Archives 2018 – part 1

Loony Dook 2018 – posted 1 Jan 2018

Two crews rowed to get front-row seats at the wacky (organised) chaos that is the annual Loony Dook. Ferry Sonnet was there too from North Queensferry, along with several kayaks, a few jet-skis and of course the RNLI. Rain threatened but didn’t materialise, and the row was very enjoyable. Ferry Lass was even visited by one of the Dookers, who accepted a jelly baby. Click on the photos to see larger sizes. More on Flickr.

Tides to 7 January – posted 1 Jan 2018

Rachel writes: I wish you all very good wishes for 2018.

Tuesday 2nd January
08.34 —— 0.9 m L.       14.45 —— 6.1 m H

Wednesday 3rd
09.23 —— 0.8 m L.       15.35 —— 6.1 m H

Thursday 4th
10.07 —— 0.9 m L.       16.26 —— 6.1 m H

Friday 5th
10.48 —— 1.0 m L         17.17 —— 6.0 m H

Saturday 6th
05.44 —— 5.9 m H.        11.24 —— 1.2 m L — pontoon will be required.

Sunday 7th
11.53 —— 1.5 m L.       19.00 —— 5.6 m H

Keep your eyes peeled for this little sweetie: getting quite bold now! Thanks Louise for the great photo.

Tides for the week ahead – posted 8 Jan 2018

Rachel reports: Well that’s the first week of January over, all the “Happy New Years” are done! We have had plenty crews out Friday/Saturday/ Sunday  and we have managed to dodge the demon Mud from the low tides!! All is well for this week.

Monday 8th January
07.27 —- 5.3 m H.       12.33 —- 1.8 m L

Tuesday 9th
08.22 —— 5.0 m H.       13.26 —— 2.1m L

Wednesday 10th
09.22 —— 4.8 mH       14.35 —— 2.3 m L

Thursday 11th
10.27 —— 4.7 m H.      16.51 —— 2.3 m L

Friday 12th
11.29 —— 4.8 m H.      18.07 —— 2.2 m L

Saturday 13th
06.27 —— 1.9 m L.      12.26 —— 5.0m H

Sunday 14th
07.07 —- 1.8 m L.       13.15 —— 5.2 m H

Have a good week, hope all the bugs have gone for everyone by next weekend!

The photo is from a row on Friday Jan 5, when two crews ventured across to St David’s Bay. One crew went round the corner to Dalgety Bay, while the others headed for home. Keep your eyes peeled on the email group for more mid-week rows.

Tides for the week ahead – posted 14 Jan 2018

Rachel reports: Hello everyone, another dark January  week over!  However, we are gaining a few minutes each day.

Monday 15th January
06.45 —— 1.6 m L.       13.59 —— 5.3 m H

Tuesday 16th
07.21 —— 1.4 m L.       14.36 —- 5.4 m H

Wednesday 17th
08.01 —— 1.3 m L.      15.11 —- 5.5 m H

Thursday 18th
08.41 —— 1.2 m L.     15.46 —— 5.5 m H

Friday 19th
09.18 —— 1.2 m L.      16.21 —— 5.5 m H

Saturday 20th
09.48 —— 1.2 m L       16.59 —— 5.4 m H.  Pontoon will be in action from

Sunday 21st
10.14 —— 1.3 m L.        17.37 —— 5.3 m H  — Youth Training will be at 11.30 am ,due to low tide at

Hopefully a midweek row appears. Pictured are most of the crew from last week’s expedition, a row to Port Laing and back via the old harbour – Dónal took the photo. More photos on Flickr.

Tides for the week of 22-28 January – posted 22 Jan 2018

Rachel reports: Roll on February!! This past week has to have been the worst weather for us rowers – no mid-week rows and no Social Rowing! Training crews managed out though, well done!  However, temperatures are on the rise, for a few days at least, and two crews are heading out tomorrow.

The photo is the scene on Sunday afternoon. The two training crews finished just as the snow was sweeping down the firth, and soon there was a whiteout, as you can see. The tarp was flung over the Maid to keep it from filling up with snow while we huddled in the shed, warming our hands on cups of tea. The slip was slick with ice, it was seriously cold!

Tides are good all week.

