QRC regatta 2019

Our annual regatta is almost upon us! Crews from all round Scotland will descend on Port Edgar on Saturday to race on what can be argued to be the most picturesque course in the coastal rowing calendar, between the iconic Forth Bridges. Along with crews from South and North Queensferry, there will also be skiffs from Crail, Portsoy, Eskmuthe (Musselburgh), St Andrews, Kinghorn, Wormit, Findochty, Alnmouth, Eastern and Broughty Ferry.

Last year’s QRC regatta

The racing starts at 10am, with races throughout the day at 1045, 1100, 1215, 1330, 1415, 1500 and 1545. The last race of the day is one that is close to our hearts, as it is named after Andy Jarvis, a founder member who passed away in 2016. The premise of the Andy race is that pick-and-mix crews drawn from different clubs race against each other, as Andy was happy to race with anyone. Click here to download a race programme.

Andy rowing with Louise for North Queensferry at Ullapool in 2015

Anne P writes: Tonight is set-up night. If you have some time to help it would be great to see you at the shed. I’m hoping to be there by 6pm at the latest but some folk may be there earlier. The more of us there are, the quicker we’ll be.

If you could arrive bright and early on Saturday morning (7ish) that would be great as well.

Green guru Rachel H writes: 

The majority of the club’s mugs – we own around 35 – have been given an ‘intensive dishwasher’ at my house! Previously we have used disposables for coffee/tea/soup, the ones that are recyclable, but perhaps we can offer our cups instead, with the disposables being used if we run out.  Rowers are very good now at bringing their own, and we have reminded them .
We also have wooden stirrers .

We had asked Russell for mixed recycling bins,and he happily agreed to have them for our regatta, but the bins that appeared a few weeks ago were not ideal and have gone again. We do hope another option will still appear in the picnicking area in front of the shed. So, another reason to offer proper mugs. Washing is our issue, but they can all go back to a dishwasher .

Water bottles
We are not offering bottled water as previously, but instead we will have two  large water containers with taps, filled with tap water. The clubs know we are offering this and they can refill their own bottles as required.

Children’s cups
We usually offer jugs of juice for the children free of charge in plastic disposable cups, but if anyone has some children’s washable plastic cups this could be a better option. I have nine. We trust all the rowers’ honesty to borrow and return .

Sandwich Wrappers
Barbara has offered paper bags as an alternative to plastic wrap etc.

Catering ops in 2017

Catering supremo Rebecca writes: Firstly can I say a MASSIVE thank you for all the donation offers, I’m blown away,  and what a spread it is going to be

So a few further requests if possible :

  • Pans for the soup to be heated if not already coming in a pan? Ladles to serve with.
  • Jam jars for our granola – they can be returned or we can clean them and give to Anne F for her jam.
  • Jugs for juice.
  • Washing up bowls if anyone can loan us a few.
  • If anyone wants to donate but not cook, perhaps some fruit, crisps etc could be good.

Sadly I am working this evening and won’t finish until late.  I will be there for 7am Saturday to get set up. I’ve done a schedule for the day, I hope it suits all. Let me know if not and I can switch things around, nothing is set in stone !

During the clearing up time, I intend on enjoying a large G&T or Prosecco.  Hopefully some other members can join us in the shed to toast to the success of our regatta – hopefully with some medals visible – around 5pm.

Skiffie Worlds wool donation update

Val writes: Thank you very much (!!) for the really generous donations of yarn and wool into the flamingo box in the shed for the Stranraer Crafters. I noticed that since I sent the first batch off to Stranraer, there have been subsequent donations in the shed, that’s brilliant. I have had a note back from Stranraer Community Crafters on receipt of our donation of a rather large box full which was full of excitement about receiving the wool, and that it has already been put to good use.

I’ll collect the box after our regatta and send our final consignment down, so if there are any stray balls of wool or curtain rings that could still find there way there, pop them in over the next week.

Bisa has asked me to pass on the thanks of Stranraer Community Crafters to Queensferry Rowing.

Tides for 27 May to 2 June

Rachel writes: Well, this is our last week heading towards our big annual event – Queensferry Rowing Club Annual Regatta 2019!!

All rowing can be fitted in this week except Friday evening, but we will all be too busy with shed preparations then anyway!!

