Marianne writes: What a fab night! And who knew we had so many wonderful dancers – even Ewan from the band commented on it, and said it was one of the best nights he’s played at! And this is his job, so knows a thing or two about it!

Huge thanks to Val, Tracey, Steph and Lorna for all the help with organising (what a team!); to Dónal for helping with the set-up; Tansy, Stuart, Paul, Tobi etc. for helping with the clear-up.
The bottle coin roll raised an incredible £170 pounds – thanks to Keith and Rory for organising! The Nifty Knotters made £175 – well done! And after expenses, we should clear over £400 for club funds.

Most of all, thank you to everyone who supported this club event: members, friends, families.
We might do another ceilidh one day… but the Social Subgroup – myself, Tracey, Steph, Val and Lorna – will need an extended lie down in a darkened room before we contemplate that!

A footnote: We had a small blue and white tartan handbag handed in at the end of the night. It has something rather important inside…. I’m hoping we’ll be able to reunite someone with the bag soon.