Club captain Marianne writes: Following the latest announcement about Covid rules in Scotland on Tues 21 Dec, I’m happy to say no changes for us – rowing can continue. Hooray!
The Shed remains closed, except for boat maintenance. Given the situation, it’s really important that you respect all the measures the Committee have agreed. These include sanitising and cleaning the boat and equipment, taking a test prior to to rowing, using our track and trace QR code and, most importantly, not coming down to row if you feel unwell or have any symptoms. These things make big difference to helping us keep rowing.
In other news… Well done to Barbara for holding the winning number in Rachel’s Christmas cake raffle, which raised £138 for club funds. (Half of the cake has gone to the staff of a care home, and the other half will be in the shed today in crew-sized packets of slices.)

The boat maintenance team continue their work on Ferry Maid and she’s looking really good.
Mike B adds: Given that Saturday and Sunday will most likely be eat, drink and be merry days, there will be no social rowing this weekend. However, the Committee is mindful that you may wish to have a chance to work off the excesses of the weekend and has arranged social rowing opportunities on Monday the 27th of December and Tuesday the 28th of December.
Rowing slots will be 09:00, 10:00 and 11:00 on each day.
We are assuming that only Ferry Lass will be available, as the varnish on Ferry Maid may take some time to dry and harden off in the current cold and damp weather. If you would like to take part in any of the rowing slots on Monday and Tuesday, please email to book a place.