Mike McD writes: The Project committee held their 11th meeting tonight, when it was noted that the boat had had its final coat of varnish and was now complete (see below). During the day we had a visit from a very enthusiastic Echline Primary 3 and their teacher, Miss McCulloch. In the following weeks they sent us drawings of the boat which we put on display, and suggestions for names which went into the ‘hat’.

We discussed the final arrangements for holding a Public Meeting on the 22nd, to start a Rowing Club, and agreed that the present Project committee would continue until the AGM in June. it was agreed that we would invite members of Port Seton to the meeting to describe their experience of forming a Club. While John H was still looking for a suitable trailer, Stuart offered the use of his trailer so that we could put the boat outside on the Saturday before the meeting.
On the matter of oars, Mike had been given a contact at Edinburgh Rowing Club by David Rennie, a member of QBC, about some old/broken oars in a store at Broxburn. (We subsequently picked up 10 oars for a small donation.) Mike had also arranged to buy six lengths of timber from Inzievar, Fife, which Ranald and he later collected.
We also discussed the programme for the official Launch and naming ceremony on Sunday 17th April, with invites to be sent out by 4th March. This would be preceeded by a parade of the boat round the town, and a Ceilidh on the Saturday night. We also planned for another music night on 4th March (Music to Rock your Boat 2) to keep the funds coming in.
Ranald and Mike had been exploring Port Edgar, and found an empty shed in an ideal location. They would make further enquires with the Council..