Peter writes: A friend asked me if I knew of any second hand boats as he had a neighbour, Pota Kalima, who is a bacteriologist originally from Zambia and working in Edinburgh. Pota is working on a project to build a new clinic in a remote part of the country. Any patient who requires more than basic treatment has to be taken to the nearest hospital by dugout canoe.

I mentioned Baby Lass, thinking it would be too small, but Pota is delighted with it and is researching a suitable outboard motor for it. He should be taking it away in the next few weeks.

Thanks to Stuart Ridge, who donated the wee boat to the Club. It was originally owned by Stewart Hutchison, who lives on Dundas Estate. I hope you will all agree that this is a good way to see Baby Lass off, as its future was uncertain. Thanks too, to the Committee who approved the plan.
Clicking on this link gives some information, but the ‘Just Giving’ page is inactive. Pota is working on a Facebook page which will take donations, so when I have that I will share it with you.
Update from Peter: Baby Lass started her journey to Zambia on 4 September. I met with Dr Pota Kalima, his wife Maria also Dr Kalima, Stuart Ridge, Mike McDowall and Neil McKinley of the Rotary who had put Pota in touch with us. In between heavy rain showers Mike took some ‘happy snaps’ then we wheeled the wee boat along to the car park to await the courier. She is being taken to Portsmouth then loaded with other goods and equipment for Pota’s Clinic Project onto a shipping container for Africa. Pota will keep us informed. Thanks to Mike for refurbishing the oars.