Club captain Dónal, on behalf of the Committee and Return to Rowing Subgroup, writes: We’re delighted to let you know that from Monday 9 August we can return to something approaching normal rowing. Yes folks, bacon roll Saturdays are coming back and you can row/cox/skipper as often as you want, or are capable of, in a day!
Please read the following email carefully – there is a lot of important information for you to take on board.
Social Rowing
We can now return to normal social rowing arrangements as follows, subject to tide times:
● Tuesdays and Thursdays – from 18:00
One boat will be bookable – watch out for emails from Mike B. For the other boat, turn up, pop your name on the whiteboard and we’ll sort crews on a first come, first served basis. The boats will continue to go out until everyone has rowed.
● Saturdays – from 09:00 (with bacon rolls!)
● Sundays – from 13:00
Turn up, pop your name on the whiteboard (to help us keep track) and row. The boats will continue to go out until everyone has rowed.
Remember, there may be a little wait at busy times. On Saturdays, we will have our famous Shed bacon rolls to keep you busy, as well as the usual tea and coffee at any time. It’s £1 for bacon rolls, 50p for tea and coffee. This is an excellent time to meet with other members, make new friends and chat about rowing!

All other times
You can book boats through Mike B as usual at other times. Anyone can call a row as long as you have a qualified RP/Skipper to take you out! Mike can help with that.
Not quite out of the woods yet….
COVID isn’t over, so we will still have to have some measures in place as follows:
In the Shed
- Everyone MUST sign in and out of the Shed. You will be asked to scan an NHS Scotland QR code using your phone for track and trace purposes. Alternatively, you can put your name in our track and trace book if your phone can’t scan the code.
- The boats should be taken out of the Shed to give us room to circulate, and the doors left open to allow for ventilation.
- To allow members space to move freely, please continue to bring only a small bag (for car keys, mobile phone) into the Shed and come ready to row. No changing in the Shed.
- The Captain’s Cabin is out of bounds (to allow John H a safe space to work) – the life jackets will be on the rail in front of the oar rack so you access them easily.
COVID Hygiene
- Boat touch points and equipment (including lifejackets, oars and radio covers) must be sanitised by spraying and wiping by each crew rowing.
- The final crew in each boat should do the usual soapy washdown.
Finally, and most importantly, do not under any circumstances come rowing if you have any COVID symptoms.
Please respect these rules. They are small things for each of us, but will help keep up all safe. Your Committee will keep arrangements under review and tweak things as we see how they work.
The social side of coastal rowing is very important and we’re all keen to get back to it. Thanks to everyone for helping to get us this far. Special thanks to Mike B for doing such a great job with booking, and for Lesley for her work with new members. Thanks also to the RTR Subgroup and the Committee for your support.
We look forward to seeing you all!