Club captain Dónal writes: As we say goodbye to 2020, a year like no other, and look forward to what 2021 has to offer us I’d like to wish all at the Club a Happy and Prosperous New Year and hopefully one with more rowing.
The last year did not turn out as we had planned. Little did we know that after the Ceilidh in February that we would be curtailed to such an extent, both on and off the water. There was so much to look forward to in 2020 with the Row Around Scotland taking place but alas by the time it was to happen it had to go virtual. It did mean of course that we learned a lot about the coast of Scotland that we might not otherwise have known.

Throughout the pandemic the social aspect of the Club has been kept going thanks to the tremendous effort of Val, who organised the Virtual Shed Social – a heartfelt thanks to Val for doing that. We even had a Social on Boxing Day and Hogmanay, and it is always great to see everyone, sometimes with a bacon butty or perhaps a glass of wine.
We were back on the water albeit briefly and a thanks has to go to the Return to Rowing Group with resident Fun Sponge/Covid Officer Marianne keeping us all right as to when we might be able to row. Our rowing lasted a number of weeks before we were put in to Level 3 which meant we were off the water again.

Here’s hoping that 2021 sees us out on the water again, Rowing under the three magnificent structures we are lucky to have on our doorstep. Here’s also to being able to meet up restriction-free for Bacon Rolls in the shed.
Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year with lots of rowing.