Mike B writes: I am very pleased to be able to advise you all that the Committee has authorised the resumption of Midweek Rowing!
The mechanism for booking a boat is as it was before lockdown – place an entry in the Google calendar for either Ferry Lass or Ferry Maid. (You should be able to access these from this website. Any problems, contact Barbara.) If you already have a crew, please put details of the RP and crew members in the calendar record description box. If you don’t have a crew, but want to organise a row, just send out a call for crew members to the queensferry-rowing-club email address (and then put the details into the calendar record). You should also, of course, make a note of the crew members in the book at the shed. Please bring your own pen!
All the restrictions that apply to our social rowing at the moment will still apply in midweek rowing – for example crew members should arrive at the shed ready to row – there is no changing permitted in the shed and only two persons to be in the shed at any one time.

Please also ensure that when you return from rowing that the crew members disperse from the area of the shed immediately the cleaning work on the boat is complete and the boat is safely back in the shed. We have to ensure that there is no possibility for different crews to interact so please do check in the calendars to make sure the other boat is not also being used. If it is, then your rowing slot should begin at least 1 hour after the other boat commenced its slot, or finished its slot.
I know that the lack of socialising before and after rowing is a bit of a blow to members – but if you do want to have a coffee, some cake and a bit of a chat, why not do it when you are out in the boat rowing…that should be acceptable I think, as you will be in a defined bubble during your row.
Have a great time everyone.