Mike B writes: Finally, we are able to get ready to row once more!
As we did last Autumn, we will be asking members to allocate or confirm themselves to a particular category for rowing – those who are happy to row with other members who have General interaction with others (such as those who are dealing with the public); those who would prefer to row with members who have a more Limited interaction with others; and those who would prefer to row with members who have been, or are, Shielding.
Following this email, I shall email those in each of the categories using the lists from last Autumn. I would be grateful if the members of each category could email me DIRECTLY at mikebreewood@gmail.com to confirm that they are happy to be in a particular category or to nominate a different category for themselves.

Social rowing slots will be defined, based on tides, for Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings (whilst we have the long light evenings) and for Saturdays from 09:00 and Sundays from 13:00.
I shall allocate social rowing slots to each of the categories described above and email members of the relevant category advising of slot timing and inviting members in that category to take a space in the crew for the slot. Spaces in crews will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Sunday mornings will be reserved for Youth team rowing. Outwith the Social rowing times, boats may be booked by self-selecting groups at whatever time best suits them, subject only to the booking not impacting on times for Social rowing.
Booking requests for such groups should be emailed to me directly and I shall enter them into the relevant boat calendar.
There may well be glitches as we get going again so I’ll ask for your forbearance in advance!