Apologies for any formatting glitches – I’m posting this from my phone.
Following is the agenda for the upcoming AGM, plus nominations for officers and committee members, plus a proposed amendment to the constitution.
Queensferry Rowing Club AGM 11th October 2023 7.30pm, Port Edgar Boat Station
1. Apologies
2. Approval of 2022 Minutes
3. Matters Arising
4. Captain’s Report
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Sub-group reports
7. Election of Office Bearers and Committee Members
Nominations Captain: Peter Locke. Proposer John McKean, seconder Mike Breewood
Vice Captain:
Treasurer: Anne Purcell. Proposer Marianne Sandison, seconder Donna Martin.
Secretary: David James. Propser Paul D Dourley, seconder Cherry Kelsey.
Ordinary Members: Beth Curtin – proposer Maria Van Dalen, seconder Marianne Sandison. John Howell – proposer Douglas Carse, seconder Alan Sutherland. Alan Sutherland – proposer Suzanne S, seconder Douglas Carse. Suzanne S – proposer Peter Locke, seconder Alan S. John McKean – proposer Alan S, seconder Alistair. Anthony Bacon – proposer Alistair, seconder George. Michelle – proposer Peter L, seconder Susanne S
8. Proposed Changes to the constitution
Proposed by Mike McD, Seconded by Peter Locke.
a. Clause 4.2 Management – All office bearers and committee members shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re-election, with the exception of the offices of Captain and Vice Captain, which may be held by a member for a maximum of two consecutive years, after which they cannot stand for re-election for a period of two years. – Proposal to delete all after ‘with the exception of…’ (as shown in italics). b. Clause 5.1 General Meetings – Proposal to increase the quorum for a general meeting from twelve to twenty members
Club vice captain Mike B writes: After a thrilling day on Sunday with the Alan Meldrum Community Challenge, we are now moving into our winter rowing season. The equinox means that our evening social rowing is now finished for this year, and we must anticipate the joys of Spring next year when it will restart.
In the meantime, we shall have social rowing on Saturdays and Sundays over the winter season. As usual, Yalo and Michelle will continue their excellent work of letting everyone know when the social rowing times will be each week.
Finally, the cessation of evening rowing for the year heralds in the AGM, this year taking place IN PERSON at the Port Edgar Boat Station at 19:30 on the 11th of October. That will be your chance to meet up with fellow members and chat about medals won, medals just missed and medals robbed from you in the course of the Summer regatta season! It’s also, of course, the time when a new Committee and set of Club Officers are elected for the year ahead – sadly I am unable this year to stand for any position, however I would urge all members to consider standing – it is a very rewarding way to serve the Club! There is a sign-up sheet in the Shed, or you can just let our current Secretary, Steph Durning , know on secretary@queensferryrowing.org
Peter writes: Despite the worrying forecast the day started calm, dry and mild. QRC members started to arrive to set up the course, erect a gazebo on the finish line and prepare tea, coffee, biscuits, scones etc and a table of 3 Bridges T shirts and Monkey Fists. By 11.45am teams started to arrive!
West Port Vets Queensferry Scout Leaders Sight Scotland Veterans Death Row! a keep fit group Scottish Parliament Broadcasting Queensferry Tennis Club 1 Queensferry Tennis Club 2 Police Scotland Ferry Fair
All the races were close fought. Photo by Lorna
The event is dedicated to the memory of Alan ‘Mel’ Meldrum who we sadly lost 10 years ago. Mel was a Broadcasting Manager in the Parliament hence the entry from the Parliament. We had three heats each of three boats. Our two skiffs and so grateful to have St Margaret’s Hope row across to join us.
The winners of the 3 heats going into the final were Police Scotland, Queensferry Scout Leaders and Death Row. All heats were exciting and close and in the final we had in first place, Death Row, 2nd, Police Scotland and 3rd Queensferry Scout Leaders. Jenni Meldrum presented the lovely hand carved trophy she had commissioned.
The winning crew Death Row, with cox Louise holding the trophy. In the background are Peter and Jenni. Photo by Lorna
Club captain Marianne writes: It’s been another busy period for the club and there’s lots of update you on. This is a flavour of things that have been going on.
Regatta roundup
Theme for regattas this year has been….weather. Lots of it.
North Berwick‘s regatta in August was no exception, with washing machine-like seas meaning an altered, although no less testing, course for much of the day, rather than racing in front of rather than around Craigleith. Skies were always sunny, and sea conditions calmed to give later crews the traditional lung and leg buster around the infamous rock. Notably, in a four way photo finish, our youth crew of Ondrej, Filip, Kirsty and NB young rower, Struan, racing for the first time, claimed a well-deserved silver medal. Well done! Cox Peter was suitably chuffed and relieved of a few quid by way of the now traditional round of 99s!
