Club vice-captain Marianne writes: Tomorrow is the big day! The City of Edinburgh moves to Level 2, and so those of us aged 18+ can join our youths rowers in a return to rowing.

The SCRA has issued new advice, and we are confident that our Return to Rowing Protocol is in line with this. It’s been a while since we were out, so please reread the updated Return to Rowing Protocol.
Points to note:
- We need to continue to sanitise the boat before taking it out, and wash down after, EACH TIME. Everyone needs to take part.
- Coxes should continue to wear a face covering, although if the cox and stroke agree, then the cox does not now need to wear one. Coxes – please respect the view of the rower in stroke.
- Stick to timings.
- The Shed remains closed.
- All booking for rowing should be done through Mike Breewood. (mikebreewood(at) – thanks Mike!)
Please remember that, as we have seen before, coming out of lockdown can be a fragile process and indeed not all parts of Scotland are moving to Level 2. Stick to the protocol. We can all do our bit in making sure we keep each other safe, and continue to be able to get out rowing.
If you have any questions, email me
We have a packed programme of rowing coming up. Please make use of the good weather, light nights and get out there!