Maria writes: In response to recent requests about availability of the monkey fist items I am delighted to off a colourful brochure.
With grateful thanks to Tansy for taking the pictures and compiling the brochure, I invite you all to have a look and consider ordering these ever popular “stocking fillers” … keyrings, zipper-pulls, mini doorstops and earrings.
We are now £425 away from our £5000 target, when we really will be retiring our “Nifty Knotting Fingers”. As those of you who attended the AGM know there is huge interest in spending this money, and I would like to invite you all again to come up with serious suggestions!
Replies and orders to me please at
Payment and order details are printed on the brochure. Please check and confirm order details with myself before making any payments!
Many thanks on behalf of all the Nifty Knotters: Anne P, Tansy, Liz, Frances, Donna W and Maria.
Click here to view or download the Monkey Fist brochure.