Pontoon launches for the weekend

Rachel writes: We have some issues this weekend, as the slip is out of action as from first thing Saturday.
Dredger works are happening and the slip is very muddy, so under safety rules it was decided to close it, scrape and pressure wash it.

However, all problems are solved!!
Ferry Maid is already on pontoon A23. Please bear in mind it is completely stripped, therefore absolutely everything will need taken down to the pontoon at 08.00 on Saturday morning. She will then stay on A23 after each crew until Sunday afternoon. The tide at 14.00 will be 2.6m.

A perfect weather weekend for the skiff to stay out for two nights!

Thank you to the crew who were alerted on Friday afternoon and took the Maid to be settled on the pontoon.
Thanks too to Lorna, who ran back and forwards to ‘catch them’ before they disappeared home!!

Have a good weekend everyone, high temperatures and some sun. I am heading west!

Tides for 18-24 February

Rachel writes: The tides are ruling our rowing times this next week,  late mornings into early afternoon as the week goes on. Pontoons will be needed  on Saturday and Sunday, with the assistance of early training crews!!  There are some interesting lows of 0.1 m!! (See Mike’s information below about that.)

Monday 18th February
07.29 — 1.2 m L. 13.37 — 5.6m H 20.06 — 0.8 m L

Tuesday 19th
08.24 — 0.9 m L. 14.30 — 5.9 m H. 21.00 — 0.4 m L

Wednesday 20th
09.12 — 0.7 m L. 15.21 — 6.2 m H. 21.46 — 0.1 m L

Thursday 21st
09.55 — 0.6 m L. 16.10 — 6.2 m H. 22.26 — 0.1 m L

Friday 22nd
10.34 — 0.6 m L 16.58 — 6.2 m H. 23.01 – 0.2 m L

Saturday 23rd
05.21 — 6.0 m H. 11.08 — 0.8 m L 17.46 — 6.0 m H Pontoon will be requested.

Sunday 24th
06.08 – 5.8 m H. 11.34 — 1.0 mL. 18.33 — 5.8 m H Pontoon will be requested.

Happy rowing – the temperatures look to be decent, so there is a bonus!

Unusual tidal event

Mike McD reports: For the interest of all tide-watchers, on this Thursday, the 21st, the predicted height of low water in the evening is zero. In other words, what you see on the Chart is what you see on the shore.

This, strangely enough is predicted to happen again in March, on evenings of the 21st and 22nd. It didn’t happen last year (the lowest was 0.2 in March, August and September) and it will not happen again this year.

Some of us are better acquainted with low tide at Port Edgar than others….

Barbara adds: This news caused something of a ripple in the shed on Sunday and if you’re thinking of venturing down to the marina on Thursday evening for a look, you probably won’t be alone!

According to the Windfinder tidal predictions for Port Edgar, the witching hour is 9:39pm, and the tide level is given as minus 0.04 metres. With Spring tides (click for an explanation), where there’s a trough there’s a peak – the corresponding high tide on Thursday is 6.61 metres at 3:48pm.

Ferry Lass maintenance begins

Mike B writes: Ferry Maid received her annual brush up and other attentions back in October/November and now it is the turn of the Lass.

Many thanks to all the willing hands on Sunday afternoon who helped to get the Lass turned over and ready for work to begin. The Committee (in the shape of the Technical Sub-Committee) has scheduled maintenance to continue until Friday the 22nd of February.

We’ll be gathering at the shed on Tuesday 12th February, at 10:00am to begin work on the Lass – there is lots of sanding, painting, varnishing and so on to be done, along with other tasks, so all volunteers will be welcomed with open arms!

Don’t worry if you haven’t done boat maintenance before – full guidance will be available from the folk who have!

Some photos from last year’s Lass maintenance:

Oar repair update

Remember last month when the no 2 oar in the new set broke? Well Mike McD is hard at work modifying and repairing it…

He writes: Before starting on the repair I am working on the modification to the blade, reducing the width from 6 ins to 4.5 ins and increasing the area from 140 to 180 sq ins. (the Clenshaw blades are 177 sq ins).  Below are two photos of the job so far.