Marianne and Dónal write: The possibility of rowing is now becoming imminent, with a likely return date of Monday, 17 May. The Committee, Return to Rowing subgroup and Mike Breewood have met to discuss what processes should be followed for those who wish to row.
The Committee has decided to continue with the processes used last summer, when we had a brief period of rowing. This includes the hygiene protocol we used before, during and after rowing. There will continue to be no access to the Shed.
Mike has kindly agreed to continue to help us organise rowing. Mike will contact all members to ask you to confirm which of three Groupings you wish to be part of. These are
- Direct contact with public
- More limited public contact/working from home
- Shielding
Social rowing slots will be offered for these groupings (depending upon the tides on any given day) and members in each group will be offered the opportunity to put their name down for a particular slot – with crews being filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Committee has decided that social rowing will be offered on three evenings during each week (whilst we have the long, light evenings) as follows, subject to tides:
- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
- Saturdays between 09:00 to 13:00
- Sundays – 13:00 to 17:00
- Sunday mornings from 09:00 to 12:00 will be reserved for the Youth Team rowing. Youth members can row at all other club times too of course.

Outwith these social rowing times, the boats will be available to book by self-selecting groups, for the slots available during each week day and on Monday and Wednesday evenings.
Sessions will continue to be separated by half an hour.
As we’ve said, the Committee has asked Mike Breewood to manage the booking process on their behalf. He will be contacting the membership to confirm the grouping that they would wish to be part of (for social rowing) and will advise each grouping of the slots available during the social rowing times. Members should then contact Mike directly to put their name down for any particular slot. He will post the crew list for each boat/slot in the relevant Google Calendars. Please do not try to insert details into the Ferry Lass and Ferry Maid calendars directly – you won’t be able to!
A representative of each self-selecting group should contact Mike directly if they wish to book a slot during week-days or week-day evenings outwith Social Rowing evenings.
These plans, as always, remain subject to change. The Covid situation continues to evolve and we need you to continue to be patient while we process further Scottish Government and SCRA advice as it comes out. It does, however, look as if rowing is something we’ll be able to enjoy very soon!
We ask you all to have a read of the Return to Rowing Protocol, to refamiliarise yourselves with the guidelines. If you have any questions can you email me or Marianne at the following addresses: and
All the best and we look forward to welcoming you back on the water.