Training resources online include some helpful guides and advice from our slidey-seat brethren (and sistren!). A good source of videos is the website Decent Rowing. Sign up to their (free) newsletter and you will be emailed links to some of their training videos. They also offer a premium paid membership for more advanced videos. Thanks to Rory for alerting us to this resource.

Click below to view some of the Decent Rowing training videos (links open in a new tab).
Matching effort and boat speed
How to activate your core when rowing
Roll-up then 1-2-3 strokes exercise
British Rowing has a good selection of articles that can apply to skiff rowing as well. For example, click here to read Olympian Annie Vernon’s take on the psychology of elite athletes.
What would you tell your younger self?
I would tell myself to just enjoy it. I was too focused on success and I don’t think I ever stopped to appreciate that I was training with some amazing women in an amazing squad.
Back in the world of Scottish Coastal Rowing, the SCRA has a Learning page with links to some interesting information, plus its own set of six training videos that focus on different aspects of rowing technique: catch, drive, recovery and useful pointers.