Monday 22nd January
10.42 —- 1.4 m L.        18.17 —-5.2 m H

Tuesday 23rd
11.18 —- 1.6 m L.      19.00 ——5.1 m H

Wednesday 24th
07.35 —— 5.0 m H.       12.04 —— 1.8 m L

Thursday 25th
08.26 ——4.9 m H.        13.02 ——- 2.0 m L

Friday 26th
09.23 —— 4.9 m H.       14.23 —— 2.1 m L

Saturday 27th
10.28 —— 4.9 m H        16.56 —— 1.9 m L

Sunday 28th
05.29 —— 1.7 m L.      11.33 —- 5.1 m H.      17.59 —- 1.6 m L

Oar salute for John Gray – posted 22 Jan 2018

One of Queensferry Rowing Club’s founder members, John Gray, recently passed away. Even though latterly he became too frail to row, John would regularly come along to the shed in his Reliant Robin to share a brew and a biscuit and catch up with the news. He will be missed.

It was John’s wish that the club give an oar salute at his funeral – to be held at Warriston Crematorium on Saturday 27 January at 11am – and his family would appreciate if we could appear in club colours. QRC secretary Peter is organising the transport of the oars to Edinburgh.  There will be a get-together at The Boat House, Queensferry, afterwards, to which all are welcome.

As a mark of respect to John, social rowing on Saturday has been cancelled.

The photo is from the launch of Ferry Maid in November 2012, and shows John ready to row with Tony Jones, the late Andy Jarvis, Mike McDowell and Graham Sutherland.

John Gray’s funeral service – posted 27 Jan 2018

Just a quick note to share a photo of the oar salute at John’s funeral today.

More photos on Flickr.

Sunday’s rowing is CANCELLED – posted 28 Jan 2018

Due to forecast strong winds, all rowing sessions today, Sunday 28 Jan, are cancelled. This includes training rows.

Tides for the week ahead – posted 28 Jan 2018

Rachel reports: As we move into February this week, the weather looks a bit better than this past weekend – cancelled was cancelled on Sunday due to the wind, and only the training went ahead on Saturday due to the funeral service for John Gray.

Speaking of things not happening, Rachel’s tide reports won’t appear here for a few weeks due to Barbara heading off on holiday – normal service will resume mid-March. Keep an eye out for Rachel’s Sunday email, or check the tide tables on the link to the left there. Happy rowing, everyone!

Monday 29th January
06.30 —— 1.4 m L.        12.36 —— 5.4 m H

Tuesday 30th
07.33 ——- 1.2 m L.       13.34 —— 5.7 m H 

Wednesday 31st
08.28 —— 1.0 m L.       14.29 —— 6.0 m H 

Thursday 1st February
09.16 —— 0.8 m L.       15.21 —— 6.1 m H

Friday 2nd
09.58 —- 0.7 m L          16.11 —— 6.2 m H 

Saturday 3rd
10.37 —— 0.8 m L.          16.59 —— 6.1 m H ——- pontoon use at Social Session 

Sunday 4th
11.11 —— 1.0 m L.            17.47 —— 5.9 m H —— no training sessions,but everyone could come for 1pm and make up crews.

Also, congratulations to Rachel D, Donal and Julie, who completed and passed the VHF radio course this weekend.

Tides for the week of 19-25 March – posted 18 Mar 2018

Rachel reports: The weather won this week! We had plenty keen, motivated rowers ready for a chance to get out, but due to high winds there has been no rowing all weekend. Next week there are some improvements, and, can you believe it, we move to BST!! (Photo below shows conditions on Sunday morning, seen from North Queensferry.)

Monday 19th March
09.20 —- 0.7 m L.        16.18 —- 5.7 m H

Tuesday 20th March
09.49 —- 0.8 m L.        16.57 —- 5.7 m H 

Wednesday 21st
10.14 —- 0.9 m L.        17.37 —- 5.6 m H

Thursday 22nd
10.44 —- 1.0 m L.       18.20 —- 5.5 m H 

Friday 23rd
11.26 —- 1.3 m L          1906 — 5.3 m H

Saturday 24th
07.36 —- 5.0 m H.        12.22 —- 1.6 m L

*. British Summer Time begins— 1hr forward. *

Sunday 25th
09.32 —- 4.8 m H.       14.55 —— 1.9 m L

These tide tables I give you are adjusted to BST, but if you are reading the printed sheets on the shed board, you need to add an hour to the listed times.

