Loch Awe Adventure 2019

Liz writes: A small team of QRC members descended on Dalavich on Loch Awe for the inaugural annual weekend rowing festival, hosted by the local rowing club – Kilchrenan, Inverinan & Dalavich Coastal Rowing Club (KIDs) – and their new skiff Mingulay.

Skiffs lined up on the shore below the Dalavich community centre.

The event consisted of a Saturday of fun open rowing and come-and-try coastal rowing for the locals, plus a chance to row on beautiful Loch Awe for the nine visiting skiffs (eight clubs – St Andrews brought two boats – and their crews. The grand finale was Sunday’s race of 14.6 miles (7.3 miles each way) from Dalavich to the halfway mark – between Taychreggan Hotel on the west shore and Portsonachan Hotel on the east – and back.

The Saturday started in typical Argyllshire fashion with a light rain, a true soft day! Boats were unloaded and set on the beach for all to inspect and admire. However, as the afternoon commenced the sun came out and the clouds cleared. All visiting boats were asked to take a “local in our boat” so they could experience the joys of skiff rowing. We were lucky enough to have three different “newbies” in the Maid.

Loch Awe local Donald joins the Ferry Maid crew

Donald is a seasoned rower who has lived for 40 years on the loch, a mile down and over the other side, a one-hour drive away!! He had held his masters ticket for commercial craft on Loch Awe and is now enjoying retirement. He said he usually rowed over to Dalavich but his boat had just developed a leak. Needless to say, he required little tuition and was able to point out a crannog on the loch plus the castle used by the Campbells as a prison on the south shore.

Ewan joins the QRC crew

Then we took out Ewan, a well-known rower from the Isle of Seil. We
were lucky enough to spot a pair of ospreys who were nesting and fishing as we rowed round their island. Lastly, we picked up Nigel, a big lad from Edinburgh!!! He was a genuine novice and we took him to see the crannog and the ospreys. He was delighted, so we poured on the charm and suggested he might like to join QRC. Not sure if we were successful as his partner rows for Eastern!

There were also a few smaller boats for people to try – North Queensferry brought their “Wee Boat” and there was even a slidey-seat skiff.

Wee boats on the loch

That evening we were treated to a fantastic buffet meal in the local social club and excellent Loch Fyne ales from the bar – an excellent preparation for the next days racing. Some club members got some unexpected exercise when a village woman popped in to the bar to ask for help moving a chicken coop. “It’s not far” turned out to be quite a distance, and the coop was rather large! But the job was done and the chickens now have a fine view of a field of alpacas.

Coop de grace! QRC rowers help out Dalavich hens

Sunday dawned with absolutely beautiful clear weather and little wind. Oh no! Midgies!! Yes, the wee blighters were out in force – a great incentive to get out on the water. The coxes’ briefing started at 9:30am. We had nine crew plus Mike B as logistics expert, so Liz offered to cox in both directions, allowing the more able bodied to row.

Ready to race – perfect conditions in a beautiful location

The first leg was rowed by Sharon (stroke), Douglas (No3), Alastair (No2) and Barbara (bow). The course was a tricky one with two dog-legs to navigate, the first to starboard, so we started well out into the loch to get the best line. We had a great start with ourselves, Arran and St Andrews
racing together for the first 2 miles. Both Arran and St Andrews then pulled ahead and we were a very strong third. We successfully maintained third place with an excellent time of 1 hour 21 minutes. The fourth boat, Renegade finished four minutes behind us. The winner of the first leg was St Andrews in an impressive 1 hour 16 minutes, with Arran second on 1 hour
16mins and 30 seconds.

All teams then swapped crews, with the exception of Renegade, who rowed both legs with the same crew. Each crew had ten minutes or so to change and their start was timed separately. Our crew had been ferried by Mike B to Struan beach near Taychreggan Hotel.

The crew for the second leg was Anne P (stroke), Mel (No 3), Maria (No 2) and the Flan (bow). We  had a good start and set off in bright sunshine with no wind. However, about 3 miles in a stiff headwind started and we rowed the rest of the race into a strengthening westerly. The ladies rowed exceptionally well, coming in third in a time of 1 hour 30 minutes. Only Arran (1 hour 19 minutes) and the all-male crew from Kinghorn (1 hour 23 minutes) beat them for time.

QRC’s second crew pulling for the finish line at Dalavich

The overall winners, by cumulative times, were Arran, with St Andrews second and Kinghorn third. We were fourth, just two minutes behind Kinghorn.

The Maid ready for the journey home

We all had a fabulous weekend, the hospitality of our hosts was excellent and the setting was stunning. Roll on next year.

More photos on Flickr. Also, check out the wonderful professional photos taken from the umpire boat: click here.

The photographer, Mick Atkins, writes: “When circulating, please inform all crew members and interested parties that it they are interested in obtaining any images (either electronic or hard copy prints) to EMAIL ME DIRECT WITH THEIR REQUIREMENTS… Please inform them that I am quite prepared to release images at cost, to cover expenses and a much reduced fee for electronic high res j.pegs (depending on requirements).”

