Club captain Anne P writes: No doubt you’ve seen the slightly unexpected, but welcome news that rowing can resume!
The RTR Subgroup met yesterday and the Shed is nearly ready for a return to boat maintenance in the first instance, and soon a return to rowing for those who want to do so.
Rowing will, unfortunately, feel very different to before, with the social element that we all enjoy absent – no bacon rolls or coffee in the Shed yet. However, we will be back on the water and that is great news!
The Return to Rowing Group and Committee are busy working out how to implement the SCRA advice on the return to rowing and to get new procedures out to you all. It may be a little while yet, but please be patient with us. We’ve spoken with a number of other clubs to share approaches and we are all working hard to make this work!
As usual, we will be relying on the goodwill of our skippers to enable boats to go out, and our coxes to make sure our skippers also get to row! However, no one, skippers, coxes or rowers, should feel any pressure to do anything you are not comfortable with.
Most of all, we will be relying on every member who goes out to follow all the rules and guidance we put in place. We may have to adjust them as we go along, and if you any feedback, it will be welcome. Please remember that there are a group of people working extremely hard behind the scenes on this (with all the other demands they have on their time), and that it is not an easy task – be honest, but kind in your comments!