18.58 —- 1.8 m L
Saturday may have been a wash-out, but Sunday’s social rowers enjoyed a beautiful afternoon
Nomination of officers and committee members – posted 14 Oct 2018
As per the Queensferry Rowing Club constitution:
Section 4.1: “The club shall be managed by a committee made up of the following office bearers: Captain; Vice Captain; Secretary and Treasurer and no more than seven other committee members. These shall be elected annually at the club’s Annual General Meeting by a simple majority.”
Section 4.2: “Election shall be by nomination at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations must be notified to the secretary at least two weeks before the AGM and should be posted on the club web site.”
Notice therefore given that the following people are nominated to be office bearers and committee members.
Louise Innes
Donna Martin
Peter Locke
Anne Purcell
John Howell
Maria van Dalen
Rachel Holburn
Mark Meredith
Stevie Leask
Dónal Ferrie
Barbara Agnew
Rachel Dillon
Lorna Bark
Anne Purcell
Dónal Ferrie
Anne Flannery
Liz Furrie
Mel Chambers
Marion McDowall
Mike McDowall
John Howell
Rebecca Gates
Dónal Ferrie
Lorna Bark
Mike Breewood
Alistair Sturrock
Pat Stephenson
Marianne Sandison
Alison Fish
Tansy Moir
Alan Sutherland
Peter Locke
Barbara Agnew
Rory McIntyre
Peter Holburn
John Howell
John Howell
Mike McDowell
Rachel Holburn
Maria van Dalen
Tansy Moir
Tracey Vincent
Lorna Bark
Marion McDowall
Mike McDowall
Anne Purcell
Dónal Ferrie
Mel Chambers
Dónal Ferrie
Anne Purcell
Marianne Sandison
As you can see, there are more than the required number of nominees for most posts, so a secret ballot will be held at the AGM. The AGM is being held at the Port Edgar Yacht Club at 7.30pm on Thursday the 25th of October. All club members are urged to come along and cast their vote.
Please note: A copy of the constitution may be downloaded by clicking on the “Resources” tab in the menu.
Forthcoming tides, 22-28 October – posted 22 Oct 2018
Update on Saturday social rowing from Peter: As there is a training row going out early they will bring the skiff back to a pontoon, which will allow normal 9.00am rowing. On the day, I would appreciate if someone can help me in the afternoon to recover the skiff from the pontoon.
Rachel reports: This coming week is the last on British Summer Time, so the darkness is creeping in!!
Monday 22nd October
07.17 —— 1.4 m L. 14.23 —- 5.4 m H. 19.34 — 1.4 m L
Tuesday 23rd
07.54 —- 1.1 m L. 15.00 —- 5.6 m H. 20.13 —-1.2 m L
Wednesday 24th
08.32 —-0.9 mL. 15.36 —- 5.7 m H. 20.53 —- 1.0 m L
Thursday 25th
09.09 —- 0.7 m L. 16.13 —- 5.8 m H. 21.31 —- 0.8 m L
Friday 26th
09.42 —- 0.7 m L. 16.51 —- 5.8 m H. 22.04 —- 0.8 m L
Saturday 27th
10.11 —- 0.8 m L. 17.30 —- 5.8 m H Peter will inform the group about possible pontoon.
Thirteen members will be away to Loch Tummel for the regional Freshwater Sprints. Good luck the Southeast.
* Clocks back 1 hour *
Sunday 28th
09.43 —- 1.0 m L. 17.13 —- 5.6 m H
Rowers enjoyed perfect weather for a jaunt to Blackness last week
Tides for the week ahead – posted 28 Oct 2018
Rachel reports: This coming week takes us into November, and we are back onto GMT. There is plenty opportunity for daytime rowing this week. A few people have already asked!! So go for it! Next weekend’s training and social sessions have good tides, so all is well.
Monday 29th October
10.20— 1.2mL. 17.58 —- 5.8 m H
Tuesday 30th
11.07 — 1.6 m L. 18.46 —-5.2. m H
Wednesday 31st
07.17 — 5.2 m H. 12.10 —- 2.0 m L. 19.40 —- 5.0 m H
Thursday 1st November
08.18 —- 5.0 m H. 14.30 —-2.30 m L
Friday 2nd
09.32 — 4.9 m H. 16.09 —- 2.2 mL
Saturday 3rd
10.51 — 5.1 m H. 17.71 — 1.9 m L
Sunday 4th
11.57 —- 5.4 m H 18.15 —- 1.6 m L
Orders now being taken for 2019 calendars!! – posted 28 Oct 2018
Tansy reports: The new 2019 QRC Calendars are available to pre-order now at a mere £6 each and they will be ready to collect in two weeks, so in plenty of time for Christmas gifts.
