Beth, on behalf of the committee, writes: Although Rowing seems a distant memory your Rowing Club has not forgotten you – we promise!
With this in mind, and to celebrate the recent announcement of the highly anticipated Skiffie Worlds, we aim to put our collective active miles together and run/row/cycle/kayak/unicycle/walk/crawl/roll/sprint/hop/skip/jump (or anything else you see fit!) to Kortgene… For all those of you, like me, who need to brush up on your pronunciation hyperlink supplied .
All you have to do is add your distance travelled to this form:
Click here! (you might need to hold down Crtl too)
The only rules are that your miles travelled must be in the month of March and you cannot count any miles which were not propelled by you, e.g. no bus rides/car drives/train journeys. You can fill out the form as many times as you want, anyone in the QRC family can be involved and anyone in your household/bubble/friendship group/family can get involved too!
We’ll keep you updated on how we get on and happy (virtual) travels.