Marianne writes: A wee reminder that our club ceilidh is on Friday 14 February. Tickets are £15, U18s £10. The ticket price includes food, and it’s BYOB. The Ewan Galloway Scottish Dance Band will keep us jigging the night away!
If you only come to one ceilidh this year*, make it the Queensferry Rowing Club Spring Fling!
Tickets are available at the Shed from the Social subgroup: Marianne, Tracey, Val, Steph and Lorna, or email me at . All proceeds will go towards QRC club funds.
* John adds: QRC members are invited to the Port Edgar Yacht Club Ceilidh, which is being held at the PEYC clubhouse on Saturday 1 February. Tickets are £15 and may be purchased via – where further details are available.
Members of QRC are Associate Members of PEYC and so will benefit from the facilities of the new clubhouse and it would be great if we could support this event, which will help raise funds for furnishings.