Tides for the week ahead

Rachel writes: This coming week takes us into May !
This week’s tides are not the best for us for evening rowing. Saturday morning we may manage with early training and a pontoon.
Monday 29 th April
05.26 — 2.4 m L.     11.58 — 4.5 m H    18.37 — 1.9 m L
Tuesday 30th
06.26 — 2.2 m L.    12.53 — 4.7 m H.    19.15 — 1.7 m L
Wednesday 1st May 
06.51 — 1.8 m L.    13.39 — 5.0 m H     19.09 — 1.4 m L  No Training – low tide
Thursday 2nd 
07.23 — 1.5 m L.   14.21 — 5.2 m H.     19.43 — 1.2 m L   No Social Rowing – low tide
Friday 3rd
08.01 — 1.2 mL.    15.01 — 5.3 mH.     20.21 — 1.0 m L
Saturday 4th
08.41 — 1.0 m L    15.40 — 5.5 m H.   20.59 —- 0.8 m L   Man Overboard + anchor Training for all from 11.00
Sunday 5th 
09.21 — 0.8 m L.   16.19 — 5.6 m H.     21.33 — 0.7 m L
Have a good weekend, plenty rowing tomorrow and Sunday.

Tides for 22 to 28 April

Rachel writes: All club sessions are available this coming week, so plenty rowing opportunities.

Monday 22nd April
05.33– 5.8 m H. 11.28 — 0.7 m L 18.00 — 5.8 m H

Tuesday 23rd
06.16 — 5.6 m H. 11.54 — 0.9 m L. 18.44 —5.6 m H. Evening rowing 6pm

Wednesday 24th
06.57 — 5.3 m H. 11.59 — 1.3 m L. 19.27 — 5.3 m H

Thursday 25th
07.39 — 5.0 m H. 12.31 — 1.6 m L. 20.11 — 4.9 m H. Evening rowing 6pm

Friday 26th
08.21 — 4.7 m H. 13.27 — 2.0 m L. 21.03 — 4.6 m H

Saturday 27th
09.15 — 4.5 m H. 15.30 — 2.2 m L. 22.18 — 4.4 m H

Sunday 28th
10.44 — 4.4 m H. 16.55 — 2.1 m L

Have a lovely Easter weekend everyone, with temperatures up!!

Note that one boat will be at Loch Awe for the weekend.  See below for details:

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Tides for 15-21 April – No evening rowing

Rachel writes: We have a few issues this coming week. No evening rowing due to low water. We hope at the weekend – Easter Weekend – that the Marina can accommodate us for Saturday / Sunday mornings on a pontoon. Afternoons are good though, with plenty rowing opportunities.

Monday 15th April
11.51 — 4.9 m H. 18.36 —1.3 m L

Tuesday 16th
06.59 — 1.6 m L. 12.58 — 5.2 m H. 19.38 — 0.9 m L NO SOCIAL SESSION

Wednesday 17th
07.56 — 1.2 m L. 13.56 — 5.6 m H. 20.34 — 0.5 m L NO TRAINING SESSION

Thursday 18th
08.48 — 0.9 m L 14.51 — 5.8 m H 21.22 — 0.3 m L. NO SOCIAL SESSION

Friday 19th
09.34 — 0.6 m L. 15.42 — 6.0 m H 22.02 — 0.2 m L

Saturday 20th — Easter Saturday
10.15 — 0.5 m L. 16.30 — 6.1 m H. 22.38 — 0.2 m L Pontoon required.

Sunday 21st — Easter Sunday
10.53 — 0.5 m L 17.16 — 6.0 m H Pontoon required for morning training.

Ullapool rowers to take on the Minch for MS

Check out this amazing fundraising effort by five Ullapool rowers: Rowing the Minch for MS Click on the link to read all about it. The row will take place in August this year.

The crew have a combined age of 292

Our target amount of £22,683, equates to £1 for each stroke of our oars.

Our Challenge

Our challenge is to row the Minch from Stornoway, in the Outer Hebrides, to Ullapool on the north west coast of the Highlands, in a 22ft St Ayles skiff. The row, approximately 50 miles across open sea, is expected to take 15 hours. This is a personal challenge for the crew, the purpose of which is to raise awareness of Multiple Sclerosis and raise funds for the MS Society. The row, which will be physically and mentally challenging, symbolises the struggle of living with MS and is a fitting way to bring attention to a cause close to our hearts.

The Cause

A higher-than-average percentage of people in our small community have been diagnosed with MS, a condition affecting the brain and spinal cord for which there is currently no cure. Many more people care for those living with the condition. This row is our way of showing support: we see you, we recognise you, we care.

The crew – Gary Lewis, John Grant, Kathryn Bennett, Lorraine Thomson and Anthony O’Flaherty – also have a Facebook page where you can see all the effort they’ve put in so far.