Last year’s calendars raised over £200 so not only will you have beautiful photos on your wall, you’ll be supporting your club too.
Preview images are shown here – there were so many amazing photos to choose from and hopefully the selection of 13 images reflects the diverse range of activities we enjoy at the Rowing Club. Thanks to everyone for taking all the great photos, especially Barbara for organising and sharing them all via the Flickr account too.
Order process – There will be an order sheet in the shed where you can write your name and number of calendars required, plus envelopes for money which should go direct to Marion.
If you would like some:
Write your name and how many calendars you want on the sheet
When you are ready to pay, put the money in an envelope and write your name, the word ‘Calendars’ and amount written on it
Put the envelope in the jar marked ‘for Marion, Treasurer’
Tick on the sheet that you have paid
If you can’t get to the shed, email me direct at and I will add your order to the list
Once the pre-ordered calendars have been distributed the remaining will be available to buy in the shed
Hopefully that’s all clear but any queries please email me. This will be the easiest Christmas shopping I’ll be doing!!
Call for maintenance volunteers – posted 28 Oct 2018
Mark writes: Ferry Maid needs some TLC and she will likely be out of action until December. Following a Committee decision, we will now permanently remove the floorboards and plan to adjust/build new footrests to fit. This will lower her weight and make her easier to clean. We need to sand the insides, paint, touch up the outside hull and varnish the gunnel. Here is a proposed work schedule.
Tuesday, 30 Oct 1000: weather permitting, she needs a deep clean down at the hose. On her trolley, the boat is then stripped down (seats/floorboards etc) and left to dry. 3/4 helpers needed for about two hours.
Tuesday 30 Oct to 5 Nov: Skiff dries thoroughly, out in the breeze and sun if possible. Stays on trolley. No helpers needed.
Monday 5/6 Nov: Start sanding. We have two orbital sanders but one more will help. Sandpaper and face-masks will be supplied. 3/4 helpers welcome
Nov 6: Wipe down and painting the inside of the hull starts. Next work schedule due.
Helpers for Tuesday 1000 please email me:
The Lass had her “refresh” back in April – it’s the Maid’s turn now
Your new committee – posted 28 Oct 2018
Office-holders and committee members elected on Thursday 25 October are as follows:
Captain: Anne Purcell
Vice-captain: Rachel Holburn
Secretary: Lorna Bark
Treasurer: Marion McDowall
Members: Rebecca Gates
Mike Breewood
Marianne Sandison
Alan Sutherland
John Howell
Maria van Dalen
Dónal Ferrie
Freshwater Sprints 2018 – posted 29 Oct 2018
Keith writes:
Freshwater Sprints 2018 – An Old Codger’s View!
ALARM – 6am – pitch black, Up, Teeth, Shave, Breakfast, Check bag. First passenger arrives sharp at 7. Collect others en route. How prompt and reliable Club members are! – Quickest part of the journey – Perth by just after 8 – Into the Highlands.Trees lovely (not quite as good as last year). Leave A9. Slowly along the hilly winding North side of Loch Tummel. Left then left again and we are there 8mns from cut-off time for arrival for our South East team (otherwise treated as “not attending”). It’s literally FREEZING. Help put up Port Seton gazebo. Alistair’s warning about the open side ignored! And it’s time for Coxes briefing/general briefing. Standing literally shivering – spare a thought for Eleanor and Alistair, who stayed onsite in their campervan, suffered a heating failure and had a really cold night during which there was a light fall of snow!!!
Mike B & Alistair attended the Umpires’ course on Friday night – so we are hoping for as much helpful feedback as they can give us. The impact of the snow was not apparent on the green grassy site of the Loch Tummel Yacht Club, our hosts for the day, BUT came sharply into focus when some of our early rowers had to clear it off the seats of the Port Seton skiffs which had been onsite overnight. Cold frozen seat pads meant wet bums of jeans for quite a few folk! Not great when the air temperature is hovering around freezing!!!
The South East region (this is a regional competition) had the most rowers, which meant that they could enter two skiffs in most races. The A boat had crews which counted for the overall competition, whereas the B boat (rowing for “St Kilda”) allowed others to row in the races without their results counting! The course was 500 metres, with a stretch to the turn & a shorter run from turn to finish. All over in three minutes! We rowed in both skiffs over the day – more later!
