Marianne writes: If you’re aged 12-17 you can be a real life on-the-water rower soon!
The fabulous news is that from 05 April our youth rowers, aged 17 and under, can once again go out with an adult skipper at the helm. The announcement came rather leftfield, but we’ve checked in with the SCRA and have been given the green light for youth rowing at QRC.

There are a few things to do first. Dónal is speaking with skippers, John H will be checking the all-important lifejackets, inspections of the boats and equipment will take place, and the Covid subgroup will be checking cleaning supplies – yes, Covid boat hygiene rules are still very much in place and will remain an important part of us being able to get out on the water.
We’re also speaking to our youth rowers and parents of course, but don’t be surprised if you see a boat out on the water shortly. Give our wonderful youth rowers a wave on the waves, but do remember that social gathering rules remain in place, so please don’t congregate around the Shed, EXCITING THOUGH.
It still looks like it’s mid-May before the rest of us will get out on the water, but it’s a fast-moving picture, so if there are any indications it will be earlier, we’ll let you know. Lesley, our new-member co-ordinator, will be contacting newer members to encourage them to rejoin the club when the time comes, while I’m sure the rest of you will simply be enticed by the prospect of bacon rolls and cake at a future date, oh and maybe a bit of rowing….