Antipodean adventures – posted 18 Mar 2018

Barbara reports: While blizzards raged in the Firth of Forth, the intrepid Anne F was enjoying blue skies and sea. She managed to track down a St Ayles skiff in Kaikoura, on the east coast of New Zealand’s South Island, and has been out for a row. The Kaikoura Lass is a skiff with a difference though, having been fitted with a removable sail. Anne was also very taken with the rubber cleat arrangement used to hold the oars in place while the sail is being used. Anne has now headed north, and after visiting a tea plantation near Hamilton, aims to find some more skiffs in and around Auckland.

Kaikoura Lass on the water with sail and oars stowed

Wind assistance – a bit more sophisticated than Peter’s umbrella!
The oars snugged away

Ferry Lass to get some TLC – posted 28 Mar 2018

Mark reports: Ferry Lass badly needs painting. If we have some sunshine we should be able to have her back in action after a week or so of hard work. As Peter points out, it will be her seventh birthday on 17 April, so she deserves some TLC. A team of four or five will be needed.  Please email me on  to let me know if you are available. The plan for 15-25 April is as follows:

15 April 
After social rowing, FL gets a major clean with soap and water and brushes (bring small brushes to get into corners). With good weather we will keep her on her trolley to dry outside.  Seats and fixtures removed to designated box.

16-17 April
Boat dries out. After evening row on 17th, FL taken into shed and lifted on to tires (at least seven people needed).  Preliminary sanding.

18-19 April
Sanding and preparation.  Footrests, gunnels  and floorboards sanded,

20-21 April
Priming paint-loss areas.  Full coat inside plus varnishing

22–25 April
FL turned over and hull damage painted.

Let’s spoil the Lass (pictured in her best bunting at last year’s Ferry Fair parade).

Tides for the week ahead – posted 28 Mar 2018

Rachel reports: What a great weekend, after the last few!! However,as we move into April, we will not get complacent yet!! Let’s get next weekend and its weather over, before feeling we can truly be in Spring. Don’t forget that evening social rowing sessions will start again on Tuesday 3 April at 6pm. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening from now on, weather and tides permitting of course.

We are now on British Summer Time.

Monday 26th March
10.40 —- 4.7 m H.      17.27 —- 1.8 m L

Tuesday 27th
11.55 —- 4.9 m H         18.44 —- 1.4 m L

Wednesday 28th
07.12 —- 1.6 m L.      13.04 —- 5.2 m H       19.51 —- 1.0 m L

Thursday 29th
08.09 —- 1.3 m L.     14.05 —- 5.5 m H.      20.46 —- 0.7 m L

Friday 30th — Good Friday
08.58 — 1.0 m L.      15.00 —- 5.7 m H.      21.33 —- 0.4 m L

Saturday 31st — Easter Saturday
08.40 —- 0.8 m L.     15.49 —- 5.9 m H.  We will need a later start for our rowing session .Come along after 10am – time for a bacon roll as we await the water coming up the slip.

Sunday 1st April —- Easter Sunday
10.16 —0.6 m L.     16.33 —- 6.0 m H

Have a good week, hope we can get a row or two out.

Forthcoming tides for 2 to 8 April – posted 1 Apr 2018

Rachel reports: Hello everyone and a Happy Easter to all. Sunday takes us into April and we start a season of events, so let’s hope the Spring weather reaches us soon. We have a favourable week of tides and evening rowing sessions start on Tuesday at 6pm.

Monday 2nd April
10.50 —— 0.6 m L.          17.15 —- 5.9 m H

Tuesday 3rd 
11.19 —- 0.8 m L.         17.54 —- 5.7 m H        PLEASE NOTE! Tuesday’s evening rowing has been cancelled – first evening rowing session is now Thursday.

Wednesday 4th 
11.28 —— 1.0 m L.         18.32 —— 5.5 m H

Thursday 5th
11.37 —— 1.2 m L.         19.09 —— 5.2 m H   Evening rowing at 6pm.

The decision has been made to load both boats on to trailers on Thursday evening. Donna asks whoever is taking part in the Tay row (plus anyone else who will be attending social or just generally free to help), come down to the shed for 6.15pm.  If we can have as much help as possible to get ready for the forthcoming Youth Regatta at Porty and the Tay Row, it would be much appreciated.

Friday 6th
07.21 —— 5.1 m H           12.03 —- 1.5 m L.        19.48 —- 4.9 m H

Saturday 7th  
No social rowing, as both boats are going away to different events. Ten members are involved in the Tay Row, a total of 13 miles of rowing from Perth to Wormit, with stops at Newburgh and Balmerino. Meanwhile, some of our youth members are off to Portobello for their first regatta — good luck all! The junior crew will be at Porty from about 11.30am and will be competing in races in the afternoon. If you are free, please come along in club colours to support our rowers in their first ever event, and to help with the boat. Peter says it will be great to have some encouragement.

