Club captain Marianne writes: We have our North-South race crew, Ade (stroke), Cheryl, Taciana, Gabe, and skipper Louise. The race starts from the North at 11:00. We hope you’ll come down and cheer them on! The finish line is near the old harbour, although you can get a good view at Port Edgar too.

Pot Luck BBQ
We are hosting North Queensferry with a barbeque starting at 12:00. As ever, we’d appreciate your help with catering by bringing a pot luck dish to share with everyone. We know that Alistair is bringing his world famous soup!
Andy’s Race Sprints
Our fun club sprints will start at 12:30 and run until 15:30. This is a new event, that sees QRC and NQ members in mixed ‘Andy’s Race’ style crews. Mike and Anne P have been working incredibly hard on putting arrangements in place, and race crews together.
Huge thanks to them, and to everyone from QRC and NQ who has signed up. There are still spaces, so please let et Anne P know if you can join in (
John Howell will once again be skippering the Committee boat, Faithful, aided by Douglas and with QRC photographer Scott on board. Best smiles everyone! Anne F and Sharon will be in the timing tent, and others are helping with the jobs that need done for an event to run smoothly.