Happy New Year everyone! With the Lass off the water for her makeover, it was just the Maid who attended this year’s Dook – along with St Margaret’s Hope and Ferry Sonnet from North Queensferry. It was a special row for one club member, George, who was celebrating his 85th birthday. Many happy returns George!

Also at the Dook was Richard, paddling his kayak. A couple of onlookers on shore were overheard musing about why the kayaker was shadowing the skiffs. “He must be the rescue boat,” the chap said. “Oh yes, gosh that’s good of him, isn’t it!” Well done Richard – we’re sure you’d have managed to pack all six crew into your kayak in the event of a capsize!

On shore, braving the Dook, was Lorna.

After the Dook, the Maid visited the old harbour to wave to Sheena and Ranald.