AGM reminder and list of committee nominations

A wee reminder in case you missed the calling notice sent out earlier this month: the club’s Annual General Meeting is being held on Thursday 24 October at 7:30pm in the Port Edgar Yacht Club. Everyone is urged to attend.

An important part of the AGM  is the election of the club’s office-holders and committee members. Below is a list of the candidates – nominations closed today.

CaptainAnne PurcellDónal FerrieMarianne Sandison
Vice-CaptainDónal FerrieRebecca GatesMaria van Dalen
SecretaryLorna BarkAlan SutherlandJohn Howell
TreasurerMarion McDowallMike McDowallRachel Holburn
MembersTracey VincentiMarianne SandisonMaria van Dalen
Alan SutherlandAlistair SturrockMaria van Dalen
Marianne SandisonRebecca GatesAnne Purcell
Rebecca GatesDónal FerrieMarianne Sandison
John HowellAnne PurcellMaria van Dalen
Mike BreewoodMaria van DalenAlan Sutherland
Tansy MoirBarbara AgnewMel Chambers
Lesley JonesMarianne SandisonStephanie Durning
Stevie LeaskJohn HowellLorna Bark
Stephanie DurningTracey VincentiAnne Purcell