Marianne writes: As you may know, the annual North South Race takes place on Saturday 02 October.
This is a race across the Forth between QRC and our friends in North Queensferry . It echoes similar races held since the 1800s in a variety of craft, involving the Navy and local boat clubs. We are continuing a fine tradition!
The beautiful trophy pictured below is at stake. It was originally a gardening trophy, which seems appropriate given the club obsession with growing tatties!
The trophy has spent roughly equal amounts of time at either side of the Forth, but has unfortunately resided at the ‘wrong’ side for the past two races. We need to change that!
If you are interested in taking part, and it is open to all members, whether you have previously taken part or not, please let Dónal know via You can also sign up, in time honoured tradition, via the sheet on the noticeboard in the Shed.
We have a WhatsApp group for those interested in taking part. Those in the group can organise to get out together and get some practice in. A crew will be selected nearer the time.
Dónal is talking with NQ about the exact format of the race, and there may be the possibility of a B race, as in previous years. This year we are racing South to North, and it will be NQ’s turn to host any post-race festivities.