Sunday 8th 
08.47 —- 4.5 m H.         13.28 —— 2.2 m L

2018 subs are now due! – posted 3 Apr 2018

Marion reports: It is now April and this year’s subs are now due and payable before the last day in May.

A reminder – the subs are:      Full individual member  £30
Family                           £40
Associate                      £20
Junior (12-18)            £20

As usual, cash or cheque in an envelope with your name on it, in the shed.

OR you can make a  credit transfer to the club account, sort code 82-68-00 and account number 00016006 (please include your name and the word SUBS).

It is also possible to use the link on the Home page to pay via PayPal. HOWEVER, this incurs a fee, which you will have to add to your payment. The subs then become as follows: Single £31.32, Family £41.56, Junior £20.88 and Associate £20.88. Again, put your name and SUBS so we know who’s paid. If, in future, you need to pay for club kit or something similar, please make sure you have clearly stated what it is for and from whom. Please specify each item if there is more than one.

[Note: The new-look website does not have a link to PayPal, at Marion’s request. It has proved too complicated, given the fee and the difficulty of determining who has paid and for what.]

Forthcoming tides, 9-15 April – posted 9 Apr 2018

Rachel reports: Well what a difference a week makes! We have had a lovely weekend of rowing, on the Tay and at Portobello (see separate story for news on the juniors’ success) and on the Forth, with very good weather.

Thank you, those who helped with the ‘big clean up’ on Sunday .Ferry Lass was messy and sandy from Portobello, and Ferry Maid was extremely dirty from the Tay!! Both are sparkling now.

The tides for the coming week are a bit mixed for our sessions, but we can work around them. Our Wednesday race training sessions start this week.

Monday 9th April
09.44 —- 4.4 mH.        16.27 —- 2.3 mL

Tuesday 10th
11.14 —- 4.3 mH.          17.32 —— 2.1 mL

Wednesday 11th
12.30 —- 4.6 m H.         18.20 —- 1.8m L

Thursday 12th
06.41 —- 1.9 m L.        13.23 —- 4.9 m H        18.59 —- 1.5 m L

Friday 13th
07.19 —- 1.5 m L.         14.09 —- 5.1 m H.         19.38 —- 1.2 m L

Saturday 14th
07.59 —- 1.2 m L.          14.51 —- 5.4m H

Sunday 15th
08.40 —- 0.9 m L          15.32 —— 5.6 m H

Eastern’s Youth Regatta – posted 10 Apr 2018

Our youth contingent came back from Portobello covered in glory on Saturday, having won the first race and collected a few other medals as well. Results are as follows:

Race 1 U17 mixed
1st QRC
with Oisin, Lois, Patrick and Lucy (Eastern)
2nd FOCCRs
with Diarmuid

Race 2 U19 mixed
4th SQ with Diarmuid and 3 from other clubs.

Race 3 U17 Male 
2nd QRC with all 4 of our team including our only girl, Lois
(Louise adds that we were only beaten by four seconds by an older experienced Eastern crew, so excellent performance.)

Race 4 U17 Female
QRC was not in this, other than Lois in the Deveron crew – which came 3rd

Race 5 U19 male and female crews
3rd Ferry Lass with crew from other clubs

Andy Race
Louise asked Peter to Cox this one seeing as it was the Andy Race – dedicated to the late great Andy Jarvis, who was a great friend of his. There were medals for all who took part in this race.

A full report, with photos, is on the SCRA website, click here to view that.

Tides for the week of 16-22 April – posted 16 Apr 2018

Rachel reports: The weather was not great for the evening sessions this last week, but this coming week shows a definite improvement. We will have Ferry Lass under maintenance for the next couple of weeks, but Ferry Maid will be available (extra hands needed on Tuesday evening, to get the Maid off the trailer). We have very low tides each morning this week, so any extra rows will need to be afternoon.

Monday 16th April
09.22— 0.7m L.       16.13 —- 5.8 m H

Tuesday 17th
10.00 —- 0.6 m L.        16.53 —- 5.8 m H

Wednesday 18th
10.32 —- 0.6 m L.         17.35 —- 5.8 m H

Thursday 19th
11.01 —- 0.7m L.          18.19 —- 5.8 m H

Friday 20th
11.36 —- 0.9 m L.         19.05 —— 5.6 m H

Saturday 21st
07.29 —- 5.4 m H.         12.23 —— 1.2 m L — a shorter session due to the low tide .

