Just a quick reminder that Queensferry Rowing Club receives the RowAround Scotland baton from North Queensferry on Sunday. The plan is that both the Lass and the Maid will be launching at 12pm and meeting up with North Queensferry rowers. We will row around the bridges, going around Inchgarvie and back up under the Road Bridge and Queensferry Crossing, before receiving the baton and heading back to Port Edgar for a barbecue.
The barbecue starts at 1300 – please bring your own food and drink. It’ll be great to get everyone together again and to welcome all the new members.
On Monday, another crew will row to Granton Harbour to pass the baton on to the Newhaven rowing club, arriving at 4.30pm. It would be great if anyone who’s free could be there to cheer the rowers as they row in.
And on Tuesday, a QRC crew will join a row in company, taking the baton from Granton Harbour to Portobello, arriving there at 10am.
The microplastics trawl being conducted as part of the RowAround, is currently in Pittenweem – follow the route on the RAS2021 website. Click here for more information on the trawl project. For the science-minded, Saz explains everything in a video.