Monday 27th May
09.37 — 4.5 m H. 16.01 — 2.1 m L 22.32 — 4.4 m H

Tuesday 28th
10.54 – 4.5 m H. 17.06 — 2.0 m L. 23.41 — 4.5 m H

Wednesday 29th
11.59 — 4.6 m H. 17.57 — 1.8 m L. 24 .37 — 4.7 m H

Thursday 30th
06.13 — 2.0 mL. 12.52 — 4.8 m H 18.38 — 1.5 m L

Friday 31st
06.54 — 1.7 mL. 13.39 — 5.1 m H. 19.17 — 1.3 m L

Saturday 1st June
07.34 — 1.4 mL. 14.25 — 5.3 m H 19.55 — 1.1 m L  Regatta Day

Sunday 2nd June
08.15 – 1.1 m L. 15.10 — 5.4 m H

Have a good week everyone and hope to see lots of you next Saturday.

A cox’s view of Broughty Ferry 2019

Louise reports: This year’s  Broughty Ferry regatta was challenging in many different ways, not least the dreich weather. For those who were rowing it was hard, with the 2.6km distance being longer than many of the events and a strong current and at times choppy water didn’t help. Most often the event reports are written from the perspective of those rowing but we are of course crews of five, so i thought that I would write a report from
the cox’s experience.

There are a lot of regattas where the cox has a relatively straightforward job of lining up at the start, steering towards the finish in a straight line and
motivating the crew. There are others at which the cox has their skill and
nerves really tested. Broughty Ferry Regatta this year certainly came into the latter category.

Our 60+ crews and their medals. Photo by Rachel Holburn

At coxes’ briefing everyone was warned of the strong spring tide running into the Tay all day, with high tide around the time of the last race. We were also warned about maintaining clearance round the two buoy turns, especially as the first leg was across flow. We were also told that the markers were not the usual ‘knock-em-over’ Lomo type buoys but were really solid and unforgiving.

The start was the first challenge, with skiffs pointing down-river till almost
under starters orders, when a rapid turn to line up was made and the start
being called almost immediately so smart positioning and alert listening for the start being called was required.

The next problem was to deal with being the filling in a skiff sandwich with 12 boats in many of the races all heading for the same buoy about 800 meters away. The cross current was fierce and so was the fight for the best position, sometimes with no option but to have oars clashing with boats on each side.

A photo taken by North Berwick shows a buoy turn, with many skiffs jockeying for position.

The next thing on a cox’s mind was making sure that you were not drifted into the solid buoy and at the same time keeping an eye on 11 other boats with the “3 boat length” rule to comply with regarding right of way. A decision was also needed regarding whether a turn was made with inner oars holding water or everyone rowing round. With so many boats all fighting for space it was inevitable that oars were hitting the immovable post or clashing with other oars.

Many penalties were given by the umpire, a rare thing, and I even saw two
boats locked together hull to hull. Fortunately by the time the second turn was reached the races were more strung out with fewer clashes and boats being drifted away rather than too the buoy. One final challenge, which some found too difficult, was the cross the finish line between and not outside the markers.

Another North Berwick photo – close encounter of the skiff kind…

If any new Skippers are thinking that this is not for them I would say give race coxing a go as it is very rewarding. However, speak to one of the old hands to help choose a straightforward event for your first try and you will enjoy it. You will learn new skills, tactics and good seamanship and soon go on to new challenges. The great thing about our sport is that we never stop learning and above all else, it is fun.

The results!

Click on the links to see more photos on North Berwick’s Flickr pages, and on our own Flickr. Check the SCRA website for results and a photo of our medal-winning men!


Broughty Ferry success

Anne P writes: Following our first regatta of the season at Broughty yesterday, I’d like to say a big thank you to all who contributed towards the day. A lot of preparation goes into each and every regatta and it’s certainly not just about the the day itself. So a huge thank you to everyone who got us there, from the last minute repair work to Ferry Maid which allowed us to race in our familiar boat, to those who helped prepare and load the boat and equipment for the day, those who have given up their time to cox teams and race with teams knowing they couldn’t be there on the day and those who have been working hard on the water to prepare themselves for the day.

The 60+ medal winners – gold for the men, silver for the women

The day itself was certainly very interesting… a challenging course, a fast flowing tide and a solid obstacle of a buoy which caught a number of clubs out at the first turn. A special mention is due to the rowers for whom this was their first regatta. A longer than usual, and tricky, course didn’t seem to put anyone off and everyone gave their best.

Congratulations to the 60+ teams – their hard work gained them well deserved medals, gold for the men and silver for the women.

I’m sure everyone has taken something away from the day, including a determination to keep working hard; training and team work pay off. Thank you to Alistair and his team who towed the boat and had the gazebo erected in double quick time – we needed it!

Thanks also to Peter and co, who had the Maid off the trailer, washed and ready for social rowing this afternoon!