Despite a brisk breeze and a shower or two, there was a good turnout for this morning’s social rowing session. It was just the Lass, as the Maid is upside down – more on that below. There was an early training row followed by three (bouncy) excursions down to the old harbour and back.
Sheena and Ranald visited, bearing a large batch of Sheena’s famous shortbread. It was all gone by the time the third crew arrived back in the shed!
As the crews came and went the maintenance squad carried on working away in the background. The Maid is resting on the Carse Transporter, a wheeled platform created by Douglas that allows the boat being worked on to be easily moved outdoors.

If you want to help, keep an eye on the club emails or contact Mark, who is organising the work. The keel and outside will be done first, then once it’s dry the boat is flipped and work begins on the inside, and the gunnels, footrests and rudder.
We are very lucky as a club to have such a skilled and willing group working on maintenance – thank you! Work is also being carried out on refurbing the shed itself – you can see from the photo above a new window frame on the right. That work has been suspended while the boats are being repainted but will resume in due course. Again, a huge vote of thanks to all involved in that project.