Club captain Anne P writes: Yesterday saw an important landmark in our return to rowing – the first RPs, Mark, Stevie L and Peter, tried out our new return to rowing protocol with Anne F and Marianne (as club Covid Officer). We’d like to thank Peter, Mark and Stevie L for engaging so positively and enthusiastically.

The RTR Group have been working very hard behind the scenes to get to put this protocol together. Live testing it, it proved robust, practical and what we need to do to get back on the water, while complying with SCRA and Scottish Government rules. There was only one tweak (thanks, Peter!), so I am now able to share it with the Club. Click here to view or download a PDF of the document. The Committee and RPs have already had sight.
While it may at first look daunting, this is what we will all need to do, without exception, to keep us rowing. It is for our own safety as individuals, as a Club, as a community, and as part of the Scottish coastal rowing family.
The protocol might best be summed up as:
- Sanitise the boat and equipment
- Row!
- Wash the boat and equipment.
It’s not a barrier to rowing, but something that will ENABLE us to do the thing we all love.
We hope to have more RPs out as soon as possible, so if you spot a boat out, as some of you with eagle eyes did, that’s what’s happening.
We are a community club and we want to ensure that everyone who wants to has an opportunity to row, so the Committee are also looking at a booking system to make this happen.
While some smaller clubs are out, many clubs are moving at a similar pace to QRC. It’s important we get this right, so please be patient for a little longer.
And once again, thanks to Peter, Stevie L and Mark for stepping up and supporting the process!