Apologies for any formatting glitches – I’m posting this from my phone.
Following is the agenda for the upcoming AGM, plus nominations for officers and committee members, plus a proposed amendment to the constitution.
Queensferry Rowing Club
AGM 11th October 2023
7.30pm, Port Edgar Boat Station
1. Apologies
2. Approval of 2022 Minutes
3. Matters Arising
4. Captain’s Report
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Sub-group reports
7. Election of Office Bearers and Committee Members
Captain: Peter Locke. Proposer John McKean, seconder Mike Breewood
Vice Captain:
Treasurer: Anne Purcell. Proposer Marianne Sandison, seconder Donna Martin.
Secretary: David James. Propser Paul D Dourley, seconder Cherry Kelsey.
Ordinary Members:
Beth Curtin – proposer
Maria Van Dalen, seconder
Marianne Sandison.
John Howell – proposer Douglas Carse, seconder Alan Sutherland.
Alan Sutherland – proposer Suzanne S, seconder Douglas Carse.
Suzanne S – proposer Peter Locke, seconder Alan S.
John McKean – proposer Alan S, seconder Alistair.
Anthony Bacon – proposer Alistair, seconder George.
Michelle – proposer Peter L, seconder Susanne S
8. Proposed Changes to the constitution
Proposed by Mike McD, Seconded by Peter Locke.
a. Clause 4.2 Management – All office bearers and committee members shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re-election, with the exception of the offices of Captain and Vice Captain, which may be held by a member for a maximum of two consecutive years, after which they cannot stand for re-election for a period of two years.
– Proposal to delete all after ‘with the exception of…’ (as
shown in italics).
b. Clause 5.1 General Meetings – Proposal to increase the quorum for a general meeting from twelve to twenty members
9. Any other competent business
Click here to view or download a copy of the agenda.