Sunday 22nd
08.20 —- 5.1 m H.           13.29 —- 1.5 m L

Progress on Lass maintenance – posted 19 Apr 2018

Mark reports: Tuesday saw Ferry Lass’ seventh birthday.  Peter led the work party in a birthday song around the boat, and Ranald and Sheena arrived in the afternoon with welcome birthday shortbread. Tuesday and Wednesday we finished painting the hull inside, turned the boat over and primed small areas of paint loss on the outside, replaced part of the brass keel strip and varnished the floorboards plus rudder.

On Thursday morning, the top coat went on the foot rests, and white undercoat on  primed parts of hull.  If this is dry by the evening, the first top coat will go on the undercoated patches. We will also touch up small patches of red. We till have the gunnels to varnish and dry, so possible launch is next Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Peter and Mike have been busy adjusting the new oars, planing back the handle area to improve the grip. They were varnished on Thursday and will be ready to use once that’s dry.

More photos on Flick.

Tides for the week of 23-29 April – posted 23 Apr 2018

Rachel reports: The tides for this coming week have some lows  around our sessions, so there a few alterations in timings.

Monday 23rd April
09.18 —- 4.9 mH        15.31 —- 1.7m L

Tuesday 24th
10.28 —- 4.8 mH         17.16 —- 1.6 m L Social rowing will start a little later than normal – 6.20pm or so – as the Maid is going out at 5.30pm to allow committee members to get a row before their meeting.  The boat may be left on the pontoon if there isn’t enough water on the slip.

Wednesday 25th
11.43 —- 4.9 m H.        18.32 —- 1.3 m L. Pontoon/later time  may be required for training. Watch out for information.

Thursday 26th
12.50 —- 5.2 m H          19.34 —— 1.0 m L.    NO rowing this evening.

Friday 27th
13.49 —- 5.4 m H.        20.25 —— 0.8 m L

Saturday 28th
08.37 —- 1.1 m L           14.42—- 5.6 m H.    We will start a bit later, 09.30am.

Sunday 29th
09.18 —- 0.9 m L.        15.30 —- 5.7 m H

Work is continuing apace on Ferry Lass – the final coat of varnish goes on the gunnels on Wednesday and there are just a few touch-ups at either end and a lot of drying to go. It is hoped she will be back on the water for the weekend of the 28th.

Have a good week everyone – hope to see lots of you at the Quiz Night on Friday 19.30.

Tides for the coming week – posted 29 Apr 2018

Rachel reports: This coming week takes us into May, so as the temperature starts to rise, hopefully we get longer spells of fine weather. The tides are good for us, for the first two weeks anyway!

Monday 30th April
09.54 —- 0.8 m L           16.13 —- 5.7 m H

Tuesday 1st May
10.24 —- 0.8 m L.         16.53 —- 5.7 m H.        22.31 —- 0.7 m L       20.15 could be the  limit for evening social session!

Wednesday 2nd
10.49 —- 0.8 m L          17.30 —— 5.6 m H.       22.47 —- 0.9 m L

Thursday 3rd
10.57 —- 1.0 m L.         18.07 —- 5.4 m H          23.05 —- 1.1 m L

Friday 4th
11.14 —- 1.2 m L.         18.43 —- 5.2 m H

Saturday 5th
06.51 —- 5.1 m H.         11.41 —- 1.4 m L.

Sunday 6th
07.31 —- 4.9 m H.         12.17—- 1.7 m L

Any midweek rows this week are best late morning or early afternoon!

We have both boats on the water now – a total of four crews were out on Sunday for training and social rowing. Ferry Lass is looking her absolute best, with fresh varnish and paint.

Tides for the week of 7-13 May – posted 7 May 2018

Rachel reports: We have a good week of tides ahead,with plenty rowing opportunities. Saturday and Sunday will be busy days on the water, with Port Edgar Watersports’ open weekend in full swing. QRC will be participating in this event on both days. Please stay on after social rowing on Saturday or come along from 10am either day to help make up crews with people wanting to “have a go”.

Monday 7th May
08.16 —- 4.7 m H.      13.02 —- 2.0 m L.      20.52 —- 4.5 m H

Tuesday 8th
09.07— 4.5m H.       15.49 —- 2.2 m L.       21.50 —- 4.4 m H

Wednesday 9th
10.12 —— 4.4 m H.        16.54 —- 2.1 m L.

