Marianne writes: Quiz master extraordinaire, our very own Tony Bacon, has kindly supplied details for our quiz!

Date and time: Friday 09 April @19:30
Where: Zoom, link to nearer the time.
Entry Fee: free!
Duration: about 1 hour (time is part of the jeopardy!)Format: Six rounds of questions, including:
- “Watching the Detectives”
- “Bridge over Troubled Waters”
- “I Read the News Today”
- “I’ve Got You Covered”
- “Who Knows Where the Time Goes”
- “Oil and Gas Fields of the North Sea”
- One team member to be delegated spokesperson; identified using the team name as the Zoom participant name.
- Team size is not limited, but four is probably about right.
- Teams should communicate between themselves using their own Zoom meeting, WhatsApp group or whatever.
- Please test your internal channels of communication before the quiz, also watch out for feedback loops.
- No using the Google!
- Answers will be given at the end of each round for teams to self-mark.
- The Quizmaster will then ask each team leader for their score and keep track of them to total up at the end. No jokers or other jiggery-pokery this time.
Participants will be muted by the Quizmaster during questioning. His power is absolute! (That was Tony tells me!)
The only prize up for grabs is the bragging rights for being victorious!
Please let me know your team name and captain via my email address at hollycherry1004(at) .