Peter writes: Despite the worrying forecast the day started calm, dry and mild. QRC members started to arrive to set up the course, erect a gazebo on the finish line and prepare tea, coffee, biscuits, scones etc and a table of 3 Bridges T shirts and Monkey Fists. By 11.45am teams started to arrive!
West Port Vets
Queensferry Scout Leaders
Sight Scotland Veterans
Death Row! a keep fit group
Scottish Parliament Broadcasting
Queensferry Tennis Club 1
Queensferry Tennis Club 2
Police Scotland
Ferry Fair

The event is dedicated to the memory of Alan ‘Mel’ Meldrum who we sadly lost 10 years ago. Mel was a Broadcasting Manager in the Parliament hence the entry from the Parliament. We had three heats each of three boats. Our two skiffs and so grateful to have St Margaret’s Hope row across to join us.
The winners of the 3 heats going into the final were Police Scotland, Queensferry Scout Leaders and Death Row. All heats were exciting and close and in the final we had in first place, Death Row, 2nd, Police Scotland and 3rd Queensferry Scout Leaders. Jenni Meldrum presented the lovely hand carved trophy she had commissioned.