Thursday 10th
11.32 —- 4.5 m H.       17.47 —- 1.8 m L.

Friday 11th
06.09 —- 2.0 m L.       12.35 —- 4.8 m H.     18.32 —- 1.5 m L

Saturday 12th
06.52 —- 1.6 m L.      13.26 —- 5.1 m H.      19.13 — 1.2 m L

Sunday 13th
07.33 —- 1.3 m L.      14.13 —- 5.4 m H.        19 .54 —- 1.0 m L

Barbara adds: Tides were no problem for a group of QRC rowers on Monday, as they rowed the length of Loch Earn and back. After a fairly chilly and breezy start, the sun broke out and rowers enjoyed a fantastic day. The two main rows were followed by shorter excursions. Dónal has shared some photos on Facebook – above are Annes P and F and Liz at St Fillans.  Rory recorded the Lochearnhead to St Fillans leg on a phone app – click here to view.

More photos on Flickr.

Good news: Weekend rowing is back on!!! – posted 14 May 2018

Rachel reports: What a fantastic weekend we have all had with the Port Edgar Open Days, lots of new rowers experienced bridges and porpoises!! What a happy bunch they were!

Please note: pontoon arrangements in place to allow training and social rowing at the weekend.

Monday 14th May
08.16 —- 1.0 m L.       15.00 —- 5.6 m H.     20.34 —- 0.7 m L

Tuesday 15th
09.00 —- 0.8 m L.      15.45 —- 5.8 m H       21.11 —- 0.6 m L.  No 6pm social rowing session

Wednesday 16th
,09.41 —- 0.6 m L         16.30 —- 5.9 m H.      21.45 —- 0.6 m L.  Training group needs to be out of the water before 20.00

Thursday 17th
10.18 —- 0.6 m L.        17.16 —- 6.0 m H.       22.21 —- 0.6 m L. Possible earlier start for social rowing session. Await confirmation.

Friday 18th
10.54 —- 0.6 m L        18.03 —- 5.9 m H.       23 .00 —- 0.8 m L

Saturday 19th
06.25 —- 5.7 m H        11.37 —- 0.8 m L     Social rowing session 9am as usual. Boat will be left on the pontoon after training, volunteers sought for bringing her back in at 2pm.

Sunday 20th
07.16 —- 5.5 m H       12.33 —- 1.0 m L  Social rowing session 1pm as usual. Boat will be left on the pontoon after 9am training session and will be recovered by social rowers.

Keen rowers needed for Friday evening – posted 17 May 2018

Peter writes: We hope to lay the new buoys late Friday afternoon then ‘test’ the course with two crews. I initially asked that the crews be made up mainly of Regatta rowers, but if this is not feasible I will be glad of any keen rowers.

The basic plan is I will be at the shed earlier in the afternoon to prepare the buoys. I would like two crews to go out at 4.30pm to lay the buoys. The racing crews can start about 5.30pm, but let me know if you want this later. One crew with Clenshaws the other with new oars. After a short breather, same crews swap oars and go again.

Might be interesting just to come along and watch but should I hope be an opportunity for all to get a row at some stage. So far we have seven rowers. Replies to me at

Tides for the week of 21-27 May – posted 21 May 2018

Rachel reports: The tides are better to work with this coming week, as we head towards our regatta on Saturday. The weather looks promising also!

Monday 21st May
08.10 —— 5.3 mH.        13.52 —- 1.2 mL.        20. 39 —-5.2 m H

Tuesday 22nd
09.09 —— 5.1 mH.       15.21 —— 1.4 mL         21.43 m —— 5.0 m H

Wednesday 23rd
10.17 —— 5.0 mH.       16.54 —— 1.4 m L.         22.53 —- 4.9m H

Thursday 24th
11.26 —- 5.1 m H.       18.09 —— 1.3 m L.

Friday 25th
12.29 —- 5.2 m H.        19.09 —— 1.2 m L

Saturday 26th
07.28 —— 1.5 m L.       13.26 —— 5.3 m H.       20.00 —- 1.1 m L

Sunday 27th
08.16 —- 1.3 m L.      14.20 —— 5.5 m H.       20.42 —— 1.0 mL

Monkey-fist milestone – and a special prize to be won – posted 21 May 2018

Anne P and Maria write: We are fast approaching our significant target of raising £1,000 from monkey-fist sales! Are you going to be the lucky winner of a marvellous prize who gets us to this target? Either order online via an email to Maria – – or in person in the shed.