Back when we arrived we found that the”Nifty Knotters” had set up two tables in the lovely warm clubhouse showing their range and with a great view of the races. They were soon picking up business, helped by their “undercover sales agent” who was rowing for the ultimately victorious NE region!!! As the Captain has already said, the”Knotters” had a record day, raising £249 for the Club including making from scratch an order of 16 “Monkey Fist” key rings received that morning! Brilliant work ladies (including the nimble fingers of our new Captain! )
Meanwhile the racing programme was going on with great efficiency but initially without much success for our rowers. Then in the afternoon we hit a purple patch, with Louise & Rachel both getting winner’s medals. But most heartening, Val, Marianne and Captain Anne all lost their “Novice” status in consecutive races. What a week for our new Captain! We all hope this run of fortune will continue!
During the morning “Flan” & Barbara arrived with their pride and joy, little “Otter”, a picnic class boat owned by a consortium of club ladies. A number of us managed a row in her, including Mike B who is contemplating building one himself, opening the possibility of picnic races. Talking of which, Gabe was talked into rowing “Otter’ in the men’s picnic class race which he finished very creditably.
Ben had his first taste of sprints rather later in the day than expected after a mishap with his earlier race!!!! It remained bitterly cold all day made worse later by an increasingly strong Northerly wind, which, following Alistair’s prediction, lifted the Port Seton gazebo up in the air like a balloon and was dangerously close to several parked cars before it was caught and brought back to earth & promptly taken down and bagged. (Saving that job from later, when it would have been carried out in the sleet that happened just after the medal presentation.)
Some of our men had a disaster in the last men’s 2K race, when, after 10 strong strokes to get them off to a great start, one of the pins sheared and left them unable to continue – a shame as it was a strong crew. The weather, which had been mainly clear all day went downhill just as the day ended but with a proud group of Queensferry rowers who got safely back to Edinburgh with much to celebrate – and in time to see most of “Strictly”!!!!!
Forthcoming tides, 5-11 November – posted 4 Nov 2018
Rachel reports: Hello everyone, here are the tides for this coming week.
Monday 5th November
06.55 —- 0.9 m L. 12.51 —- 5.7 m H. 19.07 —- 1.3 m L
Tuesday 6th
07.43 —- 0.7 m L 13.40 —- 5.8 m H. 19.52 — 1.1 m L
Wednesday 7th
08.22 —- 0.7 m L. 14.25 —- 5.9 m H. 20.32 — 1.0 mL
Thursday 8th
08.56 —- 0.7 mL. 15.06 —- 5.9 m H. 21.05 —- 0.9 m L
Friday 9th
09.22 —- 0.8 m L. 15.45 —- 5.8 m H 21.31 —- 1.0 mL
Saturday 10th
09.39 —- 1.0 m L 16.21 —- 5.6 m H 21.36 —- 1.1 m L
Sunday 11th
09.51 — 1.3 m L. 16.55 — 5.4 m H
There are some very low tides this week, but we can still get some rowing in. If a training row is out by 07.30 on Saturday, we can hopefully have a pontoon ready for social rowing. Further details will come.
Ferry Maid on Inchcolm last month, photo by Louise Innes
Minutes of Race Training group meetings – posted 5 Nov 2018
The sub-committee formed to look at the club’s race training activities has met three times this year, and the minutes of those meetings are now available to read clicking on “Resources” in the menu. To give a flavour of the discussions, here are the minutes from this month’s meeting:
Coaches/ Training Plan
Eastern visit –
Is there an opportunity to observe from shore/ boat
2-3 people to visit
discuss training plan
Broughty visit
– last weekend in November
EF to record teaching points
Share with all coxes/ skippers
Initial training session for coxes
Roll out programme to all coxes/ skippers
Instruction for new rowers
John Howell has suggested Faithful to video rowers
Analysis session in PEYC
Anne P to contact Trevor @ Eastern
Approach the following to see if they would be interested in visiting Eastern
Anne F
Mike B
Anne P to speak to John
Training Programmes
Competent crew
Skipper (twice a year)
– succession planning
– how do you move from competent crew to cox
– suggestion of finding a mentor to experience coxing before training
– update club handbook to include progression pathways
Formalise/ clearer pathway
Communicate pathways to members
New members contact
Training Day – one day every quarter
– Man overboard
– Towing a boat
– Knots
– Pontoons
– Rafting up
– set up the boat
– Anchors
– Year planner – shed and website
Checklist – renewal of skills (Every 2-3 years)
Training page on web-site
Anne F & Mel to draw up a year plan to outline training schedule
New members pack to be updated – Marianne, Maria & Rebecca
Anne F and others to be identified
Mike to overview text for MOB
Anne F to incorporate into year plan
Anne P to ask Barbara
Skiffie Worlds
Information to club members about format, procedures, commitment required
Add info to website
Anne F to organise
Information sharing
Pilot Team App for managing calendars etc
Mel to set up TeamApp – pilot within training group
Boat modification
Floorboards to be removed; new footrests –
Mike, Mark, Stevie, Anne F, Maria – willing to help
Frank to build 2 new oars to replace broken clenshaws
Discussion with Frank about re-working the new oars
Anne F
Next Date
Sunday 2nd December @ 3pm
Just in for Christmas!! – posted 5 Nov 2018
Monkey fist knots with bells on for the festive season – buy soon to avoid disappointment! See Tansy, Maria, Anne P.
