If you wish to contact us in order to have a go at rowing, join the club or to find out more, please send an email to: secretary@queensferryrowing.org or membership@queensferryrowing.org
Prospective new members can also check out this page for more information.
Current Committee
Captain: David James captain@queensferryrowing.org
Vice-captain: Mags Baillie
Secretary: Marianne Sandison secretary@queensferryrowing.org
Treasurer: Anne Purcell treasurer@queensferryrowing.org
Membership co-ordinator: Lesley Jones membership@queensferryrowing.org
Committee Members: Beth Curtin, Steph Durning, Ewan Garden, Elina Gigourtakis, John Howell, Richard Pearson, Angie Rayner.

Some of the gang after our 2018 regatta – some of the office-bearers are among them, along with a few committee members – and some past office-bearers and committee members