Club vice-captain Mike B writes: I’m afraid that the tides are pretty poor for us this week. We will not be able to have any social rowing on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, nor can we have social rowing on Saturday morning.
On Saturday morning though, can I encourage you all to meet at the shed at 09:00 to help prepare one of the boats for the Ferry Fair parade!

Peter Locke will be supervising the preparations and will advise on the parade. All volunteers to help distribute leaflets alongside the parade will be very welcome. It’s always a very happy occasion taking part in the parade. The weather is forecast to be overcast, with a light breeze and to be very pleasantly warm but not too hot!
After the parade, the tides will be good for rowing, if anyone wants to take a boat out (RP needed of course!).
On Sunday, we shall have turn-up-and-row sessions in Ferry Lass from 13:00 onwards. Ferry Maid will be used for Youth rowing from 13:00 to 14:00 and then for social rowing bookable slots at 14:00 and 15:00. Long distance training will be in Ferry Maid from 16:00 to 18:00.

If you would like a space in the bookable slots, please email me directly on
If you would like a space in the long distance training row, please contact Keith Thomson on directly.
Have a good week and enjoy the Ferry Fair!