Latest return to rowing update

Club captain Anne P writes: I’m pleased to let you know that the RTR subgroup have written a procedure for the safe resumption of boat maintenance, which has been endorsed by the Committee.  This is now with the Technical subgroup and hopefully work on Ferry Maid will start soon.

The subgroup is now working on procedures for the resumption of rowing,  
This is still a fast moving situation .  We are seeking clarification on a few points from the SCRA, and in touch with other clubs to share experience, which will help us to get back on the water.   All going in the right direction!

In the meantime, it would be worth everyone who intends to row to look at the Covid-19 module on the SCRA website.  Although not specifically aimed at rowing, it has lots of good information and will give you an idea of what’s ahead.

Let’s hope we get an Indian summer!

Barbara here. Don’t forget the club EGM tonight, online at 7:30am. Check your email for the link.