Readying the Maid at North Berwick. Photo by Elina
Again under glorious skies, crews took part in two long distance events on the first weekend of the month. Lesley J, Gareth, Barbara A, Andy, Gabe, Tacy, Anne, Richard, Ewan and Liz took part in the 21km Castle to Crane race, which took place for the first time since 2019. Meanwhile Val and Donna joined Lesley S, Sarah and Peter in a North Queensferry boat to take part in the Nith Raid in Dumfries. It sounds like everyone had a fantastic time!
North and South Queensferry teamed up for the Nith Raid. Photo by Val
Five Miles
The Five Miles from Home Challenge is back. This is a remote racing time trial challenge, in our home waters, between 27 Sept and 01 October. Tides are perhaps not in our favour for evening crews but I hope you’ll get involved.
The Alan Meldrum Community Challenge is nearly here, after an absence of a number of years. Preparations from a range of crews from the Police to vets to the tennis club are out training. The event itself takes place on Sunday 24 September, and it would be great to have as many people as possible down to help, support and cheer the crews on!
Tweed Row
Sadly there’s not been enough sign up for us to send a boat to this event.
Freshwater Sprints
The SCRA Freshwater Sprints are the traditional end to the regatta season, where we trot up to the glorious waters of Loch Tummel and are hosted by the sailing club there. We race for the south-east region rather than our club at this event. A sign-up sheet will be up in the shed shortly. The sprints take place on Saturday, 28 October.
Loch Tummel makes a wonderful venue for the Freshwater Sprints
The team, led as ever by Douglas and Mark, have been getting on with the new ‘Frank’ oars and we all very grateful for the hard work being put in. I think everyone’s getting excited about the prospect of using them. We’re looking at ways of thinning out our surplus sets, but rest assured we’ll be keeping our much loved ‘new’ oars and the red-taped Clenshaws (which are due to receive some TLC shortly).
We’re holding our AGM in person at 19:30 on Wednesday 11 October at the Port Edgar Boat Station, the fantastic national Sea Cadet facility at the top of the slip. In Scottish coastal rowing style, please bring your own cup for refreshments, and any baked goodies you’d like to share with others. Although access is up the stairs to the balcony, there is a lift for anyone with mobility problems.
We all have a part to play in the effective running of the club, but the Committee have an important leadership role. I’d encourage you, yes you!, to think about standing.
Happy rowing everyone!
Winter is coming! Anne F took this photo in February this year
Club secretary Steph writes: I know you’re still enjoying summer warmth but in fact it’s almost time for our AGM and time to get on with the arrangements for it.
Please see the notice reproduced below, calling for our AGM on Wednesday 11th October 2023. This year will see a return to an ‘in-person’ format in the plush surroundings of the Sea-Cadet centre.
During the AGM, the 2023-2024 committee will be elected to steer club operations for the next year.
Sign up sheets have been posted on the club notice-board for nominations for ordinary committee and officer positions.
Committee positions are open to all members of the club new and established who can commit some time to the monthly meetings and assist with the functioning of the club. We would encourage all members to think about making this valuable contribution to our club; gather two proposers and pop your names on the sheets by the 26th September.
Queensferry Rowing Club Annual General Meeting, Wednesday 11th October 2023
Calling Notice The Annual General Meeting of Queensferry Rowing Club will be held on Wednesday 11th October 2023, 7.30pm in the Sea Cadet Boat Station, Port Edgar. A draft agenda and minutes of the previous AGM will be sent via email or letter to members at the end of September. They will also be posted on the Club website. Any additions to the agenda should be made known to Stephanie Durning, Secretary, via secretary@queensferryrowing.org by 3rd October 2023. Nominations for any position in the Committee should be notified to the Secretary by 5pm on Tuesday 26th September 2023 with Proposers and Seconders (Please remember to propose or second next to the nominations). A Nomination Sheet has been posted in the Shed also, and will be available there until the same time. In the event that there are more nominations than the required four Office Bearers and not more than seven members, a vote will be held at the AGM Any current Committee member who decides not to stand for re-election should inform the Secretary by the 3rd of October.
The current Committee are: Marianne Sandison, Captain Mike Breewood, Vice-Captain Anne Purcell, Treasurer Stephanie Durning, Secretary Members: John Howell, Beth Christie, Lesley Jones and Louise Innes.