Club captain Dónal writes: This coming Saturday (02 Oct) sees the annual North/South race in which we hope, nay need, to win back the coveted Trophy after last year’s defeat.

There will be two races, but only one counting towards the trophy. The first race is at 10:00 racing from North to South and the second, the trophy race, is at 10:30 racing from South to North.
The crews are as follows –
Race One: Rachel H, Andy, May, Donna and Tony
Trophy race crew: Dónal, Callum, Rory, Beth and Rachel D
As North Queensferry are hosting this year, they have invited us across for bacon/sausage/vegetarian option rolls, homemade soup, cakes and refreshments afterwards at the NQ boatyard. And the all-important trophy presentation!

So come along and cheer on your Club and help celebrate what we hope will be a glorious victory!