Thanks for all your support over the past nine months!

More photos of Anne and Maria’s nifty knotwork here.

IMPORTANT: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – posted 24 May 2018

Peter writes: Most of you will be aware that GDPR comes into effect on 25 May 2018. I have amended the Rules and Conditions of Membership, para 2 to reflect the new Queensferry Rowing Club Data Protection Policy, para 14. These  were attached to my recent email for your information and can be downloaded from the website’s Resources page, available by clicking here.

I want to emphasise that nothing has really changed as the original rules reflected the new wording.

To stay in the Group and to continue receiving information I need you to send me a quick email to confirm that you wish to remain in the group and that you are happy for us to retain your data under the rules. Suggested email would be: Heading, GDPR. Wording, ‘Yes I agree to the Club’s GDPR Policy’.

Replies to me please on:

Preparations for our regatta – posted 24 May 2018

Club captain Donna has asked that everyone involved in our regatta please be down at the marina by 7.30am on Saturday.  It is felt that we should meet early as there is quite a bit of organising involved on the day – we need help with directing clubs/skiffs amongst other jobs. Many thanks everyone.  Let’s make it the best regatta yet…

Remember to check the catering and duties rotas against the race timings to make sure you’re not double-booked. If you have a spare minute on the day, drop in to the shed to see if the catering operation needs a top-up of water or other supplies, or if you can give someone a toilet break.

Rachel adds that there is new stock in of the club kit  – T-shirts, polo shirts, hoodies, Zoodies, sweatshirts, caps, buffs – and she will be in the shed every evening ahead of the regatta.

And finally, Rachel reminds us that amid all the excitement, we have to consider the next regatta: Broughty Ferry – Saturday 2nd June. This is NEXT Saturday !!

Can those who have their name on the crew list please confirm their availability ASAP. There have been changes on the list. We could do do with more names, so if you are free to join us to race please let Rachel know ASAP. We have a tower in place and skippers. We have to register and pass in our race categories.

Regatta news and views – posted 27 May 2018

Donna reports: What a great day yesterday! Below a video for you to take a look at courtesy of John Lynn who helped sell all our tombola tickets within a few hours! Thank you John.

Treasurer Marion reports: Just to let you know the profit from catering and tombola at our regatta was £822. This is less any outstanding expenses.

Barbara has added some of her photos to the club’s Flickr, click here to see the album so far. More photos will be added in due course. Here’s a taster:

Conditions were… challenging. This is Arran, possibly.
Onlookers enjoyed the spectacle
Rowporty’s tiller snapped off, so they borrowed the Lass – and adapted to the unfamiliar skiff
Our Women’s Open crew pull for the turn

Tides for the week ahead – posted 28 May 2018

Rachel reports: A great regatta, enjoyed by us as a club and equally great reviews from our invited clubs. So a success, thank you everyone.

This coming week we move into June, and we have some low tides to watch out for.

Monday 28th May
08.58 —- 1.2 m L.       15.09 —- 5.5 m H.       21.16 —- 1.0 m L

Tuesday 29th
09.33 —- 1.1 m L.        15.52 —- 5.5 m H.    21 .40 —— 1.0 m L. Session to start at 5pm, as we will lose water by 7.30pm/8pm.

Wednesday 30th
10.00 —- 1.0 m L.     16.32 —- 5.5 m H.       21.54 —- 1.0 m L

Thursday 31st
10.11 —- 1.0 m L.     17.08 —- 5.4m H.       22.18 —- 1.1 m L

Friday 1st June
10.32. —- 1.0 m L.      17.44 — 5.3 m H.       22.44 —- 1.2 m L

Saturday 2nd June
11.00 —- 1.2 m L.        18.20 —- 5.2m H  — Pontoon to be arranged

Sunday 3rd June
11.28 —- 1.3 mL.      18.59 —- 5.0 m H  — Pontoon to be arranged

Note that we only have one boat available, as the Ferry Maid is having some damage to her bow repaired.

Saturday rowing session cancelled – posted 1 Jun 2018

Rachel writes: Saturday’s social session has been cancelled. This is due to low tides all morning. As well as that, Ferry Maid plus 15 crew will be away at the Broughty Ferry Regatta, so there won’t be enough skippers available  to hold an afternoon session.

