Christmas raffle draw

A happy crowd gathered at the shed on Saturday morning to beat the chill with mulled wine, cakes and soup – and to cheer all those who won prizes in our bumper raffle. As not all the winners were in the shed, a list is being drawn up and strenuous efforts made to deliver all prizes by Christmas.

A very special bottle of Scottish Parliament whisky, signed for the club by the First Minister, was auctioned separately. Keith was delighted to have made the (very generous) winning bid.

Meanwhile, the Nifty Knotters were doing a roaring trade with their Christmas decorations, and the 2019 calendar was selling so briskly Tansy had to go home for more supplies. Stand by for a tally of the seasonal fundraising effort.

Apparently some people even went for a row!!!

More photos on Flickr

Woudrichem charity row

Several club members travelled to Holland last weekend to take part in a fund-raising row organised by the Woudrichem club.  The annual row raises money for the Red Cross, this year specifically to help reunite children and parents separated by war or disaster.

Rachel reports: While Schiphol Airport cancelled 100 flights due to wind, we, as part of over 100 rowers, rowed our hearts out on a 45-mile river row in our sturdy St Ayles skiffs to help raise at least £3,500 towards a wonderful charity. A wonderful weekend – Dutch, Scottish, Irish, English.

More photos on Flickr


Agenda for tonight’s committee meeting

13TH December 2018
PEYC – 7pm

  1.  Apologies
  2. Matters Arising
  3.  Consideration of Policies (carried over from November):
    Code of Conduct
    Vulnerable Groups Protection Rachel
  4. New Rudder (carried over from November) Rachel/Anne P
  5. Survey Results – Anne P
  6. Continue discussion regarding access to resources (printer, laminator etc)
  7. Treasurers Report – Marion
  8. Group Updates:
    Welcome Pack/Book
    IT (including update on office bearer email addresses)
    Cox/Skipper Training
    Technique/Race Training
  9. Calendar of Events – Anne P
  10. Any Other Business

Cox training – time to sign up

Rachel writes: As part of our development plan, we offer coxing training each year. Our trainers, Mike McDowall, Peter Locke and John Howell, are ready to make a date in January.
Coxing is vital to the running of the club sessions. We all love to row, but we all need a cox to allow us all to enjoy this rowing. We aim to have as many people as possible gain experience in coxing. Sharing in coxing at any time – whether on a social row or a training row  – there is always a skipper on board.
If you have completed your Competant Crew form, please consider this next step of training. If you haven’t finished that form, now is the time!!  We know we have some strong keen candidates amongst you all!! We will also have a Man Overboard session set up soon, for those who need to ‘tick that box’!! See this page for more details.
Man overboard training: Graham is in Baby Lass, positioning the ‘victim’, while Stevie coxes the crew aiming to complete a rescue. Photo by Louise Innes
The cox training will be at a weekend and will consist of interesting classroom-based sessions plus on-the-water training.
We hope to set a date for this very quickly, so please email your interest to me at  rachelholburn[at]