Christmas dinner update – posted 8 Nov 2018
Rachel writes: Attention all 52 people who are booked in to have Christmas Dinner at Scott’s Restaurant on Friday 30th November at 7.30pm. The menu is below. It would be useful and could speed up the serving of the meal, if you were happy to pre-order. Two courses £18.95. There is an option of dessert as an extra, please take that option on the night. It would also be useful if all money was already paid, or ready to pay in a group cheque.
We have all paid a £10 deposit, so this leaves £8.95. to pay. If you are happy to round this up to £10, that will leave an excess of £54.60 ready as a tip! This makes gathering money simple also. On the night if everyone buys and pays for their own drinks as they go along, there will be no more bills.
I have a menu that I can leave available in the shed. I will also have a list printed out where you can add your menu choices, or you could email me and I can fill it out for you if you feel you won’t be around the shed. If you are not happy with these arrangements, please say so.
Please use my email address to communicate!!
Tides for the week of 12 to 18 November – posted 11 Nov 2018
Rachel reports: We have no issues with any of the tides for the next week, so plenty of opportunities for rowing. As we are rowing with only Ferry Lass while Ferry Maid has maintenance, it’s a good idea to take advantage of good tides and spread out the rowing.
Monday 12th November
10.13 —- 1.6 mL. 17.28 —- 5.2 m H
Tuesday 13th
10.41 —- 1.9 m L. 18.05 —- 5.0 m H
Wednesday 14th
11.17 —- 2.2 m L. 18.48 —- 4.8 m H
Thursday 15th
07.34 —- 4.6 m H. 12.06 —- 2.5 m L. 19.37 —— 4.6 m H
Friday 16th
08.34 —4.5 m H. 14.58 —- 2.7 m L. 20.37 —— 4.5 m H
Saturday 17th
09.59 —4.5 m H. 16.03 —2.5 m L.
Sunday 18th
11.09 — 4.7 m H. 16.51 —- 2.2 m L
Have a good week everyone! The weather looks to be a bonus also: no wind, temperature and rain to trouble us!
Ferry Maid was turned last week – a good turnout for that, including wee CalMike B has managed to get a deep shine on the Maid’s rudderMaking sure there’s enough room for both boats. Behind Maria is new member Bill, who has done more painting than rowing since joining the club!
A chance to learn the ropes with Mike – posted 20 Nov 2018
Mike McD writes: If you click on the menu item ‘Skills Training Process’ you will find a complete explanation of how members can gain competence in the 18 subjects that are considered relevant to our sport.
At the present time we have 18 Skipper and 5 Coxes. All members are encourages to complete the ‘Competent crew’ level by developing their understanding, knowledge and experience at their own pace, using the self-assessment sign-off sheet as a guide.
A copy of the Skills Training Process is on the wall just inside the ‘Captain’s cabin’ at the Shed, as well as the ‘sign-off’ sheet for Competent Crew.
From this coming Saturday, 24th, (and as many thereafter as necessary), I will be at the Shed from 9.30am to 11am to help with some of the items on the Competent Crew schedule – Parts of boat, Knots, anchor work, etc.
If you would like to get started on the ‘Competent Crew’ or refresh you memory on anything, I (and a few others) will be delighted to see you. Training notes will be provided.
New footrests – posted 20 Nov 2018
Mark reports: On Tuesday Mike will be fitting footrests in the go-faster Maid. We may be able to start painting them when they are ready. They will be the white of the shed door and will need priming/undercoat before two/three coats topcoat. Correct me if the Committee has voted on another colour. Grey non-slip has also been rejected, I believe.
Some scarring resulted as I clumsily removed two struts in front of the cox’s seat. Once epoxy fills have been completed on the planking on Tuesday morning the scars can be primed (two coats). There are also three or four varnish runs which sneaked past our newspaper protection under the gunnels and these will need touching up with the top coat
We must sand the parts of the frames where the saddles sit for the footrest brackets. Mike will glue the saddles in these spaces. The saddles will first need new primer on sawn areas and then undercoat and topcoat. [Editor’s note: Keith and Bill joined the Tuesday working party.]
And finally….
That’s the club website archives up to date. For subsequent posts, see the “Older posts” section in the sidebar menu (scroll down for that if you’re reading on a phone).