Mike B writes: The week ahead looks fine for our evening rowing, so far as tides are concerned!
Social rowing will be available on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, with a bookable slot each evening at 6pm and turn up and row sessions also beginning at 6pm and lasting until everyone has had a row, or until it’s too dark to row.
On Saturday, we will have two boats available for turn up and row sessions from 10:00am (the tides force a later start than usual) – but the good news is that the Shed is now open for use and there is the possibility of Saturday morning bacon rolls!
Sunday 22nd sees the start of our section of RowAround Scotland. Both boats will launch at noon. Crew number one is Dónal, Anne P and Anne F as Pilots for the Forth section, George as the oldest member of the Club, plus a Youth member. For the second crew, Dónal will draw names from a hat.
If you wish to take part in the bookable rowing slots on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, please email me directly on mikebreewood@gmail.com. Likewise, if you wish to book a boat outwith normal social rowing times, please email me directly, so I can enter the booking in the relevant calendar.