All should be well for the Sunday afternoon session, so please come along at the usual time of 1pm. The tides are good for evening sessions all next week.

Tides for the week of 4 to 10 June – posted 4 Jun 2018

Rachel reports: The tides are great for us all next week,so make the best of it, as the following week is not so good!!

Monday 4th June
12.00 —— 1.5 m L.       19.41 —- 4.9 m H

Tuesday 5th June
07.52 —- 4.8 m H.        12.40 —- 1.7 m L          20.25 —- 4.7 m H

Wednesday 6th
08.40 —- 4.7 m H.       13.30 —- 1.9 m L.          21.15 —- 4.6 m H

Thursday 7th
09.34 —- 4.6 m H        16.12 —- 2.0 m L           22.13 —- 4.6 m H

Friday 8th
10.37 —- 4.6 m H         17.11 —- 1.8 m L

Saturday 9th
05.34 —— 2.0 m L.        11.42 —- 4.8 m H

Sunday 10th — No social rowing session, as both boats are away to Inchcolm Row with other clubs.

Forthcoming tides, 11-17 June – UPDATES – posted 11 Jun 2018

Rachel reports: What a fantastic day QRC had on day, a wonderful row to Inchcolm from Kinghorn with several other clubs on what turned out to be a sunny day.

More photos here.

However, low tides  are affecting us this coming week. Evenings are no good, except a wee while on Thursday. We may be able to start earlier on Thursday to catch that window. Saturday and Sunday are awkward also, so await further emails for possible revised times. The Maid will be away on Arran all weekend for the regatta there.

Monday 11th June
07.08 —- 1.4mL.       13.34 —- 5.3 m H.       19.30 —- 1.1 m L

Tuesday 12th
07.55 —- 1.1 m L.        14.27 —- 5.6 m H.        20.14 —- 0.9 m L     No evening social rowing session

Wednesday 13th
08.46 —-0.9 m L.      15.18 —- 5.8 m H          21.00 —- 0.8 m L.  No evening training session

Thursday 14th
09.40 —- 0.7 m L.         16.08 —- 6.0 m H.       21.42 —- 0.7 m L  Rowing session will be 4:30pm to about 6:30pm. Met Office warning of high winds, so cancellation is possible.

Friday 15th
10.32 —- 0.5 m L.       16.58 —- 6.0 m H

Saturday 16th
11.23 —- 0.5 m L        17.48 —- 6.0 m H    ROWING CANCELLED

Sunday 17th
12.15 — 0.6 m L.     18.40 —- 5.9 m H      ROWING CANCELLED

Peter says he may be training Community Challenge crews at the weekend. As there’s only one boat there may be a wait to get out, but please come along for the chat and a cuppa.

Ferry Maid  is still on the new road trailer inside the shed. We decided that as it was likely she would not be needed off the trailer this week – because of the adverse tides – it was convenient to leave her on ready for her departure on Friday for the Arran regatta. We would like to hose her down, while still on the trailer, ready for packing on Thursday evening.

Ferry Lass  is still on the other trailer at the side of the shed and can be taken off at the first opportunity this week. If Inchcolm people and Arran people can help this week that would be good! Or if a daytime row is arranged. Thank you everyone.


Peter writes: Due to circumstances I am afraid that weekend rowing is cancelled. Very sorry.

Tides for the week ahead – posted 17 Jun 2018

Rachel reports: We are just back from Arran Regatta. A great event, a new one for QRC.

Good news for evening sessions + Saturday morning & Sunday afternoon sessions,+ training times,this coming week.

Monday 18th June
07.04 —5.7 m H.       13.06 —- 0.7 m L.     19.32 —- 5.7 m H

Tuesday 19th
07.58 — 5.6 m H.       13.58 — 1.0 m L.     20.26 —- 5.4 m H

Wednesday 20th
08.55 —- 5.4 m H.      14.53 —- 1.2 m L.      21.24 —- 5.2 m H

Thursday 21st
09.56 —- 5.2 m H.      16.09 ——- 1.4 m L.     22.27 —- 5.0 m H    Summer Solstice !!

Friday 22nd
11.00 —- 5.1 m H.      17.33 —- 1.5 m L.    23.31 — 5.0 m H

Saturday 23rd
05.56 —- 2.0 m L.     12.03 —- 5.1 m H

Sunday 24th
07.03 — 1.8 m L — 13.01 —- 5.2 m H.    19.32 —- 1.4 m L

Make the best of this week’s tides!!

archives 2018 – part 2